Commit 9f9e75c9 authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel

Updated npm install script

parent 956d3aca
......@@ -14,15 +14,13 @@ This npm package is an installer for Wiki.js. For information about Wiki.js, inc
- [Installation Guide](
- [GitHub Repository](
### Install Wiki.js using npm
### Install Wiki.js
1. Create an empty folder where Wiki.js will run.
2. Launch a terminal / command prompt inside this newly created folder.
3. Run the command: `npm install wiki.js@latest`
4. Wait for the installation process to complete. This may take several minutes.
5. Edit the file `config.yml` located in the root of your folder and change the settings accordingly.
6. Run the command: `node wiki start`
5. You'll be prompted to run the configuration wizard to finish the installation.
### Install Wiki.js manually
For a manual installation, read the [Installation Guide](
The configuration wizard can also be run manually using: `node wiki configure [port]`
To start Wiki.js manually, run the command: `node wiki start`
......@@ -122,26 +122,26 @@ pm2.connectAsync().then(() => {
}]).then((ans) => {
switch (ans.action) {
case 'default':'> Browse to http://your-server:3000/ to configure your wiki!'))'> Browse to http://your-server:3000/ to configure your wiki! (Replaced your-server with the hostname or IP of your server!)'))
ora = require('ora')({ text: 'I\'ll wait until you\'re done ;)', color: 'yellow', spinner: 'pong' }).start()
return exec.stdout('node', ['wiki', 'configure'], {
cwd: installDir
case 'custom':'> Browse to http://your-server:' + ans.customport + '/ to configure your wiki!'))'> Browse to http://your-server:' + ans.customport + '/ to configure your wiki! (Replaced your-server with the hostname or IP of your server!)'))
ora = require('ora')({ text: 'I\'ll wait until you\'re done ;)', color: 'yellow', spinner: 'pong' }).start()
return exec.stdout('node', ['wiki', 'configure', ans.customport], {
cwd: installDir
default:'> Open config.yml in your favorite editor. Then start Wiki.js using: node wiki start'))'> You can run the configuration wizard using command:') + colors.bold.white(' node wiki configure') + colors.bold.cyan('. Then start Wiki.js using command: ') + colors.bold.white('node wiki start'))
return process.exit(0)
}).then(() => {
ora.succeed('Wiki.js has been configured successfully. It is now starting up and should be accessible very soon!'))
} else {'[!] Non-interactive terminal detected. You may now manually edit config.yml and start Wiki.js by running: node wiki start'))'[WARNING] Non-interactive terminal detected. You must manually start the configuration wizard using the command: node wiki configure'))
}).catch(err => {
"name": "wiki.js",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.9.2",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.9.5",
"description": "A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown",
"main": "install.js",
"scripts": {
Markdown is supported
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