- 24 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
"prompt" and subsequent first "label" were not separated in any way while second "label" and forth were; let's make the resulting isolinux.cfg a tiny bit more pretty.
- 23 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
alterator-netinst currently relies on "default" being specified explicitly; it's wrong and it should cope with the first "label" clause as well but we're better off being strict to this script, not that one. This commit should be no-op regarding syslinux itself.
- 25 Mar, 2013 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
There's a need for a separate boot target since persistent storage is way slower than tmpfs indeed; usbflash has a tendency for huge performance drops given simultaneous writes in addition to reads which are the bottleneck already. make-initrd-propagator 0.18 introduced ext4 rw slice, so the corresponding kernel module needs to be included into stage1; see also #28289. NB: not available on x86_64-efi (or hybrid GPT to be strict) due to fragility of the hack being made: parted(8) panics upon seeing that, and good ol' fdisk is unable to treat it. NB: use/live/rw use/rescue/rx use/syslinux/ui/gfxboot are unlikely to play very nice together due to the latter's magic l10n: "session" label is taken by live_rw config snippet and *is* translated in design-bootloader-source; OTOH "rescue_session" is *not*.
- 11 Feb, 2013 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
The issue is that gfxboot's gettext support works on "label" strings but doesn't work properly on "menu label" ones as of 4.04 (the "menu label" translations pop up in the "Loading ..." window but menu items themselves are unaffected thus untranslated). NB: debian wheezy's syslinux-4.05 package patchset contains somewhat related 07-gfxboot-menu-label.patch; might be worth attention given that debian folks participate in upstream.
- 20 Jan, 2013 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
The reason is that the most interesting live images by now are installable ones, and while configurable boot order is not there yet the "classic" livecd images will require manual choice to boot. Thanks sem@ for reminding of that FR (which is still open).
- 22 Nov, 2012 1 commit
Ildar Mulyukov authored
- 12 Sep, 2012 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Its immediate purpose was influencing the GRUB boot menu *but* the implemented mechanism is actually a part of the long planned text branding and might be further merged into branding when hierarchical features finally chime in. So let's get the naming straight before it breeds.
Michael Shigorin authored
File contents should be correct.
Mike Radyuk authored
- 11 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
That sub/stage2/install2 was somewhat clumsy actually as it looked like a hierarchical thing while being a substitution thing: generic stage2 would get put in place renamed as install2. This could only get worse with hierarchical features which have already been both requested and considered for quite a time, and "stage2 at install2" reads much more naturally.
- 08 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
There's no (convenient) "eject" at times, so it's better to provide extra ways of booting right away.
- 06 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This trots along the TODO item on text branding and hopefully helps Michael Radyuk (torabora) with his feature request to tweak the installer's "Install ALT Linux" label; as an example, Simply will now offer to "Install Simply Linux".
- 31 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This one was suggested by enp@ for industrial use where some extra protection for the boot process might be quite desirable. If no syslinux ui was specified (the stock configuration paths ensure there is one) or if it was set to "none" explicitly, then there's no boot: prompt (let alone any menu). If there's a need to ensure that the boot process is not interruptable by Ctrl/Shift/Caps Lock/Scroll Lock.
- 18 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
The problem was spotted by Alexander Bandura: bin/tar2vm wasn't present in the generated profile. I considered extending features.in/Makefile to include bin/ alongside lib/ but that would make the helper's location unpredictable (unless BUILDDIR is specified explicitly) so restricting sudoers would be harder; worse yet, the copied file would come with write access for the user building an image. The implications in restricted case are complex enough anyways so the recommended implementation would only include a fixed readonly location like /usr/share/mkimage-profiles/bin/tar2vm as laid out in doc/vm.txt, and that means it's in the metaprofile not a generated profile.
- 25 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
It's configured by plymouth feature when needed; install2 bootargs support is generalized a bit to become stage2 one as was intended anyways.
- 18 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
Keyboard accelerators rather make sense with menu/vesamenu UI.
- 14 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
An initial draft of it was done half a year ago but several tricky thingies had kept the code from showing up as it was rather brittle and incomplete. This implementation involves quite a few changes all over the place but finally works good enough for live and installer images. Please pay attention to the versions of these packages: - installer-feature-setup-plymouth (0.3.2-alt1+) - branding-altlinux-sisyphus (20110706-alt2+ if used) - plymouth (0.8.3-alt20.git20110406+) See also: - http://www.altlinux.org/Branding - http://www.altlinux.org/Plymouth
- 04 May, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
As duly noted by glebfm@, branding issues need more attention by now since only stage1/install2 got some of it so far in this regard. Hence the dedicated feature comes to the rescue (well no, it doesn't actually mess with rescue!).
- 31 Mar, 2012 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
- incompatible change (to fix the rather broken early style): use/syslinux/ui-% is now use/syslinux/ui/%; - default timeout changed to 9 seconds (long enough and keeps the countdown in a single figure); - added totaltimeout of 300 seconds; - provided live kiosk images with almost-instant boot by default; ...and some other assorted tweaks here and there, sorry.
Michael Shigorin authored
There's much reason for reuse instead of duplication among the different stage2-based subprofiles. In particular, the rather monolithic driver cleanup script of the ancient is better done in several clear pieces with the final depmod run. Scripts dropping apt/rpm databases will dump pkglist first. A script purging /boot/* will honour live-install if present. Minor inno^Wfixups all over the map too.
- 26 Mar, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
As was noted by Alexey Shabalin in libosinfo context, current ALT Linux images tend to lack ISO9660 metadata -- which they did have back in the day of Master 2.4. Please note that the data collection occurs this way due to mkimage's config.mk resetting the values to be empty; this was worked around by using another config file, $(BUILDDIR)lib/iso.mk, and including it later but that would require a separate target with per-target CONFIG variable which isn't elegant at all given the need to actually build up the metadata set. So the variables were changed (to be more readable anyways) and then proxied back to BOOT_*. This might be cleaned up some day after the inclusion order is tweaked or mkimage defaults get set-if-unset-yet (?=).
- 04 Jan, 2012 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
Avoid extra files where a variable would suffice; and use the more specific "syslinux.list" rather than a "files.list".
- 21 Dec, 2011 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
Fixed up the remnants of the early style mix to correspond to the proposed doc/style.txt; the rationale being that if [ ... ]; then ... ... fi is the more readable construct among itself, if test ...; then ... ... fi and [ ... ] && { ... ... } due to the condition being more distinguishable when bracketed and the body more apparent as the one inside "if" and not any other block; the less obvious difference is that the final construct of the latter form is prone to the whole script exit status being non-zero if the condition isn't met.
- 19 Dec, 2011 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
- parameter order fixed to "simple first, then those with args" and documented as the preferred one (might be debatable, okay) - added "lowmem" to live so it avoids a ramdisk but works off media (it's a knob for propagator) - added "fastboot" everywhere (but failsafe install) to make use of Linux 2.6.29+ async controller initialization - every snippet got a trailing newline so that isolinux.cfg is readable And a fancy makefile to check for shortcut dups!
- 24 Nov, 2011 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
As noted by imz@ in #26608, a LiveCD is the more preferred boot target to a local drive usually (just as was discussed and implemented for ALT Linux 4.0 IIRC).
- 19 Nov, 2011 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
It's now possible to: - make distro/server-ovz.iso; - make distro/server-ovz-netinst.iso; - publish the former image's contents on ftp.linux.kiev.ua; - boot the latter (~17M) image and enjoy the netinstall ;-) The catch is that the stage2 (altinst file) location has to be hardwired into syslinux config snippet for things to happen automatically -- even if it can be specified manually in case of failure. The other catch is that currently a netinstall image is somewhat tied to the particular image it installs since stage1 kernel and stage2 modules must correspond strictly (the typical symptoms of the glitch would be missing mouse driver and weird "permission denied" errors during an attempt to partition the hard drives). It might be desirable to provide multi-distro netinstall image...
Michael Shigorin authored
The features might get copy-pasted (or even copied-and-pruned) when initialized; there's an unneccessary duplication of the function name in the line adding it to FEATURES list, thus prone to being forgotten and causing some havoc later on. It was wrong in the first place but tackling this with some double-colon rules ran into terminality issues, and further tortures were considered unneccessary. The current solution isn't perfect (no completely transparent function name registration upon corresponding target being called) but at least it is an improvement...
- 06 Nov, 2011 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
- toplevel README received some long-needed refactoring + lowlevel detail moved, well, to lowlevel READMEs - reflected more thoroughly that m-p is not about distros anymore - dropped features.in/00example/README.en: it's already out-of-date a bit, and there's no perceived need in thorough English docs so far - wiki article got split into parts and somewhat rewritten, links updated - mv doc/{CodingStyle,style.txt}
Michael Shigorin authored
Back then I didn't come up with anything smarter than "mkimage-profiles 2.0" (with my tongue in a cheek), but as m-p has grown up to 0.4 it's time to fix this. When done properly, all of the string should be brandable (with some sane default value inheriting from image name), but let's do it at least bit by bit.
- 04 Nov, 2011 11 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
The same change as in m-p-d f1c5dd0 (discussed in #22486). Seems it wasn't the culprit regarding the "BIOS won't boot off this DVD" but is also recommended in README.gfxboot.
Michael Shigorin authored
Borrowed from wmsmall iso by kostyalamer@.
Michael Shigorin authored
This is quite a large-scale change since mkimage-profiles got used to baking distributions over the last year, and virtual environments are quite different, so e.g. image.in/Makefile had to be split in two with the main part of it moved into features.in/iso/lib/. Short overview: - features.in/Makefile: lib/ support (supporting VE images requires dynamic modifications to image.in/Makefile before starting the build; the most natural way to achieve that seems to use features mechanism along with makefile include dir) - packaging format related part moved into features.in/pack (should be better prepared for diversity either) - features.in/iso renamed to features.in/build-distro - features.in/ve renamed to features.in/build-ve + NB: these could not be merged as e.g. features.in/build due to completely different script hooks - lib/image.mk renamed to lib/build.mk - image, config, log postprocessing moved downstream - added a sort of a topping in the form of lib/sugar.mk - assorted style fixups (like ifeq usage) - clean.mk: reliability fix (the problem was observed by Oleg Ivanov and me too but finally it did get the attention quantum) - reviewed, updated and extended docs + QUICKSTART: should be[come] a step-by-step guide (thanks Leo-sp50 for prodiving feedback)
Michael Shigorin authored
"echo ... | xargs cp -t" is a bit more complicated compared to plain "copy ..."
Michael Shigorin authored
This was tackled before but it took raorn@'s hint regarding sys-freedos-linux (ms-sys has no bootsectors compatible with freedos currently) and gns@' quick rush at make-freedos-floppy script to wrap things up. Should be further developed to become actually useful though.
Michael Shigorin authored
Implementation based on m-p-d::profiles/scripts.d/03-syslinux (but heavily modified for m-p of course)
Michael Shigorin authored
- introduced generic stage2 subprofile (non-standalone) - ported installer and rescue over to stage2/{install2,rescue} - initial stage2/live (needs more work for sure) - use make-initrd-propagator - updated and somewhat extended doc/ NB: mind #26133, #26134
Michael Shigorin authored
NB: this implementation is awfully cut-n-paste one, there are lots of common code with install2 which are subject to careful surgery
Michael Shigorin authored
...and switch syslinux.iso over to it: syslinux-3.86-alt4's (actually opensuse's) gfxboot hackery doesn't properly init video mode so memdisk-started freedos has console troubles (and yesterday's hdt.c32 hassles could be avoided as well it seems). And that's being implemented. Mid-term plan: try switching to syslinux4. PS: CLI fallback was actually a bug in hdt from syslinux <= 3.86-alt3
Michael Shigorin authored
Renamed server-light.iso into server-ovz.iso to avoid brand dilution and confusion (rider@'s server-light rather favours kvm, anyways). Introduced KDEFAULT: a reliable default kernel chooser knob since apt's regex ordering proved pretty unreliable. Spelling things explicitly is better anyways. SYSLINUX related features undergone pretty major rewrite (that includes syslinux, hdt and memtest). The problem to tackle was features.in/syslinux/generate.mk assuming syslinux and pciids available in build *host* system; this well might not be the case (or worse yet, those can be just different). So now we're a bit less elegant and a bit more enterprise, stuffing things into chroot and working there. Bunch of other fixes along the road, including ; to name a few: - fixed memtest entry (overlooked while renaming SYSLINUX_ITEMS) - new and shiny doc/CodingStyle - gfxboot, stage1 target chain, hdt tweaks - distro.mk rehashed - README++ - TODO: dropped (integer overflow anyways) + actually moved off-tree to reduce commit spam - s,\.config\.mk,distcfg.mk,g - doc/profiles.mk.sample: sample ~/.mkimage/profiles.mk - ...and assorted fixups/additions Sorry for convoluted commit, this would have been pretty hard to rework into some really readable shape (and you might be interested in the original repo's history horrors then, anyways).
Michael Shigorin authored
Now we don't dump all the gory details onto thee but rather log them handsomely and present only the most important details by default; use DEBUG=1 and/or BUILDLOG=/path/to/file to tweak. Also introduced IMAGEDIR and IMAGENAME. The rest: - ovz-smp is no more - base-l10n pkglist (suggested by Alexander Kuprin) - clean.mk: + fixed an oversight: the test result erroneously applied only to the first command of several ones that should be run iff build/ is a symlink + drop implicit rules (it's no C code) - Makefile: more reasonable iso names - image.in/Makefile: .disk/date too