Unverified Commit e89f304d authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel

fix: handle missing locale strings files

parent f5ad8d7e
......@@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ test-results/
# Localization Resources
......@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ const localazyMetadata = {
baseLocale: "en",
languages: [
language: "de",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "German",
localizedName: "Deutsch",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "en",
region: "",
script: "",
......@@ -10,6 +19,42 @@ const localazyMetadata = {
name: "English",
localizedName: "English",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "fr",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "French",
localizedName: "Français",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===0 || n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "pt",
region: "BR",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "Brazilian Portuguese",
localizedName: "Português (Brasil)",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n>=0 && n<=1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "ru",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "Russian",
localizedName: "Русский",
pluralType: (n) => { return ((n%10===1) && (n%100!==11)) ? "one" : ((n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && ((n%100<12 || n%100>14))) ? "few" : "many"; }
language: "zh",
region: "",
script: "Hans",
isRtl: false,
name: "Simplified Chinese",
localizedName: "简体中文",
pluralType: (n) => { return "other"; }
files: [
......@@ -22,7 +67,12 @@ const localazyMetadata = {
buildType: "",
productFlavors: [],
cdnFiles: {
"en#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/en/file.json"
"de#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/de/file.json",
"en#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/en/file.json",
"fr#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/fr/file.json",
"pt_BR#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/pt-BR/file.json",
"ru#": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/ru/file.json",
"zh#Hans": "https://delivery.localazy.com/_a7797965569058078203416ae5aa/_e0/54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408/zh-Hans/file.json"
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export class Locale extends Model {
const dbLocales = await WIKI.db.locales.query().select('code', 'updatedAt')
let localFilesSkipped = 0
for (const lang of localesMeta.languages) {
// -> Build filename
const langFilenameParts = [lang.language]
......@@ -63,27 +64,35 @@ export class Locale extends Model {
// -> Get File version
const flPath = path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, `locales/${langFilename}.json`)
const flStat = await stat(flPath)
const flUpdatedAt = DateTime.fromJSDate(flStat.mtime)
try {
const flStat = await stat(flPath)
const flUpdatedAt = DateTime.fromJSDate(flStat.mtime)
// -> Load strings
if (!dbLang || DateTime.fromJSDate(dbLang.updatedAt) < flUpdatedAt || force) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Loading locale ${langFilename} into DB...`)
const flStrings = JSON.parse(await readFile(flPath, 'utf8'))
await WIKI.db.locales.query().insert({
code: langFilename,
name: lang.name,
nativeName: lang.localizedName,
language: lang.language,
region: lang.region,
script: lang.script,
isRTL: lang.isRtl,
strings: flStrings
}).onConflict('code').merge(['strings', 'updatedAt'])
} else {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Locale ${langFilename} is newer in the DB. Skipping disk version.`)
// -> Load strings
if (!dbLang || DateTime.fromJSDate(dbLang.updatedAt) < flUpdatedAt || force) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Loading locale ${langFilename} into DB...`)
const flStrings = JSON.parse(await readFile(flPath, 'utf8'))
await WIKI.db.locales.query().insert({
code: langFilename,
name: lang.name,
nativeName: lang.localizedName,
language: lang.language,
region: lang.region,
script: lang.script,
isRTL: lang.isRtl,
strings: flStrings
}).onConflict('code').merge(['strings', 'updatedAt'])
} else {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Locale ${langFilename} is newer in the DB. Skipping disk version. [ OK ]`)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Locale ${langFilename} not found on disk. Missing strings file. [ SKIPPED ]`)
if (localFilesSkipped > 0) {
WIKI.logger.info(`${localFilesSkipped} locales were defined in the metadata file but not found on disk. [ SKIPPED ]`)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to load locales from disk: [ FAILED ]`)
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