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XCOMM $Xorg:,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $

XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/,v 3.47 2003/04/24 22:14:53 herrb Exp $

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			DefaultOSName
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor		(LynuxWorks Inc.)
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		DefaultOSTeenyVersion
XCOMM operating system:  OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)

#ifndef HasSetenv
#define HasSetenv		NO

#if  OSMajorVersion > 2
#define HasGcc2			YES

#ifndef HasGcc2
#define HasGcc2			NO

#if  OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 2)
# ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
#  define HasGcc2ForCplusplus	YES
# endif
#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# define HasGcc2ForCplusplus	YES
#define GccUsesGas		YES
#define UseGas			YES
#define GnuCpp			YES
#define HasShadowPasswd		NO
#ifndef HasLibCrypt
# define HasLibCrypt		NO
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasSutenv		NO
#define HasSnprintf		NO
#define HasShm			YES
#define HasSockets		YES
#define HasVFork		NO
#define HasVarDirectory		NO
#if  OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 4)
# define HasBSD44Sockets 	YES
#define HasStickyDirBit		NO
#ifndef HasPosixRegex
# define HasPosixRegex		NO
#ifndef HasPerl
# define HasPerl		NO
#ifndef HasFreetype2
# define HasFreetype2		NO

#if OSMajorVersion <= 2

/* At least on x86 we're seeing spurious server crashes when
 * using signals (SmartScheduler, SilkenMouse) starting with
 * LynxOS 3.1.0.
#if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion == 1)
# ifndef UseSmartScheduler
#  define UseSmartScheduler	NO
# endif

#ifdef UseSmartScheduler
/* pull in real sigio in os-support instead of sigiostubs */
# define AllowSIGIO		YES

#define HasPosixThreads		YES
#define ThreadedX		YES
#define HasThreadSafeAPI	YES
#if HasGcc2
# if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 3
#  define ThreadsCompileFlags	-mposix -mthreads
#  define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags	-mposix -mthreads
# else
#  define ThreadsCompileFlags	-mthreads
#  define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags	-mthreads
# endif
# define ThreadsCompileFlags	-m
# define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags	-m
#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion < 3
# define ThreadsLibraries /lib/thread/libc.a /lib/thread/libc_p.a
#if (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion == 0) || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion <= 5)
# define ThreadPreStdAPIDefines	-DXPRE_STANDARD_API
#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 2)
#define StripInstalledPrograms	YES
/* under LynxOS AT V2.x /bin/strip will leave file.unstripped around
 * and fail if installing across different file systems
#define StripInstalledPrograms	NO
#define CompressAllFonts	YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	NO
#define NeedConstPrototypes	YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes	YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes	YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes	YES
#define NeedWidePrototypes	NO
#define MkdirHierCmd		mkdir -p
#define DirFailPrefix 		-

#if HasGcc2
# if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 3
#  define CplusplusCmd		g++ -mposix
#  define CcCmd			gcc -mposix
# else
#  define CplusplusCmd		g++
#  define CcCmd			gcc
# endif
# if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 5)
#  if defined(UseInstalled)
#   define DefaultCCOptions	-fcommon -D__NO_INCLUDE_WARN__
#  else
#   define DefaultCCOptions -ansi -pedantic -fcommon -D__NO_INCLUDE_WARN__ GccWarningOptions
#  endif
# endif
# define CplusplusCmd		g++ 
# define CcCmd			gcc 
# define DefaultCCOptions	-ansi GccWarningOptions
# define GccGasOption		-DGCCUSESGAS /* For SuperProbe */
#define AsCmd			as
#define LdCmd			ld
#define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS
#if OSMajorVersion < 4
# define CppCmd			/lib/cpp
# define CppCmd			/bin/cpp
#define RawCppCmd              CppCmd
#if !CrossCompiling
#define YaccCmd			bison -y
/* make sure we take the right flex on 2.3.0 and 2.4.0 */
#define LexCmd			/bin/flex
#if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 5)
# define LexLib			-lfl
# define LexLib			/**/
#define HasFlex			YES
/* On LynxOS AT 2.3.0 /lib/libm.a is a symbolic link to /lib/libc.a, so we
 * screw up some POSIX functionality when -lm comes before -lc_p in our
 * ld argument list. For LynxOS-AT we don't need -lm but for others we 
 * do (e.g. SPARC)
#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 3
# define MathLibrary		-lc_p -lm
# define TermcapLibrary		-lc_p -ltermcap
# define MathLibrary		-lm
# define TermcapLibrary		-ltermcap
#define PreProcessCmd		CcCmd -E
#if HasGcc2
# define PostIncDir		DefaultGccIncludeDir
#define LdCombineFlags		-r
#if HasGcc2
# ifdef i386Architecture
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2i386Opt
# else
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2
# endif
# define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O
#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion <= 2
# define StandardDefines		-DLynx -DLynx_22 -DX_NOT_POSIX
# if defined(i386Architecture)
/* need __i386__ for 2.5.0 AT and higher */
#  if OSMajorVersion <= 3
#   define StandardDefines		-DLynx -DX_LOCALE -D__i386__ -DNO_MMAP
#  else
#   define StandardDefines		-DLynx -DX_LOCALE -D__i386__
#  endif
# else
#  if OSMajorVersion <= 3
#   define StandardDefines		-DLynx -DX_LOCALE -DNO_MMAP
#  else
#   define StandardDefines		-DLynx -DX_LOCALE
#  endif
# endif

#define StandardCppOptions	-traditional
#define StandardCppDefines	StandardDefines
#if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(PpcArchitecture)
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
# if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion < 5
#  define XkbServerDefines      -DNEED_POPEN_WORKAROUND
# endif
# if defined(SparcArchitecture)
#  define SparcConsoleDefines	/* -DPATCHED_CONSOLE */
#  define ServerOSDefines 	-DDDXOSINIT
#  define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS SparcConsoleDefines
#  define XkbServerDefines	-DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
# else
#  define ServerOSDefines 	/**/
#  define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS
# endif
#define ServerExtraSysLibs	$(CBRT) MathLibrary
#define ConnectionFlags		-DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN
#if OSMajorVersion <= 2 && OSMinorVersion < 5
# define ExtraLibraries		-lbsd
# define ExtraLibraries		-lbsd -llynx
#if !HasGcc2
# define ExtraLoadFlags		-k
#if OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion <= 2

/* If you have the mtrr driver installed you might want to enable this */
#ifndef HasMTRRSupport
#define HasMTRRSupport		NO

#if (defined(i386Architecture) || defined(PpcArchitecture)) && (OSMajorVersion > 2 || OSMinorVersion > 2)
# ifndef DoLoadableServer
#  define DoLoadableServer	YES
# endif

/* define HasMotif to YES for LynxOS with Motif
 * installed according to the notes in README.LynxOS.
#ifndef HasMotif
# define HasMotif 		NO
#ifndef MetroLink
/* We handle the Motif stuff elsewhere */
#if HasMotif
# ifndef UseInstalledMotif
#  define UseInstalledMotif	YES
# endif
# ifndef SaberProgramTarget
#  define SaberProgramTarget(program,srclist,objlist,locallibs,syslibs) /**/
# endif
# define LocalTmplFile		<Motif.tmpl>
# define LocalRulesFile		<Motif.rules>

#define ManSourcePath   $(MANPATH)/cat

#ifndef ManSuffix
# define ManSuffix	1
#ifndef ManDir
# define ManDir		$(MANSOURCEPATH)1
#ifndef LibManSuffix
# define LibManSuffix	3
#ifndef LibmanDir
# define LibmanDir	$(MANSOURCEPATH)3
#ifndef FileManSuffix
# define FileManSuffix	5
#ifndef FileManDir
# define FileManDir	$(MANSOURCEPATH)5

#define HasGroff	YES

/* groff 1.09 compiles right out of the box with LynxOS 2.3,
 * so if you want to have manual pages you should install groff 1.09
 * before you run 'make'
#ifndef InstallManPageLong
#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest)                           @@\
BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,$(MANSUFFIX))				@@\
CppManTarget(file, $(EXTRAMANDEFS))					@@\
									@@\ file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX)                                      @@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir)					@@\
	$(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX)*			@@\
	groff -e -t -man -Tascii file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX) >/tmp/	@@\
	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/ $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
	echo dest dest $(MANSUFFIX) >> $(DESTDIR)destdir/LIST$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
	gawk '					\			@@\
	/^\.SH[ 	]*NAME/ 	{ 	\			@@\
		getline; sub("\\\\", "(" p ") "); print; exit	\	@@\
	}' p=$(MANSUFFIX) file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX)  >> $(DESTDIR)destdir/../whatis	@@\
	$(RM) /tmp/

#ifndef InstallManPageAliases
#define InstallManPageAliases(file,destdir,aliases)                     @@\
InstallHtmlManPageAliases(file,aliases,$(MANSUFFIX))			@@\
									@@\                                                           @@\
	@(SUFFIX=`echo $(DESTDIR)destdir/file.* | cut -f2,3 -d.`; \	@@\
	for i in aliases; do (set -x; \ 				@@\
	$(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/$$i.*; \				@@\
	(cd $(DESTDIR)destdir; $(LN) file.$${SUFFIX} \			@@\
	$$i.$${SUFFIX})); \						@@\
	echo $$i dest $(MANSUFFIX) >> $(DESTDIR)destdir/LIST$(MANSUFFIX); \ @@\

#ifndef InstallGenManPageLong
#define InstallGenManPageLong(file,destdir,dest,suffix)                 @@\
BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,suffix)				@@\
CppManTarget(file, $(EXTRAMANDEFS))					@@\
									@@\ file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX)                                      @@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir)					@@\
	$(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.suffix*				@@\
	groff -e -t -man -Tascii file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX) >/tmp/	@@\
	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/ $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.suffix @@\
	echo dest dest suffix >> $(DESTDIR)destdir/Concat(LIST,suffix)	 @@\
	gawk '					\			@@\
	/^\.SH[ 	]*NAME/ 	{ 	\			@@\
		getline; sub("\\\\", "(" p ") "); print; exit	\	@@\
	}' p=suffix file.$(MANNEWSUFFIX)  >> $(DESTDIR)destdir/../whatis	@@\
	$(RM) /tmp/

#ifndef InstallMultipleMan
#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest)                                   @@\ list                                                      @@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)						@@\
	@case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \			@@\
	for i in list; do \						@@\
		(MNAME=`echo $$i | cut -f1 -d.`; \			@@\
		set -x; \						@@\
		$(RM) $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}*; \			@@\
		groff -e -t -man -Tascii $$i >/tmp/$$i; \		@@\
		$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/$$i $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}.$(MANSUFFIX); \      @@\
		echo $${MNAME} $${MNAME} $(MANSUFFIX) >> $(DESTDIR)dest/LIST$(MANSUFFIX)\  @@\
		gawk '							\  @@\
		/^\.SH[ 	]*NAME/ 	{ 			\  @@\
			getline; sub("\\\\", "(" p ") "); print; exit	\  @@\
		}' p=$(MANSUFFIX) $$i  >> $(DESTDIR)dest/../whatis	\  @@\
		$(RM) /tmp/$$i); \					   @@\

 * Definitions for the SUN server on LynxOS SPARC
#ifdef SparcArchitecture
# define XsunLynxServer			YES
# define XsunLynxMonoServer		NO
# ifndef BuildScreenSaverLibrary
#  define BuildScreenSaverLibrary	YES
# endif
# if BuildXInputExt
#  undef BuildXInputExt
# endif
# define BuildXInputExt			NO
# define BuildXF86MiscExt		NO
# define BuildXF86VidModeExt		NO
 * XFree86 uses its own (more portable) database routines to speed up 
 * the RGB database lookups
 * However, if you want to use ndbm anyway, you can set that to NO in 
 * site.def
# ifndef UseRgbTxt
#  define UseRgbTxt	YES
# endif

#if !defined(i386Architecture) && !defined(PpcArchitecture)
# define BuildXF86DGA NO

#if 0
#include <lynxLib.rules>

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES

#include <>