1. 28 Apr, 2014 10 commits
  2. 22 Apr, 2014 2 commits
  3. 21 Apr, 2014 6 commits
  4. 19 Apr, 2014 12 commits
  5. 15 Apr, 2014 1 commit
  6. 14 Apr, 2014 9 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      gear-store-tags · c3d56836
      Michael Shigorin authored
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      1.1.31-alt1 · 485d93d3
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - live: refactoring
      - forensics mode
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      regular.mk: added forensics mode to rescue flavour · fce9b2e6
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Just a convenient knob for a few things done previously
      to help spare the interesting bits from being overrun.
      NB: live_rw isn't added although it might be useful
          since that would yield too many boot targets overall;
          this is likely to change some day, hopefully when
          media type detection/handling is implemented.
      Let's bump syslinux timeout to 20 seconds either
      so that iKVM users have a chance to select anything
      and not just see the default booting after a few
      screen area size changes.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      rescue+misc: added lsof · 22ead42a
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Wonder how it's been missing for 3+ years...
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      syslinux: add forensics mode · 8362a7b9
      Michael Shigorin authored
      A variant of rescue that marks the need to be careful
      towards block devices and filesystems thus reducing
      the amount of auto-activation done by startup-rescue
      (0.17 or newer).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      live.mk: minor live-gimp updates · 4cfac685
      Michael Shigorin authored
      cvltonemap is no more available in sisyphus/p7;
      xsane and usbutils were sorely missing (thanks dd@).
      NB: fim is currently i586-only, need to fix or drop it.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      server.mk, test.mk: added zabbix images · 05371a6c
      Michael Shigorin authored
      server-zabbix.iso is ready for deployment,
      and live-zabbix.iso is zabbix agent + firefox
      (needs at least Server to be specified properly
      within zabbix_agentd.conf when booted).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      server: added zabbix target · 490ec2ec
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This is a refactored result of Zabbix-related experiments;
      we can do a rough zabbix server sketch that still requires
      its own setup to go.
      NB: both the pkglist and the target are describing several
      distinct things actually: zabbix server, zabbix agent,
      and the underlying SQL/HTTP/SMTP servers which might get
      their own smaller targets some day.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      server.mk: shift use/power/acpi/button to server-mini · b7989568
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It used to be added in server-ovz but it really belongs to
      the underlying server-mini already as more images built
      upon that one should perform correct shutdown given ATX
      compatible case/mobo or a VM that can do ACPI.