Commit 7fd54ed7 authored by Mikhail Tergoev's avatar Mikhail Tergoev

Scripts version 2251

parent 47e625d3
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ You can help us in the development of the project on the website: https://linux-
###Scripts version 2251### Date: 02.02.2024 / Download update size: 8 megabytes
* HOTFIX - fixed automatic closing of EAapp after its installation
###Scripts version 2250### Date: 02.02.2024 / Download update size: 8 megabytes
* fixed prefix adjustment and updating when starting from steam
* fixed unpacking of WINE archives when starting from steam
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
История изменений:
###Scripts version 2251### Дата: 02.02.2024 / Размер скачиваемого обновления: 8 мегабайт
* HOTFIX - исправлено автоматическое закрытие EAapp после его установки на некоторых системах
###Scripts version 2250### Дата: 02.02.2024 / Размер скачиваемого обновления: 8 мегабайт
* исправлено добавление ярлыков в steam если имеется более одного каталога с пользователями в steam
* исправлена подготавка префикса и его обновление при запуске из steam
......@@ -610,13 +610,13 @@ pw_kill_autostart () {
sleep 5
while true ; do
if [[ -z "`ps aux | grep -m 1 "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`" ]] && [[ ! -z "`ps aux | grep wrap | grep -v grep | grep -i ${portname} | head -n 1`" ]] ; then
if [[ -z "`ps aux | grep -m 1 -i "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`" ]] && [[ ! -z "`ps aux | grep wrap | grep -v grep | grep -i ${portname} | head -n 1`" ]] ; then
echo -e "PID "$1" not found"
sleep "${SWAIT}"
sleep "${SWAIT}"
if [[ "$3" == please ]]
then kill -s SIGTERM `ps aux | grep -m 1 "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
then kill -s SIGTERM `ps aux | grep -m 1 -i "$1" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
else kill_portwine
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ start_portwine
if try_download_game "" "${PW_AUTOINSTALL_EXE}"
pw_start_progress_bar_block "${loc_gui_installing_the} EA Launcher. ${loc_gui_please_wait} "
pw_kill_autostart EABackgroundService.exe 5 please &
pw_kill_autostart EABackgroundSer 5 please &
mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop"
portwine_exe="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#Author: Castro-Fidel (
export PW_MANGOHUD="0"
export DEFAULT_MANGOHUD_CONFIG="cpu_stats,cpu_temp,cpu_mhz,gpu_stats,gpu_temp,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,vulkan_driver,gpu_name,vram,ram,frame_timing=1,time,arch,wine,toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12,resolution,vkbasalt,gamemode"
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