• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    stage1, stage2: initial modlists support · a36d0236
    Michael Shigorin authored
    stage1's got prepare-modules target collecting
    modules file snippets all over stage1/modules.d/
    subdirectories within individual features.
    stage2 now adds names of all the features going into
    a particular image as snippet file suffix list so that
    individual features don't have to register themselves
    twice (as a feature and as a propagator modules.d
    snippet carrier).
    This is going to allow both "uncommon" modules getting
    included with no problem (sin@ has wanted cifs ones
    for quite some time, for example, and some want e.g.
    infiniband modules) *and* to reduce the actual list
    below the common mark as well (which is the case with
    live-privacy image, for one).
    And stage1 memory consumption does matter in some cases
    as it's highly critical with no chance to use swap yet.
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