Unverified Commit 932bb6fd authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel

ci: update digitalocean motd message

parent 4ecf1f01
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
myip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print$1}')
cat <<EOF
Welcome to DigitalOcean's 1-Click Docker Droplet.
Welcome to Wiki.js's 1-Click DigitalOcean Droplet.
To keep this Droplet secure, the UFW firewall is enabled.
All ports are BLOCKED except 22 (SSH), 80 (Docker) and 443 (Docker).
* The Docker 1-Click Quickstart guide is available at:
* The Wiki.js 1-Click DigitalOcean Quickstart guide is available at:
* You can SSH to this Droplet in a terminal as root: ssh root@$myip
* Docker is installed and configured per Docker's recommendations:
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