Unverified Commit bcadf3d7 authored by Wojciech Kocjan's avatar Wojciech Kocjan Committed by GitHub

Update telegraf-operator to 1.3.6 (#454)

parent 95ab8820
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ type: application
# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
# to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
version: 1.3.5
version: 1.3.6
# This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
# incremented each time you make changes to the application.
appVersion: v1.3.5
appVersion: v1.3.6
{{- if .Values.certManager.enable -}}
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: {{ include "telegraf-operator.fullname" . }}
......@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ rules:
- secrets
- '*'
- apiGroups:
- ""
- namespaces
verbs: ["get", "list"]
- apiGroups:
- ""
- pods
verbs: ["get"]
{{- if .Values.certManager.enable -}}
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: telegraf-operator-issuer
{{- if .Capabilities.APIVersions.Has "policy/v1" }}
apiVersion: policy/v1
{{- else }}
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
{{- end }}
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
name: {{ include "telegraf-operator.fullname" . }}
......@@ -9,4 +13,4 @@ spec:
minAvailable: 1
{{- include "telegraf-operator.labels" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- include "telegraf-operator.selectorLabels" . | nindent 6 }}
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