xpm.h 15.9 KB
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 * Copyright (C) 1989-95 GROUPE BULL
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
 * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
 * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
 * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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/* $XFree86: xc/extras/Xpm/lib/xpm.h,v 1.2 2001/08/22 23:36:44 dawes Exp $ */

* xpm.h:                                                                      *
*                                                                             *
*  XPM library                                                                *
*  Include file                                                               *
*                                                                             *
*  Developed by Arnaud Le Hors                                                *

 * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
 * HeDu (hedu@cul-ipn.uni-kiel.de) 4/94

 * The code related to AMIGA has been added by
 * Lorens Younes (d93-hyo@nada.kth.se) 4/96

#ifndef XPM_h
#define XPM_h

 * first some identification numbers:
 * the version and revision numbers are determined with the following rule:
 * SO Major number = LIB minor version number.
 * SO Minor number = LIB sub-minor version number.
 * e.g: Xpm version 3.2f
 *      we forget the 3 which is the format number, 2 gives 2, and f gives 6.
 *      thus we have XpmVersion = 2 and XpmRevision = 6
 *      which gives  SOXPMLIBREV = 2.6
 * Then the XpmIncludeVersion number is built from these numbers.
#define XpmFormat 3
#define XpmVersion 4
#define XpmRevision 11
#define XpmIncludeVersion ((XpmFormat * 100 + XpmVersion) * 100 + XpmRevision)


#ifdef FOR_MSW
# define SYSV			/* uses memcpy string.h etc. */
# include <malloc.h>
# include "simx.h"		/* defines some X stuff using MSW types */
#define NEED_STRCASECMP		/* at least for MSVC++ */
#else /* FOR_MSW */
# ifdef AMIGA
#  include "amigax.h"
# else /* not AMIGA */
#  include <X11/Xlib.h>
#  include <X11/Xutil.h>
# endif /* not AMIGA */
#endif /* FOR_MSW */

/* let's define Pixel if it is not done yet */
#if ! defined(_XtIntrinsic_h) && ! defined(PIXEL_ALREADY_TYPEDEFED)
typedef unsigned long Pixel;	/* Index into colormap */

/* Return ErrorStatus codes:
 * null     if full success
 * positive if partial success
 * negative if failure

#define XpmColorError    1
#define XpmSuccess       0
#define XpmOpenFailed   -1
#define XpmFileInvalid  -2
#define XpmNoMemory     -3
#define XpmColorFailed  -4

typedef struct {
    char *name;			/* Symbolic color name */
    char *value;		/* Color value */
    Pixel pixel;		/* Color pixel */
}      XpmColorSymbol;

typedef struct {
    char *name;			/* name of the extension */
    unsigned int nlines;	/* number of lines in this extension */
    char **lines;		/* pointer to the extension array of strings */
}      XpmExtension;

typedef struct {
    char *string;		/* characters string */
    char *symbolic;		/* symbolic name */
    char *m_color;		/* monochrom default */
    char *g4_color;		/* 4 level grayscale default */
    char *g_color;		/* other level grayscale default */
    char *c_color;		/* color default */
}      XpmColor;

typedef struct {
    unsigned int width;		/* image width */
    unsigned int height;	/* image height */
    unsigned int cpp;		/* number of characters per pixel */
    unsigned int ncolors;	/* number of colors */
    XpmColor *colorTable;	/* list of related colors */
    unsigned int *data;		/* image data */
}      XpmImage;

typedef struct {
    unsigned long valuemask;	/* Specifies which attributes are defined */
    char *hints_cmt;		/* Comment of the hints section */
    char *colors_cmt;		/* Comment of the colors section */
    char *pixels_cmt;		/* Comment of the pixels section */
    unsigned int x_hotspot;	/* Returns the x hotspot's coordinate */
    unsigned int y_hotspot;	/* Returns the y hotspot's coordinate */
    unsigned int nextensions;	/* number of extensions */
    XpmExtension *extensions;	/* pointer to array of extensions */
}      XpmInfo;

typedef int (*XpmAllocColorFunc)(
    Display*			/* display */,
    Colormap			/* colormap */,
    char*			/* colorname */,
    XColor*			/* xcolor */,
    void*			/* closure */

typedef int (*XpmFreeColorsFunc)(
    Display*			/* display */,
    Colormap			/* colormap */,
    Pixel*			/* pixels */,
    int				/* npixels */,
    void*			/* closure */

typedef struct {
    unsigned long valuemask;		/* Specifies which attributes are
					   defined */

    Visual *visual;			/* Specifies the visual to use */
    Colormap colormap;			/* Specifies the colormap to use */
    unsigned int depth;			/* Specifies the depth */
    unsigned int width;			/* Returns the width of the created
					   pixmap */
    unsigned int height;		/* Returns the height of the created
					   pixmap */
    unsigned int x_hotspot;		/* Returns the x hotspot's
					   coordinate */
    unsigned int y_hotspot;		/* Returns the y hotspot's
					   coordinate */
    unsigned int cpp;			/* Specifies the number of char per
					   pixel */
    Pixel *pixels;			/* List of used color pixels */
    unsigned int npixels;		/* Number of used pixels */
    XpmColorSymbol *colorsymbols;	/* List of color symbols to override */
    unsigned int numsymbols;		/* Number of symbols */
    char *rgb_fname;			/* RGB text file name */
    unsigned int nextensions;		/* Number of extensions */
    XpmExtension *extensions;		/* List of extensions */

    unsigned int ncolors;               /* Number of colors */
    XpmColor *colorTable;               /* List of colors */
/* 3.2 backward compatibility code */
    char *hints_cmt;                    /* Comment of the hints section */
    char *colors_cmt;                   /* Comment of the colors section */
    char *pixels_cmt;                   /* Comment of the pixels section */
/* end 3.2 bc */
    unsigned int mask_pixel;            /* Color table index of transparent
                                           color */

    /* Color Allocation Directives */
    Bool exactColors;			/* Only use exact colors for visual */
    unsigned int closeness;		/* Allowable RGB deviation */
    unsigned int red_closeness;		/* Allowable red deviation */
    unsigned int green_closeness;	/* Allowable green deviation */
    unsigned int blue_closeness;	/* Allowable blue deviation */
    int color_key;			/* Use colors from this color set */

    Pixel *alloc_pixels;		/* Returns the list of alloc'ed color
					   pixels */
    int nalloc_pixels;			/* Returns the number of alloc'ed
					   color pixels */

    Bool alloc_close_colors;    	/* Specify whether close colors should
					   be allocated using XAllocColor
					   or not */
    int bitmap_format;			/* Specify the format of 1bit depth
					   images: ZPixmap or XYBitmap */

    /* Color functions */
    XpmAllocColorFunc alloc_color;	/* Application color allocator */
    XpmFreeColorsFunc free_colors;	/* Application color de-allocator */
    void *color_closure;		/* Application private data to pass to
					   alloc_color and free_colors */

}      XpmAttributes;

/* XpmAttributes value masks bits */
#define XpmVisual	   (1L<<0)
#define XpmColormap	   (1L<<1)
#define XpmDepth	   (1L<<2)
#define XpmSize		   (1L<<3)	/* width & height */
#define XpmHotspot	   (1L<<4)	/* x_hotspot & y_hotspot */
#define XpmCharsPerPixel   (1L<<5)
#define XpmColorSymbols	   (1L<<6)
#define XpmRgbFilename	   (1L<<7)
/* 3.2 backward compatibility code */
#define XpmInfos	   (1L<<8)
#define XpmReturnInfos	   XpmInfos
/* end 3.2 bc */
#define XpmReturnPixels	   (1L<<9)
#define XpmExtensions      (1L<<10)
#define XpmReturnExtensions XpmExtensions

#define XpmExactColors     (1L<<11)
#define XpmCloseness	   (1L<<12)
#define XpmRGBCloseness	   (1L<<13)
#define XpmColorKey	   (1L<<14)

#define XpmColorTable      (1L<<15)
#define XpmReturnColorTable XpmColorTable

#define XpmReturnAllocPixels (1L<<16)
#define XpmAllocCloseColors (1L<<17)
#define XpmBitmapFormat    (1L<<18)

#define XpmAllocColor      (1L<<19)
#define XpmFreeColors      (1L<<20)
#define XpmColorClosure    (1L<<21)

/* XpmInfo value masks bits */
#define XpmComments        XpmInfos
#define XpmReturnComments  XpmComments

/* XpmAttributes mask_pixel value when there is no mask */
#ifndef FOR_MSW
#define XpmUndefPixel 0x80000000
/* int is only 16 bit for MSW */
#define XpmUndefPixel 0x8000

 * color keys for visual type, they must fit along with the number key of
 * each related element in xpmColorKeys[] defined in XpmI.h
#define XPM_MONO	2
#define XPM_GREY4	3
#define XPM_GRAY4	3
#define XPM_GREY 	4
#define XPM_GRAY 	4
#define XPM_COLOR	5

/* macros for forward declarations of functions with prototypes */
#define FUNC(f, t, p) extern t f p
#define LFUNC(f, t, p) static t f p

 * functions declarations


/* FOR_MSW, all ..Pixmap.. are excluded, only the ..XImage.. are used */
/* Same for Amiga! */

#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
    FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromData, int, (Display *display,
					Drawable d,
					char **data,
					Pixmap *pixmap_return,
					Pixmap *shapemask_return,
					XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateDataFromPixmap, int, (Display *display,
					char ***data_return,
					Pixmap pixmap,
					Pixmap shapemask,
					XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmReadFileToPixmap, int, (Display *display,
				    Drawable d,
				    char *filename,
				    Pixmap *pixmap_return,
				    Pixmap *shapemask_return,
				    XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromPixmap, int, (Display *display,
				       char *filename,
				       Pixmap pixmap,
				       Pixmap shapemask,
				       XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateImageFromData, int, (Display *display,
				       char **data,
				       XImage **image_return,
				       XImage **shapemask_return,
				       XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateDataFromImage, int, (Display *display,
				       char ***data_return,
				       XImage *image,
				       XImage *shapeimage,
				       XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmReadFileToImage, int, (Display *display,
				   char *filename,
				   XImage **image_return,
				   XImage **shapeimage_return,
				   XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromImage, int, (Display *display,
				      char *filename,
				      XImage *image,
				      XImage *shapeimage,
				      XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateImageFromBuffer, int, (Display *display,
					 char *buffer,
					 XImage **image_return,
					 XImage **shapemask_return,
					 XpmAttributes *attributes));
#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
    FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromBuffer, int, (Display *display,
					  Drawable d,
					  char *buffer,
					  Pixmap *pixmap_return,
					  Pixmap *shapemask_return,
					  XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateBufferFromImage, int, (Display *display,
					 char **buffer_return,
					 XImage *image,
					 XImage *shapeimage,
					 XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateBufferFromPixmap, int, (Display *display,
					  char **buffer_return,
					  Pixmap pixmap,
					  Pixmap shapemask,
					  XpmAttributes *attributes));
    FUNC(XpmReadFileToBuffer, int, (char *filename, char **buffer_return));
    FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromBuffer, int, (char *filename, char *buffer));

    FUNC(XpmReadFileToData, int, (char *filename, char ***data_return));
    FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromData, int, (char *filename, char **data));

    FUNC(XpmAttributesSize, int, (void));
    FUNC(XpmFreeAttributes, void, (XpmAttributes *attributes));
    FUNC(XpmFreeExtensions, void, (XpmExtension *extensions,
				   int nextensions));

    FUNC(XpmFreeXpmImage, void, (XpmImage *image));
    FUNC(XpmFreeXpmInfo, void, (XpmInfo *info));
    FUNC(XpmGetErrorString, char *, (int errcode));
    FUNC(XpmLibraryVersion, int, (void));

    /* XpmImage functions */
    FUNC(XpmReadFileToXpmImage, int, (char *filename,
				      XpmImage *image,
				      XpmInfo *info));

    FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromXpmImage, int, (char *filename,
					 XpmImage *image,
					 XpmInfo *info));
#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
    FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromXpmImage, int, (Display *display,
					    Drawable d,
					    XpmImage *image,
					    Pixmap *pixmap_return,
					    Pixmap *shapemask_return,
					    XpmAttributes *attributes));
    FUNC(XpmCreateImageFromXpmImage, int, (Display *display,
					   XpmImage *image,
					   XImage **image_return,
					   XImage **shapeimage_return,
					   XpmAttributes *attributes));

    FUNC(XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage, int, (Display *display,
					   XImage *image,
					   XImage *shapeimage,
					   XpmImage *xpmimage,
					   XpmAttributes *attributes));
#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
    FUNC(XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap, int, (Display *display,
					    Pixmap pixmap,
					    Pixmap shapemask,
					    XpmImage *xpmimage,
					    XpmAttributes *attributes));
    FUNC(XpmCreateDataFromXpmImage, int, (char ***data_return,
					  XpmImage *image,
					  XpmInfo *info));

    FUNC(XpmCreateXpmImageFromData, int, (char **data,
					  XpmImage *image,
					  XpmInfo *info));

    FUNC(XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer, int, (char *buffer,
					    XpmImage *image,
					    XpmInfo *info));

    FUNC(XpmCreateBufferFromXpmImage, int, (char **buffer_return,
					    XpmImage *image,
					    XpmInfo *info));

    FUNC(XpmGetParseError, int, (char *filename,
				 int *linenum_return,
				 int *charnum_return));

    FUNC(XpmFree, void, (void *ptr));


/* backward compatibility */

/* for version 3.0c */
#define XpmPixmapColorError  XpmColorError
#define XpmPixmapSuccess     XpmSuccess
#define XpmPixmapOpenFailed  XpmOpenFailed
#define XpmPixmapFileInvalid XpmFileInvalid
#define XpmPixmapNoMemory    XpmNoMemory
#define XpmPixmapColorFailed XpmColorFailed

#define XpmReadPixmapFile(dpy, d, file, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, d, file, pix, mask, att)
#define XpmWritePixmapFile(dpy, file, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmWriteFileFromPixmap(dpy, file, pix, mask, att)

/* for version 3.0b */
#define PixmapColorError  XpmColorError
#define PixmapSuccess     XpmSuccess
#define PixmapOpenFailed  XpmOpenFailed
#define PixmapFileInvalid XpmFileInvalid
#define PixmapNoMemory    XpmNoMemory
#define PixmapColorFailed XpmColorFailed

#define ColorSymbol XpmColorSymbol

#define XReadPixmapFile(dpy, d, file, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, d, file, pix, mask, att)
#define XWritePixmapFile(dpy, file, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmWriteFileFromPixmap(dpy, file, pix, mask, att)
#define XCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, d, data, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, d, data, pix, mask, att)
#define XCreateDataFromPixmap(dpy, data, pix, mask, att) \
    XpmCreateDataFromPixmap(dpy, data, pix, mask, att)

#endif /* XPM_NUMBERS */