Commit 6602877a authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka Committed by masayuki

Purge region id

parent 384d0994
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
function classShape (d,i) { return "__shape __shape-" + i }
function classCircle (d,i) { return classShape(d,i) + " __circle __circle-" + i }
function classBar (d,i) { return classShape(d,i) + " __bar __bar-" + i }
function classRegion (d,i) { return 'region region-' + i + ' ' + ("id" in d ? 'region-' + : '') + ' ' + ('classes' in d ? [].concat(d.classes).join(' ') : '')}
function classRegion (d,i) { return 'region region-' + i + ' ' + ('classes' in d ? [].concat(d.classes).join(' ') : '')}
function xx (d) {
return x(d.x)
......@@ -1596,17 +1596,17 @@
redraw(true, true, true)
return __regions
c3.regions.remove = function (regionIds, options) {
var targets = [].concat(regionIds),
c3.regions.remove = function (classes, options) {
var regionClasses = [].concat(classes),
options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {}
var regions = d3.selectAll('.region-' + id)
var regions = d3.selectAll('.'+cls)
if (typeof options.duration !== 'undefined') {
regions = regions.transition().duration(options.duration).style('opacity', 0)
__regions = __regions.filter(function(region){
return !== id
return region.classes.indexOf(cls) < 0
return __regions
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