Commit b59f4a03 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Show tooltip on Pie and Donut Chart - #64 #47

parent dbfeb969
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
__point_onunselected = getConfig(['point', 'onunselected'], function () {});
// arc
var __arc_label_fomat = getConfig(['arc', 'label', 'format'], function (d, ratio) { return (100 * ratio).toFixed(1) + "%"; }),
var __arc_label_format = getConfig(['arc', 'label', 'format'], null),
__arc_title = getConfig(['arc', 'title'], "");
// region - region to change style
......@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@
if (! text) {
title = titleFormat ? titleFormat(d[i].x) : d[i].x;
text = "<table class='-tooltip'><tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>";
text = "<table class='-tooltip'>" + (title ? "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>" : "");
name = d[i].name;
value = valueFormat(d[i].value);
value = valueFormat(d[i].value, d[i].ratio);
text += "<tr class='-tooltip-name-" + d[i].id + "'><td class='name'><span style='background-color:" + color(d[i].id) + "'></span>" + name + "</td><td class='value'>" + value + "</td></tr>";
......@@ -609,7 +609,8 @@
return (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / (Math.PI * 2);
function textForArcLable(d) {
return __arc_label_fomat(d, getArcRatio(d));
var ratio = getArcRatio(d);
return __arc_label_format ? __arc_label_format(d.value, ratio) : defaultArcValueFormat(d.v, ratio);
function expandArc(id, withoutFadeOut) {
var target = svg.selectAll('.chart-arc' + getTargetSelector(id)),
......@@ -1066,6 +1067,9 @@
var yFormat = __axis_y_tick_format ? __axis_y_tick_format : function (v) { return +v; };
return yFormat(v);
function defaultArcValueFormat(v, ratio) {
return (ratio * 100).toFixed(1) + '%';
function findSameXOfValues(values, index) {
var i, targetX = values[index].x, sames = [];
......@@ -1158,36 +1162,43 @@
function showTooltip(selectedData, mouse) {
var tWidth, tHeight;
var svgLeft, tooltipLeft, tooltipRight, tooltipTop, chartRight;
var forArc = hasArcType(;
var valueFormat = forArc ? defaultArcValueFormat : defaultValueFormat;
var dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && isValue(d.value); });
if (! __tooltip_show) { return; }
// don't show tooltip when no data
if (dataToShow.length === 0) { return; }
// Construct tooltip
tooltip.html(__tooltip_contents(selectedData, getXAxisTickFormat(), defaultValueFormat, color))
tooltip.html(__tooltip_contents(selectedData, getXAxisTickFormat(), valueFormat, color))
.style("visibility", "hidden")
.style("display", "block");
// Get tooltip dimensions
tWidth ='offsetWidth');
tHeight ='offsetHeight');
// Determin tooltip position
if (__axis_rotated) {
svgLeft = getSvgLeft();
tooltipLeft = svgLeft + mouse[0] + 100;
tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth;
chartRight = getCurrentWidth() - getCurrentPaddingRight();
tooltipTop = x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20;
if (forArc) {
tooltipLeft = (width / 2) + mouse[0];
tooltipTop = (height / 2) + mouse[1] + 20;
} else {
svgLeft = getSvgLeft();
tooltipLeft = svgLeft + getCurrentPaddingLeft() + x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20;
tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth;
chartRight = svgLeft + getCurrentWidth() - getCurrentPaddingRight();
tooltipTop = mouse[1] + 15;
if (tooltipRight > chartRight) {
tooltipLeft -= tWidth + 60;
if (tooltipTop + tHeight > getCurrentHeight()) {
tooltipTop -= tHeight + 30;
if (__axis_rotated) {
svgLeft = getSvgLeft();
tooltipLeft = svgLeft + mouse[0] + 100;
tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth;
chartRight = getCurrentWidth() - getCurrentPaddingRight();
tooltipTop = x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20;
} else {
svgLeft = getSvgLeft();
tooltipLeft = svgLeft + getCurrentPaddingLeft() + x(dataToShow[0].x) + 20;
tooltipRight = tooltipLeft + tWidth;
chartRight = svgLeft + getCurrentWidth() - getCurrentPaddingRight();
tooltipTop = mouse[1] + 15;
if (tooltipRight > chartRight) {
tooltipLeft -= tWidth + 60;
if (tooltipTop + tHeight > getCurrentHeight()) {
tooltipTop -= tHeight + 30;
// Set tooltip
// todo get rid of magic numbers
......@@ -2778,9 +2789,18 @@
.on('mousemove', function (d) {
var selectedData = [addName({
value: d.value,
ratio: getArcRatio(d)
showTooltip(selectedData, d3.mouse(this));
.on('mouseout', function (d) {
.attr("dy", ".35em")
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