Commit 243840c5 authored by Artem S Vybornov's avatar Artem S Vybornov Committed by Nicolas Giard

fix: postgres engine to query using configured locale (#1269)

* fix: Postgres Engine to query using right locale * fix: postgres search dictLanguage parameter binding
parent 8d735c2c
......@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ module.exports = {
let suggestions = []
const results = await WIKI.models.knex.raw(`
SELECT id, path, locale, title, description
FROM "pagesVector", to_tsquery(?) query
FROM "pagesVector", to_tsquery(?,?) query
WHERE query @@ "tokens"
ORDER BY ts_rank(tokens, query) DESC
`, [tsquery(q)])
`, [this.config.dictLanguage, tsquery(q)])
if (results.rows.length < 5) {
const suggestResults = await WIKI.models.knex.raw(`SELECT word, word <-> ? AS rank FROM "pagesWords" WHERE similarity(word, ?) > 0.2 ORDER BY rank LIMIT 5;`, [q, q])
suggestions = => r.word)
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