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Commit afbb68e1 authored by Victor Ananjevsky's avatar Victor Ananjevsky

some output fixing

parent 39c0805c
......@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ list_create_widget (GtkWidget *dlg)
if (options.debug)
if (options.list_data.checkbox || options.list_data.radiobox)
g_printerr ("YAD: WARNING: You are use --checklist or --radiolist option. Those options obsoleted and will be removed in the future");
g_printerr (_("WARNING: You are use --checklist or --radiolist option. Those options obsoleted and will be removed in the future\n"));
n_cols = g_slist_length (options.list_data.columns);
......@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ main (gint argc, gchar ** argv)
options.plug = -1;
if (options.debug)
g_printerr ("YAD: WARNING: --plug mode not supported outside X11");
g_printerr (_("WARNING: --plug mode not supported outside X11\n"));
/* plug mode */
......@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ main (gint argc, gchar ** argv)
g_printerr ("This mode not supported outside X11");
g_printerr (_("WARNING: This mode not supported outside X11\n"));
return 1;
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ progress_create_widget (GtkWidget *dlg)
YadProgressBar *bar = g_new0 (YadProgressBar, 1);
if (options.debug)
g_printerr ("YAD: WARNING: You are usinge old-style progress dialog. This features is obsolete now, please use --bar style instead");
g_printerr (_("WARNING: You are usinge old-style progress dialog. This features is obsolete now, please use --bar style instead\n"));
if (options.progress_data.pulsate)
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ run_command_sync (gchar *cmd, gchar **out)
if (!g_spawn_command_line_sync (full_cmd, out, NULL, &ret, &err))
if (options.debug)
g_printerr ("YAD: WARNING: Run command failed: %s", err->message);
g_printerr (_("WARNING: Run command failed: %s"), err->message);
g_error_free (err);
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ run_command_async (gchar *cmd)
if (!g_spawn_command_line_async (full_cmd, &err))
if (options.debug)
g_printerr ("YAD: WARNING: Run command failed: %s", err->message);
g_printerr (_("WARNING: Run command failed: %s"), err->message);
g_error_free (err);
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