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  • Vitaly Lipatov's avatar
    3.30.0-alt1 · af604134
    Vitaly Lipatov authored
    - epm-repack: fix rpm package arch (add --target to rpmbuild)
    - epm repack: add iwbdriver support (usable on 32 bit platform only)
    - distr_info: add Solus (eopkg) support
    - add eopkg package manager support (Solus system)
    - epm repack rustdesk: support repacking 1.1.9 and nightly 1.2.0
    - epm play rustdesk: allow install nigthly version (latest 1.1.9 as stable)
    - pack example eepm.conf
    - epm install: don't disable rpm scripts for packages from /etc/eepm/pkgallowscripts.list
    - epm install: don't disable rpm scripts for vendors from /etc/eepm/vendorallowscripts.list
    - epm play: add assistant, myoffice, r7-office to pkgallowscripts.list to use --scripts by default
    - disable AutoReq (exclude shell) and AutoProv
    - epm play mssql-server: fix changed download URL for ALT
eepm.spec 94.9 KB