Commit 96af8db4 authored by Victor Ananjesky's avatar Victor Ananjesky

fix color button for gtk3

parent 92678291
......@@ -326,10 +326,15 @@ set_field_value (guint num, gchar * value)
GdkColor c;
gdk_color_parse (value, &c);
gtk_color_button_set_color (GTK_COLOR_BUTTON (w), &c);
GdkRGBA c;
gdk_rgba_parse (value, &c);
gtk_color_chooser_set_rgba (GTK_COLOR_CHOOSER (w), &c);
......@@ -1276,7 +1281,7 @@ form_print_field (guint fn)
GdkRGBA c;
GtkColorChooser *cb = GTK_COLOR_CHOOSER (g_slist_nth_data (fields, fn));
gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba (cb, &c);
cs = get_color (&c);
cs = get_color (&c);
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