Commit 0a5f164d authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

cleanup, build-vm: mutual support

It appears that reusing installer-feature-*-stage3 packages is perfectly fine with VM images; these just need to be removed after the package scripts they carry have worked out.
parent 8a04d9b6
# virtual machines # virtual machines
ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS)) ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
vm/icewm: vm/bare use/x11/xdm +icewm; @: # NB: use/x11 employs some installer-feature packages
vm/icewm: vm/bare use/cleanup/installer use/x11/xdm +icewm; @:
endif endif
#!/bin/sh -efu
# remove temporary packages from the installed system
list="$(rpmquery -a --qf='%{NAME}\n' $GLOBAL_CLEANUP_PACKAGES)"
[ -z "$list" ] || apt-get remove -f -y -- $list
...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ cat > "$SCRIPT" << EOF ...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ cat > "$SCRIPT" << EOF
# don't override the script start message on the same line # don't override the script start message on the same line
# remove extra packages from installed system # remove temporary packages from the installed system
list="\$(exec_chroot rpmquery -a --qf='%{NAME}\\n' $GLOBAL_CLEANUP_PACKAGES)" list="\$(exec_chroot rpmquery -a --qf='%{NAME}\\n' $GLOBAL_CLEANUP_PACKAGES)"
[ -z "\$list" ] || exec_chroot apt-get remove -f -y -- \$list [ -z "\$list" ] || exec_chroot apt-get remove -f -y -- \$list
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