@@ -78,37 +78,29 @@ Current and upcoming milestones *(major features only, see the [changelog](https
**Breaking Changes**: MongoDB is being phased out in favor of PostgreSQL + Redis. An upgrade tool will be provided to migrate existing data to the new system.
- :white_check_mark: GraphQL API
-[x] Comments
-[x] Documents
-[x] Files
-[x] Folders
-[x] Groups
-[x] Rights
-[x] Settings
-[x] Tags
-[x] Translations
-[x] Users
- :white_check_mark: Migrate to PostgreSQL + Redis datastore
- :white_check_mark: Telemetry for analytics and crash reporting (Optional and fully anonymized)
- :white_check_mark: Docker support + Auto compile/publish to Docker Hub
- :white_check_mark: Support sub-directory installations (e.g. example.com/wiki)
- :white_check_mark: Make use of all available CPU cores, distributed jobs queue