Commit 269b3222 authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

workstation/emulators: wine-mono needed for X86 only

parent 7acb72b4
wine@i586 wine@i586
libwine-gl@i586 libwine-gl@i586
libwine-twain@i586 libwine-twain@i586
wine-mono wine-mono@X86
wine-gecko wine-gecko@X86
i586-wine@x86_64 i586-wine@x86_64
i586-libwine-gl@x86_64 i586-libwine-gl@x86_64
i586-xorg-dri-*@x86_64 i586-xorg-dri-*@x86_64
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