Commit 59826da6 authored by Mikhail Tergoev's avatar Mikhail Tergoev

###Scripts version 1116###

parent 603d0d88
......@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ PW_SCRIPTS_UPDATE () {
read "scripts_update_not" < "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/scripts_update_notifier"
if [ "${scripts_update_not}" = "1" ] ; then
if try_download_silent "" "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/scripts_cur_ver" ; then
if try_download_silent "" "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/scripts_cur_ver" ; then
export scripts_current_ver=`cat "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/scripts_cur_ver" | grep SCRIPTS_VERSION | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`
try_remove_file "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/scripts_cur_ver"
echo "Scripts version in github = ${scripts_current_ver}"
#Author: Castro-Fidel (
export PW_MANGOHUD=1
export MANGOHUD_CONFIG=font_size=24,position=top-left,toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12,no_display
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