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XCOMM platform:  $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/,v 1.3 2004/08/30 13:32:51 kem Exp $
XCOMM platform:  $Xorg:,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $

#ifndef OSName
# define OSName		DefaultOSName
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
# define OSMajorVersion	DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
# define OSMinorVersion	DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
# ifdef DefaultOSTeenyVersion
#  define OSTeenyVersion	DefaultOSTeenyVersion
# elif (OSMajorVersion == 4) && (OSMinorVersion == 1)
#  define OSTeenyVersion	3
# else
#  define OSTeenyVersion	0
# endif
XCOMM operating system:  OSName (OSMajorVersion.OSMinorVersion.OSTeenyVersion)

#define RemoveFiles(files) for f in files; do RemoveFile($$f); done

#if (OSMajorVersion > 4)
#  define HasSnprintf YES
#  define HasStrcasecmp	YES
#if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion >= 2)
#define HasBSD44Sockets		YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasPlugin		YES
 * If you do not have threads support installed, put
 * #define HasPosixThreads	NO
 * in the BeforeVendorCF section of your site.def.
#if !defined(HasPosixThreads) && ((OSMajorVersion == 3 && (OSMinorVersion > 2 || (OSMinorVersion == 2 && OSTeenyVersion > 4))) || (OSMajorVersion == 4 && (OSMinorVersion > 1 || (OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion > 1))) || (OSMajorVersion >= 5))
#define HasPosixThreads		YES
#if HasPosixThreads
#ifndef ThreadedX
#define ThreadedX		YES
#endif /* OS > 3.2 */

#define NeedConstPrototypes	YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes	YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes	YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes	YES

#ifndef XVirtualFramebufferServer
#define XVirtualFramebufferServer YES

#if !defined(TermcapLibrary)
#define TermcapLibrary		-lcurses

#if !defined(HasPam) && ((OSMajorVersion == 5) && (OSMinorVersion >= 2) || OSMajorVersion > 5)
#define HasPam			YES
#ifndef PamLibraries
#define PamLibraries		-lpam

 * For IBM platforms, we must define both the location of the compiler
 * and the location of its standard C++ library.  The library location
 * is needed to resolve dependent library symbols if we build our own
 * C++ shared libraries.

#if !HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# ifndef CplusplusCmd
#  if ThreadedX
#   define CplusplusCmd		xlC_r
#  else
#   define CplusplusCmd		xlC
#  endif
# endif

#ifndef CplusplusFilt
# define CplusplusFilt		/usr/lpp/xlC/bin/c++filt
#ifndef CplusplusLibC
# if ThreadedX
#  define CplusplusLibC		/usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC.a
# else
#  define CplusplusLibC		/usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC_r.a
# endif
#if !HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes
#  define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/lpp/xlC/include
# endif

 * IBM's xlC refuses to compile files unless their names end in ".C".
 * As an alternative to this fix, one could edit /etc/xlC.cfg
 * to change the suffix accepted by the compiler, but we prefer not 
 * requiring users to reconfigure their C++ compilers to make them work.
 * We also have to override the default SUFFIXES to defeat the use of
 * the builtin .C -> .o file, which doesn't use the right flags.

.SUFFIXES: .o .c .y .l .s .sh .h .f .Y .L .cxx

#define NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) test -r $*.C || $(LN) $*.CCsuf $*.C @@\
	$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.C

#define SpecialCplusplusObjectRule(baseobj,basedep,options)		@@\
baseobj.Osuf:	basedep.CCsuf						@@\
	test -r basedep.C || $(LN) basedep.CCsuf basedep.C		@@\
	$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options basedep.C

#define BuildLibPathVar		LIBPATH
#define SystemV			YES
#define LdCombineFlags		-r
#define ExecableScripts		YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES
#define CppCmd			/usr/ccs/lib/cpp
#define ExpandManNames		YES
#define ExtensionOSDefines	-DXTESTEXT1

/* IBM cpp has slightly non-standard line directives, but supports -P */
#define CppNoLineInfoOption	-P

#if OSMajorVersion > 3
#if OSMajorVersion > 4
#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV -DAIXV3 -DAIXV4 -DAIXV5 -D_ALL_SOURCE
#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV -DAIXV3 -DAIXV4 -D_ALL_SOURCE
#define XawI18nDefines		-DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS
#define ServerExtraDefines	-D_IBM_LFT
#if ThreadedX
#define CcCmd			xlc_r
#define CcCmd			xlc
#define SystemMTDefines		/* xlc_r defines -D_THREAD_SAFE */
#define ThreadsLibraries	-lpthreads /* xlc_r does -lc_r */
#define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries	-lpthreads
#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#define NullMakeCommand		@ echo
/* AIX 4 appends all MAKEFLAGS (even dups), so cannot pass on command line. */
#define ConstructMFLAGS		NO
#define LdPreLib		_Use(-L$(USRLIBDIR),-L$(BUILDLIBDIR))
#define ExtraFilesToClean	*.inp
#else 	/* OSMajorVersion < 4 */
#define StandardDefines         -DSYSV -DAIXV3 -D_ALL_SOURCE
#define ServerExtraDefines	-D_IBM_HFT
#define CcCmd			xlc
#define ThreadPreStdAPIDefines	-DXPRE_STANDARD_API
#define SystemMTDefines		-D_THREAD_SAFE
#define ThreadsLibraries	-lpthreads -lc_r
#endif	/* OSMajorVersion */

#define OPERATING_SYSTEM 	AIX /* directory name under server/ddx/ibm/ */
#define InstallCmd              /usr/ucb/install
#include <ibmLib.rules>

#ifndef ManKeywordsTarget
#define ManKeywordsTarget(manpath)					@@\
man_keywords::								@@\
	/usr/lib/makewhatis $(DESTDIR)manpath

#define DtMailDefines		\

#define ArchitectureDefines	-DIBM_ARCHITECTURE

#define ExportListGenSource

#define CdeProjectDefines \
	-D_AIX -D__AIX -D__aix -D_aix -Daix -DMULTIBYTE -DNLS16 -DMESSAGE_CAT \

 * -D__STR31__ disables inlining of memcpy to work around optimization bug
 * in XLC v1.2.0.7. Bug report filed as PMR 8X196, branch 060.
#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O -D__STR31__ -DNDEBUG

#define CdeTicDefines	-DHAS_KNL -DHAS_KTAB