Commit e1d3434b authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Vitaly Lipatov

esync: Update README.

parent 2f97636b
......@@ -2,6 +2,29 @@ This is eventfd-based synchronization, or 'esync' for short. Turn it on with
WINEESYNC=1 (note that it checks the presence and not the value); debug it
with +esync.
Please let me know if you find any bugs. If you can, also attach a log with
If you get something like "eventfd: Too many open files" and then things start
crashing, you've probably run out of file descriptors. esync creates one
eventfd descriptor for each synchronization object, and some games may use a
large number of these. Linux by default limits a process to 4096 file
descriptors, which probably was reasonable back in the nineties but isn't
really anymore. (Fortunately Debian and derivatives [Ubuntu, Mint] already
have a reasonable limit.) To raise the limit you'll want to edit
/etc/security/limits.conf and add a line like
* hard nofile 1048576
then restart your session.
Also note that if the wineserver has esync active, all clients also must, and
vice versa. Otherwise things will probably crash quite badly.
The aim is to execute all synchronization operations in "user-space", that is,
without going through wineserver. We do this using Linux's eventfd
facility. The main impetus to using eventfd is so that we can poll multiple
......@@ -135,8 +158,6 @@ surprisingly there aren't that many. In particular:
There are some things that are perfectly implementable but that I just haven't
done yet:
* NtQuery*. That said, these APIs aren't exposed through kernel32 in any way, so
I doubt anyone is going to be using them.
* Other synchronizable server primitives. It's unlikely we'll need any of
these, except perhaps named pipes (which would honestly be rather difficult)
and (maybe) timers.
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