Commit 7db814c7 authored by Phil Cullen's avatar Phil Cullen Committed by Nicolas Giard

fix: use global replace for analytics header templates (#1134)

Support replacing multiple instances of the same template variable in analytics templates
parent ab8391c0
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ module.exports = class Analytics extends Model {
code.bodyEnd = _.defaultTo(code.bodyEnd, '')
_.forOwn(provider.config, (value, key) => {
code.head = _.replace(code.head, `{{${key}}}`, value)
code.head = _.replace(code.head, new RegExp(`{{${key}}}`, 'g'), value)
code.bodyStart = _.replace(code.bodyStart, `{{${key}}}`, value)
code.bodyEnd = _.replace(code.bodyEnd, `{{${key}}}`, value)
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