Commit f001f733 authored by Brandon Bernal's avatar Brandon Bernal

Arc of Gauge to expand on mouseover

I noticed that the mouseover effect of expanding and contracting was not happening with the arc gauge. I thought it was working before, and I don't know if it was taken out on purpose of left out during the refactoring of the arc portion of the code. Here is a fix that goes with the current code.
parent fc658310
......@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
// gauge
var __gauge_label_show = getConfig(['gauge', 'label', 'show'], true),
__gauge_label_format = getConfig(['gauge', 'label', 'format']),
__gauge_expand = getConfig(['gauge', 'expand'], true),
__gauge_min = getConfig(['gauge', 'min'], 0),
__gauge_max = getConfig(['gauge', 'max'], 100),
__gauge_onclick = getConfig(['gauge', 'onclick'], function () {}),
......@@ -2156,7 +2157,7 @@
function shouldExpand(id) {
return (isDonutType(id) && __donut_expand) || (isPieType(id) && __pie_expand);
return (isDonutType(id) && __donut_expand) || (isGaugeType(id) && __gauge_expand) || (isPieType(id) && __pie_expand);
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