Commit 22e9b361 authored by David McKay's avatar David McKay

Merge branch 'elastisys-influxdb-backup-starting-deadline-seconds' into master

parents a5bd8b2a 1b5dff10
apiVersion: v1
name: influxdb
version: 4.8.7
version: 4.8.8
appVersion: 1.8.0
description: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
......@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ The following table lists configurable parameters, their descriptions, and their
| | Azure Blob Storage config | `nil`
| backup.s3 | Amazon S3 (or compatible) config | `nil`
| backup.schedule | Schedule to run jobs in cron format | `0 0 * * *` |
| backup.startingDeadlineSeconds | Deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses its scheduled time for any reason | `nil` |
| backup.annotations | Annotations for backup cronjob | {} |
| backup.podAnnotations | Annotations for backup cronjob pods | {} |
| backup.persistence.enabled | Boolean to enable and disable persistance | false |
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ metadata:
{{- toYaml .Values.backup.annotations | nindent 4 }}
schedule: {{ .Values.backup.schedule | quote }}
startingDeadlineSeconds: {{ .Values.backup.startingDeadlineSeconds }}
concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
......@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ backup:
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 8Gi
schedule: "0 0 * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds: ""
annotations: {}
podAnnotations: {}
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