Commit 5eba756f authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Add axis.x.tick.rotate and axis.x.height for tick text rotate - #138

parent 30bd75fe
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
// subchart
var __subchart_show = getConfig(['subchart', 'show'], false),
__subchart_size_height = __subchart_show ? getConfig(['subchart', 'size', 'height'], 60) : 0;
__subchart_size_height = getConfig(['subchart', 'size', 'height'], 60);
// color
var __color_pattern = getConfig(['color', 'pattern'], []);
......@@ -177,9 +177,11 @@
__axis_x_tick_count = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'count']),
__axis_x_tick_fit = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'fit'], true),
__axis_x_tick_values = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'values'], null),
__axis_x_tick_rotate = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'tick', 'rotate']),
__axis_x_max = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'max']),
__axis_x_min = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'min']),
__axis_x_padding = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'padding'], {}),
__axis_x_height = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'height']),
__axis_x_default = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'default']),
__axis_x_label = getConfig(['axis', 'x', 'label'], {}),
__axis_y_show = getConfig(['axis', 'y', 'show'], true),
......@@ -376,17 +378,19 @@
var rotated_padding_left = 30, rotated_padding_right = __axis_rotated && !__axis_x_show ? 0 : 30, rotated_padding_top = 5;
function updateSizes() {
var legendHeight = getLegendHeight(), legendWidth = getLegendWidth();
var legendHeight = getLegendHeight(), legendWidth = getLegendWidth(), subchartHeight = __subchart_show ? (__subchart_size_height + getHorizontalAxisHeight('x')) : 0;
currentWidth = getCurrentWidth();
currentHeight = getCurrentHeight();
// TODO: refactor..
// for main
margin = {
top: __axis_rotated ? getHorizontalAxisHeight('y2') : 0,
right: getCurrentPaddingRight(),
bottom: getHorizontalAxisHeight(__axis_rotated ? 'y' : 'x') + (__axis_rotated ? 0 : __subchart_size_height) + (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight),
left: (__axis_rotated ? __subchart_size_height + rotated_padding_right : 0) + getCurrentPaddingLeft()
bottom: getHorizontalAxisHeight(__axis_rotated ? 'y' : 'x') + (__axis_rotated ? 0 : subchartHeight) + (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight),
left: (__axis_rotated ? subchartHeight + rotated_padding_right : 0) + getCurrentPaddingLeft()
width = currentWidth - margin.left - margin.right;
height = currentHeight - - margin.bottom;
......@@ -395,9 +399,9 @@
// for context
margin2 = {
top: __axis_rotated ? : (currentHeight - __subchart_size_height - (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight)),
top: __axis_rotated ? : (currentHeight - subchartHeight - (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight)),
right: NaN,
bottom: 20 + (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight),
bottom: (__axis_rotated ? 20 : getHorizontalAxisHeight('x')) + (isLegendRight ? 0 : legendHeight),
left: __axis_rotated ? rotated_padding_left : margin.left
width2 = __axis_rotated ? margin.left - rotated_padding_left - rotated_padding_right : width;
......@@ -476,6 +480,7 @@
function getHorizontalAxisHeight(axisId) {
if (axisId === 'x' && !__axis_x_show) { return 0; }
if (axisId === 'x' && __axis_x_height) { return __axis_x_height; }
if (axisId === 'y' && !__axis_y_show) { return __legend_show && !isLegendRight ? 10 : 1; }
if (axisId === 'y2' && !__axis_y2_show) { return rotated_padding_top; }
return (getAxisLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 30 : 40) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0);
......@@ -694,6 +699,19 @@
option.text = text;
function xForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 10 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (r / 180));
function yForRotatedTickText(r) {
return 11.5 - 2.5 * (r / 15);
function rotateTickText(axis) {
axis.selectAll('.tick text')
.attr("y", yForRotatedTickText(__axis_x_tick_rotate))
.attr("x", xForRotatedTickText(__axis_x_tick_rotate))
.attr("transform", "rotate(" + __axis_x_tick_rotate + ")")
.style("text-anchor", "start");
function getAxisLabelPosition(axisId, defaultPosition) {
var option = getAxisLabelOptionByAxisId(axisId),
position = (option && typeof option === 'object' && option.position) ? option.position : defaultPosition;
......@@ -3011,7 +3029,7 @@
function redraw(options) {
var xaxis, yaxis, xgrid, xgridData, xgridLines, xgridLine, ygrid, ygridLines, ygridLine;
var xaxis, subxaxis, yaxis, xgrid, xgridData, xgridLines, xgridLine, ygrid, ygridLines, ygridLine;
var mainCircle, mainBar, mainRegion, mainText, contextBar, eventRect, eventRectUpdate;
var barIndices = getBarIndices(), maxDataCountTarget;
var rectX, rectW;
......@@ -3106,6 +3124,11 @@
// rotate tick text if needed
if (!__axis_rotated && __axis_x_tick_rotate) {
// setup drawer - MEMO: these must be called after axis updated
drawBar = generateDrawBar(barIndices);
xForText = generateXYForText(barIndices, true);
......@@ -3332,7 +3355,17 @@
// update subchart elements if needed
if (withSubchart) {
// axes'.' + CLASS.axisX).style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1).transition().duration(duration).call(subXAxis);
subxaxis ='.' + CLASS.axisX).style("opacity", hideAxis ? 0 : 1);
if (__axis_rotated || withTransitionForHorizontalAxis) {
subxaxis = subxaxis.transition().duration(durationForAxis);
// rotate tick text if needed
if (!__axis_rotated && __axis_x_tick_rotate) {
// extent rect
if (!brush.empty()) {
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