Commit 31e2c10e authored by Julius Plenz's avatar Julius Plenz

Add very basic test

parent 5de2538b
#set -x
t() {
NR=$(expr $NR + 1)
if eval "$1"; then
echo "ok $NR - $2"
echo "not okay $NR - $2"
if [ "$(basename "$(readlink -f .)")" != "t" ]; then
cd t || exit 1;
echo 1..4
t "echo test > testfile.$$ && ../cachestats -q testfile.$$" "file is cached"
t "while ../cachestats -q testfile.$$; do ../cachedel testfile.$$ && sleep 1; done" "file is not cached any more"
t "! ( env LD_PRELOAD=../ cat testfile.$$ >/dev/null && ../cachestats -q testfile.$$ )" "file is still not in cache"
t "! ( env LD_PRELOAD=../ cp testfile.$$ testfile.$$.2 && ../cachestats -q testfile.$$.2 )" "copy of file is not cached"
# clean up
rm -f testfile.$$ testfile.$$.2
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