Commit 7d9804ce authored by Anton Palgunov's avatar Anton Palgunov

fix: Changing language will trigger correct select dialog. Also fixed first…

fix: Changing language will trigger correct select dialog. Also fixed first start of the app with choosing language at first.
parent 6b8e5272
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
if [[ -f "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_loc" ]] ; then
read "update_loc" < "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_loc"
export update_loc=${update_loc}
SET_LANG=`zenity --title "LAUNGUAGE" --text "Select the language" --list --radiolist \
--column="Set:" --column "Choose language:" TRUE "RUS" FALSE "ENG" `
echo "${SET_LANG}" > "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_loc"
export update_loc=${SET_LANG}
if [ "${update_loc}" = "RUS" ]
......@@ -337,9 +342,4 @@ then
export loc_edit_db="Edit database file for"
export loc_find_d3dadapter9_error="not found in the system.\nInstall it and try again."
SET_LANG=`zenity --title "LAUNGUAGE" --text "Select the language" --list --radiolist \
--column="Set:" --column "Choose language:" TRUE "RUS" FALSE "ENG" `
echo "${SET_LANG}" > "${PORT_WINE_TMP_PATH}/${portname}_loc"
exit 0
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