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Commit 1d67c101 authored by toxblh's avatar toxblh Committed by Roman Alifanov

Add: for ximper only

parent 9e8c05bd
Ximper Readme
├── distro/ximper-nvidia/
│ └── @nvidia driver pack
└── distro/ximper/
├── distro/.ximper-install-x11-systemd/
│ └── distro/.ximper-install-x11/
│ ├── distro/.ximper-install/
│ │ └── distro/.ximper-base/
│ │ └── distro/.ximper-bare/
│ │ └── distro/.base
│ ├── mixin/ximper-desktop
│ └── mixin/ximper-x11
├── distro/.ximper-wm/
│ ├── distro/.ximper-x11/
│ │ ├── distro/.ximper-base/
│ │ │ └── distro/.ximper-bare/
│ │ │ └── distro/.base
│ │ └── mixin/ximper-x11
│ └── mixin/ximper-desktop
└── mixin/ximper-desktop-common-software
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