Commit built code

parent f5f578b9
......@@ -1035,7 +1035,18 @@
xAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('x'));
yAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y'));
y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y2'));
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcs).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
var translation = $$.getTranslate('arc');
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcs).attr("transform", translation);
// Save translation for future use in node.js
if($$.config.subType === "sub-pie"){
$$.config.sub_pie_position = translation.replace('translate(', '').replace(')', '').split(',').map(parseFloat);
} else if($$.config.subType === "sub-bar"){
$$.config.sub_bar_position = translation.replace('translate(', '').replace(')', '').split(',').map(parseFloat);
c3_chart_internal_fn.transformAll = function (withTransition, transitions) {
var $$ = this;
......@@ -3414,6 +3425,16 @@
return function (d, i) {
// 4 points that make a bar
var points = getPoints(d, i);
// save computed values because node can't get size of DOM object
if(i === 0 && !$$.config.bar_coords) {
$$.config.bar_coords = {};
$$.config.bar_coords.bottom = points[0];
} else {
$$ = points[1];
// switch points if axis is rotated, not applicable for sub chart
var indexX = config.axis_rotated ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -3552,12 +3573,20 @@
svg = body.append("svg").style('visibility', 'hidden'), rect;
.classed(cls ? cls : "", true)
.each(function () { rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); });
.each(function () { rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); });
body.classed('c3', false);
// jsdom can't compute real size of text element
// getBoundingClientRect() returns zero-sized rect in jsdom
// This is a hack to estimate size depending on text length and average glyph size
// 4 is average glyph size. Warning! This may break on font change.
// 8 is size of square near the text.
rect.width = text.length * 4 - 8;
return rect;
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateXYForText = function (areaIndices, barIndices, lineIndices, forX) {
......@@ -5453,7 +5482,7 @@'.' + CLASS.chartArcsTitle)
.style("opacity", $$.hasType('donut') || $$.hasType('gauge') ? 1 : 0);
if(!isNode() && ($$.config.hasSubs || $$.config.isSub)){
if(($$.config.hasSubs || $$.config.isSub)){
$$.buffer.onlastfinish("draw-lines"+$$.config.isSub, function(){
$$.buffer.onlastfinish("draw-lines"+$$.config.isSub, function(){
......@@ -6548,6 +6577,16 @@
$$.ed3Config.subBox = $$.getBox($$.main.selectAll(".sub-chart .c3-chart-bars"));
// Node can't compute bounding box and subBox will have all params set to 0
// Here we use previously saved coords in $$.config.bar_coords to fill subBox
if(!$$.config.bar_coords.bottom) return;
var position = $$;
$$.ed3Config.subBox.x = position[0];
$$.ed3Config.subBox.y = position[1];
$$.ed3Config.subBox.height = $$.config.bar_coords.bottom[1] - position[1];
if(isUndefined($$.ed3Config.coords[order])) return;
......@@ -6599,15 +6638,17 @@
y2: y2
var sub = ($$.config.isSub ? $$ : $$.ed3Internal.subChart.internal).main;
var offset = parseFloat(sub.attr("transform").replace('translate(', '').replace(')').split(',')[0]);
return {
x1: x1,
x2: x2,
x1: x1 - ($$.config.isSub ? offset : 0),
x2: x2 + ($$.config.isSub ? 0 : offset),
y1: y1,
y2: y2
c3.chart.internal.fn.getLineCoordsForPie = function(center, order){
......@@ -6712,7 +6753,19 @@
line = main.selectAll(".lineForSubChart").filter(function(d, i){ return i === 0; });
var center = $$.getCenter(main.selectAll('.c3-chart'));
var center;
var pieSize = $$.radius;
var position = ($$.config.subType === 'sub-pie') ? $$.config.sub_pie_position : $$.config.sub_bar_position;
// Use previously saved coords in node instead of browser api for bounding box
if(isNode() && $$.config.subType.indexOf('sub') !== -1){
center = {
x: position[0],
y: position[1]
} else {
center = $$.getCenter(main.selectAll('.c3-chart'));
var coords;
......@@ -6733,7 +6786,15 @@
line = main.selectAll(".lineForSubChart").filter(function(d, i){ return i === 1; });
center = $$.getCenter(main.selectAll('.c3-chart'));
// The same as 30 lines above
if(isNode() && $$.config.subType.indexOf('sub') !== -1){
center = {
x: position[0],
y: position[1]
} else {
center = $$.getCenter(main.selectAll('.c3-chart'));
if($$.config.subType === "sub-pie"){
coords = $$.getLineCoordsForPie(center, 1);
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