Commit c92dcf25 authored by Michael Müller's avatar Michael Müller Committed by Vitaly Lipatov

ntdll: Fix holes in ELF mappings. (v2)

Based on a patch by Andrew Wesie.
parent f39deecc
......@@ -1211,6 +1211,16 @@ static inline BOOL is_write_watch_range( const void *addr, size_t size )
* is_system_range
static inline BOOL is_system_range( const void *addr, size_t size )
struct file_view *view = find_view( addr, size );
return view && (view->protect & VPROT_SYSTEM);
* find_view_range
* Find the first view overlapping at least part of the specified range.
......@@ -3416,6 +3426,19 @@ NTSTATUS virtual_handle_fault( void *addr, DWORD err, void *stack )
/* ignore fault if page is writable now */
if (get_unix_prot( get_page_vprot( page ) ) & PROT_WRITE) ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;
else if (!err && (get_unix_prot( vprot ) & PROT_READ) && is_system_range( page, page_size ))
int unix_prot = get_unix_prot( vprot );
unsigned char vec;
mprotect_range( page, page_size, 0, 0 );
if (!mincore( page, page_size, &vec ) && (vec & 1))
else if (anon_mmap_fixed( page, page_size, unix_prot, 0 ) == page)
set_page_vprot_bits( page, page_size, 0, VPROT_READ | VPROT_EXEC );
mutex_unlock( &virtual_mutex );
return ret;
......@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ static void test_EnumProcessModules(void)
static void test_GetModuleInformation(void)
HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
DWORD *tmp, counter = 0;
DWORD ret;
......@@ -213,10 +214,21 @@ static void test_GetModuleInformation(void)
GetModuleInformation(hpQV, hMod, &info, sizeof(info)-1);
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "expected error=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER but got %ld\n", GetLastError());
ret = GetModuleInformation(hpQV, hMod, &info, sizeof(info));
ok(ret == 1, "failed with %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(info.lpBaseOfDll == hMod, "lpBaseOfDll=%p hMod=%p\n", info.lpBaseOfDll, hMod);
hMod = LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll");
ok(hMod != NULL, "Failed to load shell32.dll, error: %lu\n", GetLastError());
ret = GetModuleInformation(hpQV, hMod, &info, sizeof(info));
ok(ret == 1, "failed with %lu\n", GetLastError());
info.SizeOfImage /= sizeof(DWORD);
for (tmp = (DWORD *)hMod; info.SizeOfImage; info.SizeOfImage--)
counter ^= *tmp++;
trace("xor of shell32: %08lx\n", counter);
static BOOL check_with_margin(SIZE_T perf, SIZE_T sysperf, int margin)
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