Unverified Commit a508a274 authored by Regev Brody's avatar Regev Brody Committed by GitHub

fix: validate permissions when listing assets (#1928)

* fix: assets permission issues #1926
parent b2fe0257
......@@ -20,18 +20,27 @@ module.exports = {
if (args.kind !== 'ALL') {
cond.kind = args.kind.toLowerCase()
const result = await WIKI.models.assets.query().where(cond)
return result.map(a => ({
const folderHierarchy = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.getHierarchy(args.folderId)
const folderPath = folderHierarchy.map(h => h.slug).join('/')
const results = await WIKI.models.assets.query().where(cond)
return _.filter(results, r => {
const path = folderPath ? `${folderPath}/${r.filename}` : r.filename
return WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['read:assets'], { path })
}).map(a => ({
kind: a.kind.toUpperCase()
async folders(obj, args, context) {
const result = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.query().where({
const results = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.query().where({
parentId: args.parentFolderId === 0 ? null : args.parentFolderId
// TODO: Filter by page rules
return result
const parentHierarchy = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.getHierarchy(args.parentFolderId)
const parentPath = parentHierarchy.map(h => h.slug).join('/')
return _.filter(results, r => {
const path = parentPath ? `${parentPath}/${r.slug}` : r.slug
return WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['read:assets'], { path });
AssetMutation: {
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