Commit 9ab65e8d authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm repack fix pycharm-community on Sisyphus

parent 600f5b3e
......@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ for i in $BUILDROOT$PRODUCTDIR/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_frame_eva
remove_file $PRODUCTDIR/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/_pydevd_frame_eval/$(basename $i)
epm assure patchelf || exit
for i in jbr/lib/lib*.so ; do
a= patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/server:$ORIGIN' $BUILDROOT$PRODUCTDIR/$i
subst 's|%dir "'$PRODUCTDIR'/"||' $SPEC
subst 's|%dir "'$PRODUCTDIR'/bin/"||' $SPEC
subst 's|%dir "'$PRODUCTDIR'/lib/"||' $SPEC
......@@ -81,4 +87,4 @@ pack_dir $PRODUCTDIR/lib/
pack_dir $PRODUCTDIR/plugins/
subst '1iAutoProv:no' $SPEC
subst '1iAutoReq:yes,nopython,nopython3' $SPEC
subst '1iAutoReq:yes,nopython,nopython3,nomono,nomonolib' $SPEC
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