Commit df246af3 authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel Committed by Nicolas Giard

fix: remove makefile + update nvmrc version

parent e1382771
SHELL := /bin/bash
DEVDB := postgres
start: ## Start Wiki.js in production mode
node wiki start
stop: ## Stop Wiki.js
node wiki stop
restart: ## Restart Wiki.js
node wiki restart
dev-up: ## Start Wiki.js in development mode
node wiki dev
build: ## Build Wiki.js client assets
webpack --profile --config dev/webpack/
watch: ## Watch client files and rebuild assets on changes
webpack --config dev/webpack/
test: ## Run code linting tests
eslint --format codeframe --ext .js,.vue .
pug-lint server/views && jest
docker-dev-up: ## Run dockerized dev environment
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . up -d --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec wiki yarn dev
docker-dev-down: ## Shutdown dockerized dev environment
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . down --remove-orphans
docker-dev-rebuild: ## Rebuild dockerized dev image
rm -rf ./node_modules
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . build --no-cache --force-rm
docker-dev-clean: ## Clean DB and data folders
rm -rf ./data
[[ "${DEVDB}" == "postgres" ]] && docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-postgres/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec db psql --dbname=wiki --username=wikijs --command='DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public' || true
[[ "${DEVDB}" == "mysql" || "${DEVDB}" == "mariadb" ]] && docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec db mysql -uroot -p'wikijsrocks' -e 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS wiki; CREATE SCHEMA wiki;' || true
[[ "${DEVDB}" == "mssql" ]] && docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-mssql/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec db /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P 'W1kiJSR0cks!' -Q 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS wiki; CREATE DATABASE wiki;' || true
[[ "${DEVDB}" == "sqlite" ]] && docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-sqlite/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec wiki rm -rf /wiki/db.sqlite || true
docker-dev-bash: ## Rebuild dockerized dev image
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . exec wiki bash
docker-build: ## Run assets generation build in docker
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . run wiki yarn build
docker-compose -f ./dev/docker-${DEVDB}/docker-compose.yml -p wiki --project-directory . down
help: ## Display help
@echo ''
@echo -e 'usage: \033[1mmake [command] [args...]\033[0m'
@echo ''
@echo -e "$$(grep -hE '^\S+:.*##' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sed -e 's/:.*##\s*/:/' -e 's/^\(.\+\):\(.*\)/\\x1b[36m\1\\x1b[m:\2/' | column -c2 -t -s :)"
@echo ''
.PHONY: clean logs
...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
.body-2 {{ext.description}} .body-2 {{ext.description}}
.body-2 .body-2 This extensions is This extension is'ext.isCompatible', label, outlined, small, color='success') compatible'ext.isCompatible', label, outlined, small, color='success') compatible, label, small, color='error') not compatible, label, small, color='error') not compatible
strong with your host. strong with your host.
...@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ extend type Mutation { ...@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ extend type Mutation {
type CommentQuery { type CommentQuery {
providers: [CommentProvider] @auth(requires: ["manage:system"]) providers: [CommentProvider] @auth(requires: ["manage:system"])
pageId: Int!
): [CommentPost]! @auth(requires: ["read:comments", "manage:system"])
id: Int!
): CommentPost @auth(requires: ["read:comments", "manage:system"])
} }
# ----------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------
...@@ -27,7 +35,16 @@ type CommentMutation { ...@@ -27,7 +35,16 @@ type CommentMutation {
providers: [CommentProviderInput] providers: [CommentProviderInput]
): DefaultResponse @auth(requires: ["manage:system"]) ): DefaultResponse @auth(requires: ["manage:system"])
rebuildIndex: DefaultResponse @auth(requires: ["manage:system"]) create(
pageId: Int!
replyTo: Int
content: String!
): DefaultResponse @auth(requires: ["write:comments", "manage:system"])
id: Int!
content: String!
): DefaultResponse @auth(requires: ["write:comments", "manage:comments", "manage:system"])
} }
# ----------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------
...@@ -50,3 +67,15 @@ input CommentProviderInput { ...@@ -50,3 +67,15 @@ input CommentProviderInput {
key: String! key: String!
config: [KeyValuePairInput] config: [KeyValuePairInput]
} }
type CommentPost {
id: Int!
content: String!
render: String!
authorId: Int!
authorName: String!
authorEmail: String! @auth(requires: ["manage:system"])
authorIP: String! @auth(requires: ["manage:system"])
createdAt: Date!
updatedAt: Date!
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