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		X FreeType library
		  Version 2.1.7

Xft version 2.1 is the first stand alone release of Xft, a library that
connects X applications with the FreeType font rasterization library. Xft
uses fontconfig to locate fonts so it has no configuration files.

Version 2.1.7

Change FC_CHARCELL and FC_MONO interpretation.  FC_MONO no longer clips
glyphs to charcell, you must specify FC_CHARCELL for that.

Add support for FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden where it exists (which it usually

Avoid crashing when using FT_Face objects.

Version 2.1.6

Deal with broken FreeType 2.1.7 BDF/PCF loaders by trying both y_ppem/x_ppem
and width/height values.

Version 2.1.5

Left some #warnings from testing in the 2.1.4 release.  Spin again.

Version 2.1.4

Work with older versions of Fontconfig by using various pattern elements
only when defined.

Version 2.1.3

Change Freetype includes to new syntax.

Search for nearest bitmap for bitmap-only fonts.

Support fontconfig 2.2 release which doesn't include FC_HINT_STYLE.

To release a version of this library:

 1.     Update the version numbers
 2.     Fix the README
                Change version number
                Set the date
 3.     Commit those changes
 4.     rebuild the configuration files with
                sh --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
 5.     make distcheck
 6.     tag the tree
                cvs tag Xft-2_1_xx
 7.     Copy Xft-2.1.xx.tar.gz and Xft-2.1.xx.tar.bz2 to
 8.     Compute md5sums for release files:
                md5sum Xft-2.1.xx.tar.gz Xft-2.1.xx.tar.bz2
 9.     Post a note to  Include the md5sums.
        gpg sign the message.

Keith Packard