DGUX.cf 4.98 KB
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XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/DGUX.cf,v 1.5 2000/07/07 20:06:56 tsi Exp $
/* Copyright Takis Psarogiannakopoulos <takis@pmms.cam.ac.uk>
 * This is the DG/ux configuration file of X11R6.3 
#define	OSName	DG/ux R4.20MU03
#define i386Architecture
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor Data General Corporation

#define	OSMajorVersion	4
#define	OSMinorVersion	20
#define	OSTeenyVersion	3
#define BootstrapCFlags		-DDGUX

/* Some stuff that all SVR4s ,so and DG/ux, should have */

#define SystemV4		YES
#ifndef HasLdRunPath
#define HasLdRunPath		YES
#define HasPoll			YES
#ifndef SVR4Architecture
#define SVR4Architecture
#ifndef PatheticCpp
#define PatheticCpp		YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES		/* in case -lmalloc used */

 * Here are the default paths to use tools for building.

#define ArCmdBase       /usr/bin/ar
#define AsCmd           /usr/bin/as
#define CppCmd          /usr/lib/cpp
#define LdCmd           /usr/bin/ld
#define LexCmd          /usr/bin/lex
#define CcCmd           /usr/local/bin/gcc      /* ?  -fpcc-struct-return */
#define UNCOMPRESSPATH  /usr/bin/uncompress
#define MakeCmd         /usr/local/bin/make
#define YaccCmd         /usr/bin/yacc
#define InstallCmd      /usr/bin/install   /* I use gnu install-sh */
#define LnCmd           ln -s
#define RanlibCmd true                         /* Or make a link ranlib->true */ 
#define CplusplusCmd    /usr/local/bin/g++

#ifndef MkdirHierCmd
#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir -p
/* Stuff for SVR4 4.0 */
#ifndef XawI18nDefines
#define XawI18nDefines          -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING

#define HasPutenv YES
#define HasVFork YES
#define HasVoidSignalReturn  YES
#define HasBsearch YES
#define HasSockets YES
#define BuildServer YES
#define HasSharedLibraries YES   /* to build shared libs */
#define HasCplusplus YES
#define HasGnuMake YES          /* Added for 3.2Xc */
#define UseGnuMalloc YES
#define GnuMallocLibrary -L/usr/local/lib -lmalloc
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES  /* Added for 3.2Xh,i... GNU does return 0 */
#define Malloc0ReturnsNullDefines -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL   /* define for GNU malloc X3.2i */
/*******TCL TK DEFINITIONS ***********/
#define HasTk  YES                 /* Comment out if you dont have this */
#define TkLibDir    /usr/X11R6.3/lib
#define TkIncDir    /usr/X11R6.3/include
#define TkLibName   tk8.0
#define HasTcl YES
#define TclLibName  tcl8.0
#define TclLibDir   /usr/X11R6.3/lib
#define TclIncDir   /usr/X11R6.3/include

#define SystemManDirectory /usr/local/man/X

#define ExtraLibraries -lelf -lgen -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl -lw

#define StandardDefines -DDGUX -DSVR4 -Di386 -D__ix86 -D_DGUX_SOURCE -D_LITTLE_ENDIAN -D_PENTIUM_CHANGE

#define PositionIndependentCFlags -fpic
#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fpic

 * To forceably build static libraries in addition to shared libraries,
 * we put this.
#define ForceNormalLib          YES

#ifndef ToolkitStringsABIOptions
#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi -earlyR6bc

#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
#define DefaultCCOptions     /* -ansi -pedantic */
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2  /* Add -g -mstandard for full debuging info */
#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -g -mstandard
#define DebuggableCplusplusDebugFlags
#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -G -z text
#define PositionIndependentCFlags -fpic
#define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fpic

 * The default optimisation flags for GCC 2.x.  -fno-strength-reduce is
 * here to work around a bug in -O2 for GCC 2.x on i386 platforms.
 * If you are using a version that doesn't have this bug, you can
 * uncomment the following line, and remove '-fno-strength-reduce'
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt      -O2 -fno-strength-reduce

/* Compress all the Fonts */
#define CompressAllFonts        YES

/* Manual pages installed under their full names */ 

#define ExpandManNames          YES
#define CompressManPages        YES

/* Install with stripping before ? */
#define StripInstalledPrograms  YES

/* Server to Install */
#define XserverNeedsSetUID YES
#define InstallXserverSetUID YES

#ifndef ServerOSDefines
#define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerOSDefines
#ifndef BuildDynamicLoading
#define BuildDynamicLoading NO
#if BuildDynamicLoading
#define ServerExtraSysLibs -ldl

 * The TLI interface is more robust on most SVR4s, so it will be the default.
#ifndef ConnectionFlags

#ifndef ManSuffix
#define ManSuffix               1x
#define ManDir			$(MANSOURCEPATH)1
#ifndef LibManSuffix
#define LibManSuffix            3x
#define LibmanDir		$(MANSOURCEPATH)3
#ifndef FileManSuffix
#define FileManSuffix           4

#ifndef StaticLibrary
#ifndef HasGcc
#define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -B static Concat(-L,libpath) Concat(-l,libname) -B dynamic

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES

#ifdef i386Architecture
#include <xorg.cf>

#include <sv4Lib.rules>