Commit d6fd23bb authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

live: live-install not adapted for non-X86

parent 1e837685
......@@ -63,8 +63,12 @@ use/live/install: use/metadata use/xdg-user-dirs use/syslinux/localboot.cfg \
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-installer-features)
# text-based installation script
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64,$(ARCH)))
use/live/textinstall: use/syslinux/lateboot.cfg
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,live-install)
use/live/textinstall: ; @:
# a very simplistic one
use/live/.x11: use/live use/x11 use/x11-autologin
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