| initScripts.enabled | Boolean flag to enable and disable initscripts. If the container finds any files with the extensions .sh or .iql inside of the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder, it will execute them. The order they are executed in is determined by the shell. This is usually alphabetical order. | false |
| initScripts.enabled | Boolean flag to enable and disable initscripts. If the container finds any files with the extensions .sh or .iql inside of the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder, it will execute them. The order they are executed in is determined by the shell. This is usually alphabetical order. | false |
| initScripts.scripts | Init scripts | {} |
| initScripts.scripts | Init scripts | {} |
| backup.enabled | Boolean flag to enable and disable backups. Currently, it backups the data on `azure` and `gcs`. | false |
| backup.enabled | Enable backups, if `true` must configure one of the storage providers | `false` |
| backup.schedule | Cron time | `0 0 * * *`. It means create a backup everyday at `00:00`. |
| backup.gcs | Google Cloud Storage config | `nil`
| backup.annotations | Annotations for backup | {} |