Update c3.js and c3.min.js

parent a02c6757
......@@ -1449,6 +1449,7 @@
// line
line_connectNull: false,
line_step_type: 'step',
marker_types: undefined,
// bar
bar_width: undefined,
bar_width_ratio: 0.6,
......@@ -3361,9 +3362,8 @@
var $$ = this;
$$.mainCircle = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.circles).selectAll('.' + CLASS.circle)
.attr("class", $$.classCircle.bind($$))
.attr("r", $$.pointR.bind($$))
.style("fill", $$.color);
.style("opacity", $$.initialOpacityForCircle.bind($$));
......@@ -3375,11 +3375,12 @@
(withTransition ? this.mainCircle.transition() : this.mainCircle)
.style('opacity', this.opacityForCircle.bind(this))
.style("fill", this.color)
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy),
.attr('transform', function(d,i){
return 'translate('+cx(d,i)+' '+cy(d,i)+')';
(withTransition ? selectedCircles.transition() : selectedCircles)
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy)
.attr("x", cx)
.attr("y", cy)
c3_chart_internal_fn.circleX = function (d) {
......@@ -3442,6 +3443,69 @@
return Math.abs(y - this.d3.mouse(that)[1]) < 30;
var marker_fn = (function() {
function create(name){
return d3.select(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", name));
function pt(point){
if(isNaN(point.x + point.y)) return '';
return point.x+','+point.y;
function buildPath(points){
var path = '';
for(var i = 0; i<points.length; i++){
path += (points[i].action || 'L') + pt(points[i]);
return path;
return {
circle: function(size){
return create('circle').attr('r', size/2);
rhombus: function(size){
var marker = create('path');
// height/width ratio
var ratio = 1;
size /= 2;
var path = buildPath([
{ action: 'M', x: 0, y: size },
{ action: 'L', x: size/ratio, y: 0 },
{ action: 'L', x: 0, y: -size },
{ action: 'L', x: -size/ratio, y: 0 },
{ action: 'Z' }
marker.attr('d', path)
.style('stroke', 'none');
return marker;
square: function(size){
var marker = create('rect');
marker.attr('width', size)
.attr('height', size)
.attr('x', -size/2)
.attr('y', -size/2);
return marker;
c3_chart_internal_fn.getMarker = function(d, i){
var $$ = this;
if(!$$.config.marker_types || !$$.config.marker_types[d.id]){
return marker_fn.circle($$.pointR(d, i));
return marker_fn[$$.config.marker_types[d.id]]($$.pointR(d, i), $$.color(d, i)).node();
c3_chart_internal_fn.initBar = function () {
var $$ = this;
$$.main.select('.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
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