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XCOMM platform:  $Xorg:,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:45 cpqbld Exp $
XCOMM platform:  $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/,v 1.11 2005/05/04 04:14:57 anholt Exp $
XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/,v 3.147 2004/01/28 01:46:21 dawes Exp $

#ifndef UseElfFormat
#define UseElfFormat		DefaultToElfFormat

#if UseElfFormat
#define OSBinaryFormat		[ELF]
#define OSBinaryFormat		[a.out]

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			DefaultOSName OSBinaryFormat
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor		/**/
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		DefaultOSTeenyVersion

#ifndef OSRelVersion
/* Include this to get finer-grained information about the OS version */
#include "/usr/include/osreldate.h"
#define OSRelVersion __FreeBSD_version

XCOMM operating system:  OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion) (OSRelVersion)

#define HasCplusplus		YES
#define GccUsesGas		YES
#define UseGas			YES
#define GnuCpp			YES
#define HasNdbm			YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasSnprintf		YES
#if OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 3 || OSMajorVersion > 3
# define HasStrlcat		YES
#if OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 2 || OSMajorVersion > 4
# define HasBasename		YES
# define HasBasename		NO
#define HasBSD44Sockets 	YES
#define HasDlopen		YES
#if ((OSRelVersion >= 410002) && OSRelVersion < 500000) || (OSRelVersion >= 500012)
#define HasSetProcTitle		YES
#ifndef HasLibCrypt
# define HasLibCrypt		YES
#ifndef HasShm
# define HasShm			YES
#define HasWChar32		YES
#define HasUsableFileMmap	YES
#define HasNCurses		YES
#define HasVarRun		YES
#define HasVarDb		YES
#ifndef BuildPDFdocs
# define BuildPDFdocs NO
#if (OSMajorVersion >= 3)
#define HasIssetugid		YES
#define HasPoll			YES

#if OSMajorVersion >= 4
#define HasGetIfAddrs		YES

/* All versions define AF_INET6. 3.x and earlier don't have IPv6 support. */
#if OSMajorVersion < 4
#ifndef BuildIPv6
#define BuildIPv6		NO

#define IPv6SocketsAlsoIPv4	NO

#if (OSMajorVersion > 1)
#define InstallXloadSetGID	NO
#define InstallXloadSetGID	YES

#define HasWeakSymbols		UseElfFormat

 * Multi-thread safe libs 
/* 2.2.7 and later has libc_r (POSIX threads) */
#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 2 && OSTeenyVersion >= 7 || \
    OSMajorVersion >= 3
# define HasPosixThreads	YES
# define ThreadedX		YES
# define HasThreadSafeAPI	YES
# if OSRelVersion < 501000
# else
#  define MTSafeAPIDefines	-DXUSE_MTSAFE_API
# endif
# if (OSRelVersion < 500043)
#  define NeedUIThrStubs	YES
# endif
# if (OSRelVersion >= 502102)
#  define ThreadsLibraries	-lpthread
# elif (OSRelVersion >= 500016)
#  define ThreadsLibraries	-lc_r
# else
#  define ThreadsLibraries	-pthread
# endif
# define SystemMTDefines	-D_THREAD_SAFE

/* This fixes linking C programs against libGLU on FreeBSD 3.x */
#if (OSMajorVersion == 3)
#define SharedGLUReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB) -lstdc++ -lgcc

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#define StripInstalledPrograms	YES
#define CompressAllFonts	YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES
#define NeedConstPrototypes	YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes	YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes	YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes	YES
#define NeedWidePrototypes	NO

#define HasPlugin		YES
#define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext	YES	/* XC or XFree86 >= 3.3.1 */

#define MkdirHierCmd		mkdir -p

#ifndef LexCmd
#define LexCmd			flex -l
#ifndef HasFlex
#define HasFlex			YES

#ifndef HasMktemp
#if (OSMajorVersion >= 4) || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 1) || \
	(OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 2 && OSTeenyVersion >= 7)
#define HasMktemp		YES
#define HasMktemp		NO

 * 2.2.x has perl 4 by default, not perl 5.
#if (OSMajorVersion <= 2)
#ifndef HasPerl5
#define HasPerl5		NO

#ifndef CcCmd
#define CcCmd			cc
#ifndef CplusplusCmd
#define CplusplusCmd		c++
#define CppCmd			/usr/bin/cpp
#define PreProcessCmd		CppCmd
#define StandardCppOptions	-traditional
#define StandardCppDefines	/**/
#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
#if defined(UseInstalled)
#define DefaultCCOptions	/**/
#if defined(HasGcc3) && HasGcc3
#define NoSystemWarn		-Wno-system-headers
#define NoSystemWarn
#define DefaultCCOptions	-ansi -pedantic NoSystemWarn -Dasm=__asm \
#ifndef ExtraLibraries
/* support for multi-byte locales is in libxpg4 rather than libc */
#if (OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 2)) && \
    !(OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSRelVersion >= 400020) && \
    !(OSRelVersion >= 500005)
#define ExtraLibraries		-lxpg4
#define ExtraLibraries		/**/
#ifndef UseGnuMalloc
/* 2.2 doesn't really have GnuMalloc */
#if OSMajorVersion < 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion < 2)
#define UseGnuMalloc		YES
#define UseGnuMalloc		NO
/* 2.2.2 and later has setusercontext() */
#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 2) || \
     (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 2 && OSTeenyVersion >= 2)
#define HasSetUserContext	YES

#if OSMajorVersion >= 5 || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 6)
#define HasGetpeereid		YES

/* 3.3(?) and later has support for setting MTRRs */
#ifndef HasMTRRSupport
#if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 3)
#define HasMTRRSupport		YES
#define HasMTRRSupport		NO

 * Drivers that don't need AGP can work with 4.0, but we don't have a
 * mechanism for specifying a subset of drivers in the files yet.
#ifndef BuildXF86DRI
#if OSMajorVersion >= 5 || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 1)
#define BuildXF86DRI		YES

 * 4.1/i386 and 5.0/i386,alpha,ia64,amd64 have the AGP driver.
#ifndef HasAgpGart
#if defined(i386Architecture) && \
	(OSMajorVersion >= 5 || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 1))
#define HasAgpGart		YES
#if (defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(ia64Architecture) || \
	defined(AMD64Architecture)) && (OSMajorVersion >= 5)
#define HasAgpGart		YES

 * SSE and 3DNow will be autodetected, so binutils is the only 
 * requirement for enabling this.  By 4.2 they were all supported.
#if defined(AMD64Architecture) || defined(i386Architecture) && \
	(OSMajorVersion >= 5 || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 2))
# define HasX86Support          YES
# define HasMMXSupport		YES
# define Has3DNowSupport	YES
# define HasSSESupport		YES
# define HasX86Support	        NO
# define HasMMXSupport		NO
# define Has3DNowSupport	NO
# define HasSSESupport		NO

 * This doesn't work the way it does on every other system. On FreeBSD it's
 * only a "hint, not a demand", whatever that means. Note that this is not 
 * what it says in the ld and man pages, which are rather vague on the
 * matter.
 * But we do know that if a) you do what the X Project team does and set your 
 * ProjectRoot to something like "/X11", and b) you have other X libraries, 
 * e.g. in /usr/X11R6/lib, and you have added /usr/X11R6/lib to your 
 * with ldconfig, then any programs linked with this "hint" will
 * find that ignores the "hint" at runtime and loads the libraries in 
 * the, i.e.the wrong ones, instead! Empirically we find that
 * the run-path is only used as a last resort to find the libraries, after
 * the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
 * N. B. to FreeBSD users who are not familiar with the semantics of the run-
 * path on other systems. The run-path is akin to a per-program 
 * If a program is linked with a run-path, that run-path should take 
 * precedence over _everything_ else! In my opinion ldconfig and the 
 * should be deprecated immediately now that FreeBSD has run-
 * paths. Any program that needs libraries that are outside the "well known" 
 * locations should be linked with a run-path.
 * All of which begs the question: If this option doesn't work in any useful
 * way, why did they (FreeBSD) bother to add it? It would be nice if FreeBSD
 * would fix so that run-paths are truly useful.
 * Using run-paths is added with the intent that vendors who ship X for 
 * FreeBSD should use it too. Once everyone uses it then there will be no 
 * reason for FreeBSD to assume that it knows where X libraries are installed 
 * and they can remove it from the list of directories they add to 
 * in their /etc/rc file.

#ifndef UseRpath
# define UseRpath		YES

#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 2)

# ifndef RpathLoadFlags
#  if UseRpath
#   if UseElfFormat
#    define RpathLoadFlags	-Wl,-rpath,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
#   else
#    define RpathLoadFlags	-Wl,-R,$(USRLIBDIRPATH)
#   endif
#  else
#   define RpathLoadFlags	/**/
#  endif
# endif

# ifndef ExtraLoadFlags
#  if UseElfFormat && !defined(UseInstalled)
#   define ExtraLoadFlags	RpathLoadFlags -Wl,-rpath-link,$(BUILDLIBDIR)
#  else
#   define ExtraLoadFlags	RpathLoadFlags
#  endif
# endif


#ifndef LibraryRpathLoadFlags
# if UseRpath
#  if UseElfFormat
#   define LibraryRpathLoadFlags	-rpath $(USRLIBDIRPATH)
#  else
#   define LibraryRpathLoadFlags	-R $(USRLIBDIRPATH)
#  endif
# else
#  define LibraryRpathLoadFlags		/**/
# endif

#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
# if UseElfFormat
#  define SharedLibraryLoadFlags	-shared LibraryRpathLoadFlags
# else
#  define SharedLibraryLoadFlags	-Bshareable LibraryRpathLoadFlags
# endif

#ifndef GnuMallocLibrary
#define GnuMallocLibrary	-lgnumalloc

#if (OSMajorVersion > 2) || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 2) \
	|| (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion >= 6)
/* 2.1.6 and 2.2 have libz */
#ifndef HasZlib
#define HasZlib		YES

/* PAM appeared in FreeBSD 3.1 */
#if (OSMajorVersion > 3) || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >=1 )
#ifndef HasPam
#define HasPam		YES

/* There are two options for building.  One is to assume that the system has
 * many of the dependencies provided by the ports tree.  The other is to just
 * build everything from this tree.

#ifndef HasStandardPorts
#define HasStandardPorts	YES

#ifndef LocalBase
#define LocalBase		/usr/local
#ifndef X11Base
#define X11Base			/usr/X11R6

#if HasStandardPorts

#ifndef HasExpat
# define HasExpat		YES
# define ExpatDir		LocalBase

#ifndef HasFreetype2
# define HasFreetype2		YES
# define Freetype2Dir		LocalBase

#ifndef HasFontconfig
# define HasFontconfig		YES
# define FontconfigDir		X11Base

#ifndef HasLibpng
# define HasLibpng		YES
# define LibpngDir		LocalBase

#endif /* HasStandardPorts */

#undef  InstallCmd
#define InstallCmd		/usr/bin/install

#if UseElfFormat
# define AsmElfDefines		-D__ELF__
# define AsmElfDefines /**/

#if GccUsesGas
# define GccGasOption		-DGCCUSESGAS
# define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS AsmElfDefines
# define GccGasOption /**/
# define AsmDefines		AsmElfDefines

#ifdef i386Architecture
#define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines
#if defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(Sparc64Architecture) || \
	defined(ia64Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture)
#define ServerExtraDefines GccGasOption XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
#ifdef Sparc64Architecture
#define AsVISOption		-Av9a
#define AsOutputArchSize	64

#ifdef PpcArchitecture
#define XF86INT10_BUILD		X86INT10_STUB

#define StandardDefines	-DCSRG_BASED

#if OSMajorVersion > 1
#define ServerOSDefines		XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
#define XawI18nDefines		-DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING
#define HasMakefileSafeInclude	YES
#define IncludeMakefile(file) @@# dependencies are in .depend
#define DependFileName		.depend
#ifndef DoLoadableServer
#define DoLoadableServer	YES
#ifndef ForceNormalLib
#define ForceNormalLib		YES
#define HasMkstemp		YES
#define ServerOSDefines		XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DXNO_SYSCONF

/* The GCC strength-reduce bug is fixed for FreeBSD 2.1.5 and later */
#ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt
#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 1) || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion >= 5)
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 GccAliasingArgs

#ifdef i386Architecture
# define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
# define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O

#ifndef PreIncDir
# define PreIncDir	/usr/include

#define HasGroff	YES
#define NroffCmd	env GROFF_NO_SGR=y groff -Tascii
#define SetTtyGroup	YES

#ifndef ExtraFilesToClean
# define ExtraFilesToClean *.core

#define DefaultUserPath		/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR):/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin
#define DefaultSystemPath	/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$(BINDIR)
#ifndef SystemManDirectory
#define SystemManDirectory	/usr/share/man

#define InstKmemFlags	-g kmem -m 2755

 * Compress manual pages
#ifndef CompressManPages
# define CompressManPages	YES

#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 1)
#define HasBsdMake	YES

#ifndef StaticLibrary
#define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -Wl,-Bstatic Concat(-L,libpath) Concat(-l,libname) -Wl,-Bdynamic

#if UseElfFormat
#define DlLibrary		-rdynamic
#define DlLibrary		/**/

#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
#define IoLibrary		-lio
#define IoLibrary		/**/

#define ServerExtraSysLibs	IoLibrary
#ifndef PamLibraries
#define PamLibraries		-lpam DlLibrary

#ifndef SharedLibXdmGreet
# define SharedLibXdmGreet		NO

 * On FreeBSD, the run-time loader will use the built-in "rpath" before
 * LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  This means that utilities like mkfontdir will load
 * installed libraries (if they exist) in preference to the ones in the
 * build tree, even though LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the build tree.
 * This can result in the build failing.  One way to avoid this is to
 * pre-load the libraries from the build tree.
 * There should be a better way than this hack...
#if UseElfFormat
#ifndef PreloadFontSetup
#define PreloadFontSetup	LD_PRELOAD="`(cd $(XENVLIBDIR); echo $(XFONTPRELOADPATTERN))`"
#ifndef PreloadFreetypeSetup
#define PreloadFreetypeSetup	LD_PRELOAD="`(cd $(XENVLIBDIR); echo $(FT2PRELOADPATTERN))`"
#ifndef PreloadXFTSetup

#ifndef HasCookieMaker
/* Which versions have /dev/urandom? */
#if OSMajorVersion >= 4
#define HasCookieMaker		YES
#define MkCookieCmd \
	'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -e \\"%08x\\"'
#define HasCookieMaker		NO

 * A hack to work around an optimization problem with gcc 2.95.2 - 2.95.4
#if (GccMajorVersion == 2 && GccMinorVersion == 95)
#define GccOptBug295

#include <bsdLib.rules>

#include <>