Commit 9313bf8d authored by Nick's avatar Nick

fix: clarify icons fa prefixes in admin nav help

parent 1d8f1f50
......@@ -285,4 +285,12 @@ export default {
.v-application.admin {
code {
box-shadow: none;
font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
color: mc('pink', '500');
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ strong Material Design Icons Refer to the #[a(href='', target='_blank') Material Design Icons Reference] for the list of all possible values. You must prefix all values with #[code mdi-], e.g. #[code mdi-home] strong Font Awesome 5 Refer to the #[a(href='', target='_blank') Font Awesome 5 Reference] for the list of all possible values. You must prefix all values with #[code fas fa-], e.g. #[code fas fa-home] Refer to the #[a(href='', target='_blank') Font Awesome 5 Reference] for the list of all possible values. You must prefix all values with #[code fas fa-], e.g. #[code fas fa-home]. Note that some icons use different prefixes (e.g. #[code fab], #[code fad], #[code fal], #[code far]). strong Font Awesome 4 Refer to the #[a(href='', target='_blank') Font Awesome 4 Reference] for the list of all possible values. You must prefix all values with #[code fa fa-], e.g. #[code fa fa-home]
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
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......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
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"scim-query-filter-parser": "1.1.0",
"semver": "6.3.0",
"serve-favicon": "2.5.0",
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
"@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta": "^7.2.0",
"@babel/polyfill": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.5.4",
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"@mdi/font": "4.2.95",
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"@vue/babel-preset-app": "3.11.0",
"animate-sass": "0.8.2",
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