ProxyReadBuffer.cpp 5.04 KB
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/*                                                                        */
/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 NoMachine,         */
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/*                                                                        */
/* NXCOMP, NX protocol compression and NX extensions to this software     */
/* are copyright of NoMachine. Redistribution and use of the present      */
/* software is allowed according to terms specified in the file LICENSE   */
/* which comes in the source distribution.                                */
/*                                                                        */
/* Check for applicability.       */
/*                                                                        */
/* NX and NoMachine are trademarks of Medialogic S.p.A.                   */
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/*                                                                        */
/* All rights reserved.                                                   */
/*                                                                        */

#include "ProxyReadBuffer.h"

#include "Transport.h"

// Set the verbosity level. You also
// need to define DUMP in Misc.cpp
// if DUMP is defined here.

#define WARNING
#define PANIC
#undef  TEST
#undef  DEBUG
#undef  DUMP

unsigned int ProxyReadBuffer::suggestedLength(unsigned int pendingLength)
  // Always read all the data that
  // is available.

  int readable = transport_ -> readable();

  unsigned int readLength = (readable == -1 ? 0 : (unsigned int) readable);

  if (readLength < pendingLength)
    readLength = pendingLength;

  // Even if the readable data is not
  // enough to make a complete message,
  // resize the buffer to accomodate
  // it all.

  if (pendingLength < remaining_)
    readLength = remaining_;

  return readLength;

int ProxyReadBuffer::locateMessage(const unsigned char *start,
                                       const unsigned char *end,
                                           unsigned int &controlLength,
                                               unsigned int &dataLength,
                                                   unsigned int &trailerLength)
  unsigned int lengthLength = 0;
  const unsigned char *nextSrc = start;
  unsigned char next;

  dataLength = 0;

  #ifdef TEST
  *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Locating message for FD#"
          << transport_ -> fd() << " with " << end - start
          << " bytes.\n" << logofs_flush;

  // Use something like the following if
  // you are looking for errors.

  #ifdef DUMP
  if (control -> ProxyMode == proxy_server && start < end &&
          transport_ -> fd() == 6 || transport_ -> fd() == 11)
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Partial checksums are:\n";

    DumpBlockChecksums(start, end - start, 256);

    *logofs << logofs_flush;

    if (nextSrc >= end)
      remaining_ = 1;

      #ifdef TEST
      *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: No message was located "
              << "with remaining " << remaining_ << ".\n"
              << logofs_flush;

      return 0;

    next = *nextSrc++;

    dataLength <<= 7;
    dataLength |= (unsigned int) (next & 0x7f);

  while (next & 0x80);

  unsigned int totalLength;

  if (dataLength == 0)
    trailerLength = 0;
    controlLength = 3;
    totalLength   = controlLength;
    trailerLength = lengthLength;
    controlLength = 0;
    totalLength   = dataLength + trailerLength;

  if (start + totalLength > end)
    // When having to decompress a ZLIB stream,
    // a single byte can be enough to complete
    // the frame.

    if (control -> RemoteStreamCompression == 0)
      remaining_ = totalLength - (end - start);
      remaining_ = 1;

    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: No message was located "
            << "with remaining " << remaining_ << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;

    return 0;
    #ifdef DUMP
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Received " << totalLength << " bytes of data "
            << "with checksum ";

    DumpChecksum(start, totalLength);

    *logofs << " on proxy FD#" << transport_ -> fd() << ".\n" << logofs_flush;

    #if defined(TEST) || defined(INFO)
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Produced plain input for " << dataLength 
            << "+" << trailerLength << "+" << controlLength << " bytes out of " 
            << totalLength << " bytes.\n" << logofs_flush;

    #ifdef DUMP
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Partial checksums are:\n";

    DumpBlockChecksums(start, totalLength, 256);

    *logofs << logofs_flush;

    remaining_ = 0;

    #ifdef TEST
    *logofs << "ProxyReadBuffer: Located message with "
            << "remaining " << remaining_ << ".\n"
            << logofs_flush;

    return 1;