Commit 287243a9 authored by Aric Stewart's avatar Aric Stewart Committed by Alexandre Julliard

usp10: Group the GDEF table loading with the other opentype tables.

parent 9f18a03b
......@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ typedef struct {
} CMAP_SegmentedCoverage;
/* These are all structures needed for the GDEF table */
#define GDEF_TAG MS_MAKE_TAG('G', 'D', 'E', 'F')
enum {BaseGlyph=1, LigatureGlyph, MarkGlyph, ComponentGlyph};
typedef struct {
......@@ -609,27 +607,11 @@ static WORD OT_get_glyph_class(const void *table, WORD glyph)
return class;
static VOID *load_gdef_table(HDC hdc)
int length = GetFontData(hdc, GDEF_TAG , 0, NULL, 0);
if (length != GDI_ERROR)
GDEF_Table = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,length);
GetFontData(hdc, GDEF_TAG , 0, GDEF_Table, length);
TRACE("Loaded GDEF table of %i bytes\n",length);
return GDEF_Table;
void OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, const WORD cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, const WORD cChars, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp)
void OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(ScriptCache *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, const WORD cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, const WORD cChars, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp)
int i;
void *glyph_class_table = NULL;
if (!psc->GDEF_Table)
psc->GDEF_Table = load_gdef_table(hdc);
if (psc->GDEF_Table)
const GDEF_Header *header = psc->GDEF_Table;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static void ContextualShape_Mongolian(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
typedef VOID (*ShapeCharGlyphPropProc)( HDC , ScriptCache*, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS*, const WCHAR*, const INT, const WORD*, const INT, WORD*, SCRIPT_CHARPROP*, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP*);
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default( HDC hdc, ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP* pGlyphProp);
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default( ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP* pGlyphProp);
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Arabic( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp );
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Hebrew( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp );
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Thai( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP *pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp );
......@@ -675,12 +675,27 @@ static VOID *load_gpos_table(HDC hdc)
return GPOS_Table;
static VOID *load_gdef_table(HDC hdc)
int length = GetFontData(hdc, MS_MAKE_TAG('G', 'D', 'E', 'F'), 0, NULL, 0);
if (length != GDI_ERROR)
GDEF_Table = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,length);
GetFontData(hdc, MS_MAKE_TAG('G', 'D', 'E', 'F'), 0, GDEF_Table, length);
TRACE("Loaded GDEF table of %i bytes\n",length);
return GDEF_Table;
static VOID load_ot_tables(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc)
if (!psc->GSUB_Table)
psc->GSUB_Table = load_gsub_table(hdc);
if (!psc->GPOS_Table)
psc->GPOS_Table = load_gpos_table(hdc);
if (!psc->GDEF_Table)
psc->GDEF_Table = load_gdef_table(hdc);
INT SHAPE_does_GSUB_feature_apply_to_chars(HDC hdc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, ScriptCache* psc, const WCHAR *chars, INT write_dir, INT count, const char* feature)
......@@ -2741,8 +2756,6 @@ static void ContextualShape_Mongolian(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
dirL = 1;
load_ot_tables(hdc, psc);
if (!psc->GSUB_Table)
......@@ -2785,7 +2798,7 @@ static void ContextualShape_Mongolian(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default( HDC hdc, ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP* pGlyphProp)
static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default( ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP* pGlyphProp)
int i,k;
......@@ -2813,7 +2826,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default( HDC hdc, ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYS
pGlyphProp[i].sva.uJustification = SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
UpdateClustersFromGlyphProp(cGlyphs, cChars, pwLogClust, pGlyphProp);
......@@ -2922,7 +2935,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Arabic( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSI
pGlyphProp[i].sva.uJustification = SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
UpdateClustersFromGlyphProp(cGlyphs, cChars, pwLogClust, pGlyphProp);
......@@ -2953,7 +2966,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Hebrew( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSI
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
UpdateClustersFromGlyphProp(cGlyphs, cChars, pwLogClust, pGlyphProp);
......@@ -2974,7 +2987,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Thai( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
dirL = 1;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
for (i = 0; i < cGlyphs; i++)
......@@ -3042,7 +3055,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_None( HDC hdc, ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS*
pGlyphProp[i].sva.uJustification = SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
UpdateClustersFromGlyphProp(cGlyphs, cChars, pwLogClust, pGlyphProp);
......@@ -3073,7 +3086,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Tibet( HDC hdc, ScriptCache* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
pGlyphProp[i].sva.uJustification = SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
UpdateClustersFromGlyphProp(cGlyphs, cChars, pwLogClust, pGlyphProp);
/* Tibeten script does not set sva.fDiacritic or sva.fZeroWidth */
......@@ -3091,7 +3104,7 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_BaseIndic( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANAL
int i,k;
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(hdc, psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(psc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, cChars, pGlyphProp);
for (i = 0; i < cGlyphs; i++)
int char_index[20];
......@@ -3235,10 +3248,12 @@ static void ShapeCharGlyphProp_Khmer( HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS
void SHAPE_CharGlyphProp(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, const WCHAR* pwcChars, const INT cChars, const WORD* pwGlyphs, const INT cGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP *pCharProp, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp)
load_ot_tables(hdc, psc);
if (ShapingData[psa->eScript].charGlyphPropProc)
ShapingData[psa->eScript].charGlyphPropProc(hdc, psc, psa, pwcChars, cChars, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, pCharProp, pGlyphProp);
ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default(hdc, psc, psa, pwcChars, cChars, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, pCharProp, pGlyphProp);
ShapeCharGlyphProp_Default(psc, psa, pwcChars, cChars, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, pwLogClust, pCharProp, pGlyphProp);
void SHAPE_ContextualShaping(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, WCHAR* pwcChars, INT cChars, WORD* pwOutGlyphs, INT* pcGlyphs, INT cMaxGlyphs, WORD *pwLogClust)
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void Indic_ParseSyllables( HDC hdc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, ScriptCache* psc, LPCW
void BREAK_line(const WCHAR *chars, int count, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *sa, SCRIPT_LOGATTR *la) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
DWORD OpenType_CMAP_GetGlyphIndex(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, DWORD utf32c, LPWORD pgi, DWORD flags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(HDC hdc, ScriptCache *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, const WORD cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, const WORD cChars, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void OpenType_GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps(ScriptCache *psc, const WORD *pwGlyphs, const WORD cGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, const WORD cChars, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProp) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
INT OpenType_apply_GSUB_lookup(LPCVOID table, INT lookup_index, WORD *glyphs, INT glyph_index, INT write_dir, INT *glyph_count) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
INT OpenType_apply_GPOS_lookup(LPOUTLINETEXTMETRICW lpotm, LPLOGFONTW lplogfont, const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *analysis, INT* piAdvance,
LPCVOID table, INT lookup_index, const WORD *glyphs, INT glyph_index, INT glyph_count, GOFFSET *pGoffset) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
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