Commit bc815a87 authored by Evgeny's avatar Evgeny

Move exploded pie implementation

parent 328f718a
......@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initPie = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateRadius = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
w = config.gauge_width || config.donut_width;
$$.radiusExpanded = Math.min($$.arcWidth, $$.arcHeight) / 2;
$$.radius = $$.radiusExpanded * 0.95;
$$.radius -= config.explodeRadius;
$$.innerRadiusRatio = w ? ($$.radius - w) / $$.radius : 0.6;
$$.innerRadius = $$.hasType('donut') || $$.hasType('gauge') ? $$.radius * $$.innerRadiusRatio : 0;
......@@ -260,47 +262,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransf
this._current = d;
.attr("transform", function (d) { return !$$.isGaugeType( && withTransform ? "scale(0)" : ""; })
.attr("transform", withTransform ? "scale(0)" : $$.wrapExplode())
.style("opacity", function (d) { return d === this._current ? 0 : 1; })
.on('mouseover', config.interaction_enabled ? function (d) {
var updated, arcData;
if ($$.transiting) { // skip while transiting
updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated);
// transitions
$$.toggleFocusLegend(, true);
$$.config.data_onmouseover(arcData, this);
} : null)
.on('mousemove', config.interaction_enabled ? function (d) {
var updated = $$.updateAngle(d),
arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated),
selectedData = [arcData];
$$.showTooltip(selectedData, this);
} : null)
.on('mouseout', config.interaction_enabled ? function (d) {
var updated, arcData;
if ($$.transiting) { // skip while transiting
updated = $$.updateAngle(d);
arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated);
// transitions
$$.config.data_onmouseout(arcData, this);
} : null)
.on('click', config.interaction_enabled ? function (d, i) {
var updated = $$.updateAngle(d),
arcData = $$.convertToArcData(updated);
if ($$.toggleShape) { $$.toggleShape(this, arcData, i); }
$$$$.api, arcData, this);
} : null)
.each(function () { $$.transiting = true; })
.attrTween("d", function (d) {
......@@ -308,12 +271,6 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransf
if (! updated) {
return function () { return "M 0 0"; };
// if (this._current === d) {
// this._current = {
// startAngle: Math.PI*2,
// endAngle: Math.PI*2,
// };
// }
if (isNaN(this._current.endAngle)) {
this._current.endAngle = this._current.startAngle;
......@@ -325,7 +282,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransf
return $$.getArc(interpolated, true);
.attr("transform", withTransform ? "scale(1)" : "")
.attr("transform", withTransform ? "scale(1)" : $$.wrapExplode())
.style("fill", function (d) {
return $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor([0].value) : $$.color(;
}) // Where gauge reading color would receive customization.
......@@ -347,29 +304,63 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransf'.' + CLASS.chartArcsTitle)
.style("opacity", $$.hasType('donut') || $$.hasType('gauge') ? 1 : 0);
if ($$.hasType('gauge')) {
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcsBackground)
.attr("d", function () {
var d = {
data: [{value: config.gauge_max}],
startAngle: -1 * (Math.PI / 2),
endAngle: Math.PI / 2
return $$.getArc(d, true, true);
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcsGaugeUnit)
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_units : '');
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMin)
.attr("dx", -1 * ($$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2)) + "px")
.attr("dy", "1.2em")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_min : '');
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMax)
.attr("dx", $$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2) + "px")
.attr("dy", "1.2em")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_max : '');
if($$.config.hasSubs || $$.config.isSub){
$$.buffer.onlastfinish("draw-lines", function(){
c3_chart_internal_fn.getAngle = function(d){
var $$ = this;
$$.config.newd = d;
c3_chart_internal_fn.wrapExplode = function(){
var $$ = this;
explode.offset = $$.config.explodeRadius;
explode.updateAngle = $$.updateAngle.bind($$);
explode.turn = $$.api.turn.bind($$.api);
explode.config = $$.config;
explode.getAngle = $$.getAngle.bind($$);
return explode;
function explode(d, index) {
d = explode.updateAngle(d);
return "";
var offset = explode.offset;
var angle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2;
var xOff = Math.sin(angle) * offset;
var yOff = -Math.cos(angle) * offset;
if(index === 0 && explode.config.hasSubs){
var turnAngle = ((d.startAngle - d.endAngle) / 2 % (2 * Math.PI)) + toRadians(90);
radians: turnAngle
explode.config.turned = true;
return "translate(0, 0)";
return 'translate(' + xOff + ',' + yOff +')';
c3_chart_internal_fn.initGauge = function () {
var arcs = this.arcs;
if (this.hasType('gauge')) {
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getDefaultConfig = function () {
pie_label_format: undefined,
pie_label_threshold: 0.05,
pie_expand: true,
explodeRadius: 0,
// gauge
gauge_label_show: true,
gauge_label_format: undefined,
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ var isValue = c3_chart_internal_fn.isValue = function (v) {
isUndefined = c3_chart_internal_fn.isUndefined = function (v) {
return typeof v === 'undefined';
isNull = c3_chart_internal_fn.isNull = function(v){
return v === null;
isDefined = c3_chart_internal_fn.isDefined = function (v) {
return typeof v !== 'undefined';
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