cde.rules 5.8 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998 The Open Group , Inc.
 *  the full copyright text.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. 
 * (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
 * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
XCOMM $Xorg: cde.rules,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $

/* Note whether we are the top level project. */
#ifndef SeenTopLevelProject
# define SeenTopLevelProject	YES
# define CDEIsTopLevelProject	YES
# define CDEIsTopLevelProject	NO

/* Include the Motif project rules file. */
#include <Motif.rules>

/* Use the in-tree CDE by default. */
#ifndef UseInstalledCDE
# define UseInstalledCDE	NO
#ifdef UseInstalled
# undef UseInstalledCDE
# define UseInstalledCDE	YES

#ifndef ImportCDE
# ifdef UseImports
#  define ImportCDE		YES
# else
#  define ImportCDE		NO
# endif
#if UseInstalledCDE
# undef ImportCDE
# define ImportCDE		NO

/* If CDE has a different ProjectRoot we need to search the regular ones too. */
#ifdef CDEProjectRoot
# define CUsrLibDirPath	Concat(MUsrLibDirPath,:$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib)
# define CUsrLibDirPath	MUsrLibDirPath
#ifdef UsrLibDirPath
# undef UsrLibDirPath
#define UsrLibDirPath	CUsrLibDirPath

#if ImportCDE
# define CLdPreLibs	-L$(CDELIBSRC)
#elif defined(UseInstalledCDE) && defined(CDEProjectRoot)
# define CLdPreLibs	-L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
# define CLdPreLibs	/**/
#ifdef LdPreLibs
# undef LdPreLibs
#define LdPreLibs	LdPreLib CLdPreLibs MLdPreLibs XLdPreLibs

#ifdef CDEProjectRoot
# define CLdPostLibs	-L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
# define CLdPostLibs	/**/
#ifdef LdPostLibs
# undef LdPostLibs
#define LdPostLibs	LdPostLib CLdPostLibs MLdPostLibs XLdPostLibs

#ifdef TopIncludes
# undef TopIncludes

#if UseInstalledCDE && defined(CDEProjectRoot)
# define CDEBuildLibPath	$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib
#elif UseInstalledCDE
# define CDEBuildLibPath	$(USRLIBDIR)
#elif ImportCDE
# define CDEBuildLibPath	$(CDELIBSRC)
# define CDEBuildLibPath	$(TOP)/exports/lib
#ifdef BuildLibPath
# undef BuildLibPath
#ifdef SystemBuildLibPath
# define BuildLibPath		\

#ifndef CdeInstallationTop
# define CdeInstallationTop	/usr/dt
#ifndef CdeConfigurationTop
# define CdeConfigurationTop	/etc/dt
#ifndef CdeLogFilesTop
# define CdeLogFilesTop		/var/dt
#ifndef CdeUserTop
# define CdeUserTop		.dt

#ifndef CdeProjectDefines
# define CdeProjectDefines	\
#ifdef ProjectDefines
# undef ProjectDefines
#define ProjectDefines	X11ProjectDefines MotifProjectDefines CdeProjectDefines

#ifndef CdeCplusplusProjectDefines
# define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines	CdeProjectDefines
#ifdef CplusplusProjectDefines
# undef CplusplusProjectDefines
#define CplusplusProjectDefines	\
	X11CplusplusProjectDefines MotifCplusplusProjectDefines CdeCplusplusProjectDefines

 * Doc build rules

 * MakeSdlVolume - generate rules to create an SDL volume, in the specified
 * directory, from an SGML source doc.
 * Note: the volume name must match the directory name.
#ifndef MakeSdlVolume
#define MakeSdlVolume(vol,dir,env,opts,dep)				@@\
all:: dir/vol.sdl							@@\
dir/vol.sdl: dep							@@\
	MakeDir(dir)							@@\
	env $(DTDOCBOOK) $(DTDOCBOOKOPTIONS) opts -o dir/vol.sdl vol/book.sgm	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) dir/vol.sdl vol/book.log

 * MakeTocFile - generate rules to create an SGML TOC file.
 * Note: the volume name must match the directory name.
#ifndef MakeTocFile
#define MakeTocFile(vol,env,opts,ttle,ident,dep)					@@\
all:: vol/TOC.sgm							@@\
vol/TOC.sgm: dep							@@\
	MakeDir($(DTINFOGENTMPDIR))					@@\
	env $(DTINFOGEN) tocgen -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -f vol/TOC.sgm -id ident -title ttle vol/book.sgm	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) vol/TOC.sgm

#ifndef MakeTocFile3
#define MakeTocFile3(vol,env,opts,ttle,ident,dep1,dep2,dep3)			@@\
all:: vol/TOC.sgm							@@\
vol/TOC.sgm: dep1							@@\
vol/TOC.sgm: dep2							@@\
vol/TOC.sgm: dep3							@@\
	MakeDir($(DTINFOGENTMPDIR))					@@\
	env $(DTINFOGEN) tocgen -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -f vol/TOC.sgm -id ident -title ttle vol/book.sgm	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) vol/TOC.sgm

 * TocFileDep - generate TOC file dependency rule
#ifndef TocFileDep
#define TocFileDep(vol,dep)						@@\
vol/TOC.sgm: dep

 * MakeInfolib - generate rules to create an infolib.
#ifndef MakeInfolib
#define MakeInfolib(infolib,bkcase,env,opts,dep)			@@\
all:: infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf				@@\
infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep				@@\
	MakeDir($(DTINFOGENTMPDIR))					@@\
	MakeDir(infolib)						@@\
	env $(DTINFOGEN) build -T $(DTINFOGENTMPDIR) $(DTINFOGENOPTIONS) opts -l infolib bookcase.bc

 * InfolibDep - generate infolib dependency rule - Highly depending on MMDB!
#ifndef InfolibDep
#define InfolibDep(infolib,bkcase,dep)					@@\
infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep

#ifndef InfolibDep3
#define InfolibDep3(infolib,bkcase,dep1,dep2,dep3)			@@\
infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep1				@@\
infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep2				@@\
infolib/bkcase/dtsearch/dtsearch.ocf: dep3