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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091
                    Release Notes for X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

                            The X.Org Foundation
                          The XFree86 Project, Inc.

                              21 December 2005


     These release notes contains information about features and their
     status in the X.Org Foundation X11R6.9/X11R7.0 release.  It is
     based on the XFree86 4.4RC2 RELNOTES document published by The
     XFree86[tm] Project, Inc.  There are significant updates and dif-
     ferences in the X.Org release as noted below.

1.  Introduction to the X11R6.9/X11R7.0 Release

This release constitutes the first major version release of the X Window Sys-
tem in over a decade.  The main reasons for the major version bump from 6 to
7 is that we have moved from what has traditionally been a source codebase
comprised of many different components brought together into a single mono-
lithic tree to a source codebase where each of those same components found in
the monolithic tree are now split into logical modules that can be developed,
built and maintained separately, but still fit together coherently into the
larger project.  At the same time, we have moved away from the imake build
system to an autotools build system.  By making these changes we have opened
the source code up to a new generation of developers that can continue to
build upon the long tradition of the X Window System.

The reason for having simultaneous releases for both the monolithic and modu-
lar trees is to allow for a transition period as developers, builders and
vendors incorporate the significant changes to how the tree is built and
developed into their products and to allow time for additional platforms to
be supported the modular tree.  This initial modular release has support for
Linux and Solaris.  During the transition period, we expect both the mono-
lithic and modular trees to coexist.  For the monolithic tree, we expect that
there will be maintenance releases in the X11R6.8.x and X11R6.9.x series as
needed.  However, the main development effort will move over to the new modu-
lar tree.

The X11R7.0 release is the first in the modular series.  One of the advan-
tages of the modular tree is that it allows for more rapid and independent
updates of module components, so full maintenance releases will no longer be
required for simple bug fixes.  Rather, each module component maintainer can
prepare new releases as needed.  These module component releases will then be
periodically "rolled up" into official X.Org Foundation releases.  The next
official release will be X11R7.1 and is expected in mid 2006.

For more information on the modularization effort see the Modularization Pro-
posal <URL:>, and for help with
how to build and develop in the new modular tree see Modular Developer's
Guide <URL:>.

We encourage you to submit bug fixes and enhancements to's
bug tracking system <URL:> using the xorg prod-
uct, and to discuss them on <>.

The release numbering is based on the original MIT X numbering system.  X11
refers to the version of the network protocol that the X Window system is
based on: Version 11 was first released in 1988 and has been stable for 17
years, with only upward compatible additions to the core X protocol, a record
of stability envied in computing.  Formal releases of X started with X ver-
sion 9 from MIT; the first commercial X products were based on X version 10.
The MIT X Consortium and its successors, the X Consortium, the Open Group X
Project Team, and the X.Org Group released versions X11R3 through X11R6.6,
before the founding of the X.Org Foundation in early 2004.

The next section describes what is new in the latest version (6.9/7.0) com-
pared with the previous full release (6.8).  The other sections below
describe some of the new features and changes between 3.3.x and 4.0.  There
are lots of new features, and we definitely don't have enough space to cover
them all here.

2.  Summary of new features in X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

This is a sampling of the new features in X11R6.9/X11R7.0.  A more complete
list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file that is part of the X
source tree.

   o EXA support included

     EXA is a new accleration architecture to replace XAA, the current archi-
     tecture.  It is largely based upon KAA in KDrive, and is far more effi-
     cient at accelerating typical workloads on modern hardware, particularly
     involving the RENDER extension.

   o FreeType was updated to version 2.1.9. But installing FreeType from X
     distributions would often or usually result in the replacement or use of
     "stale" versions of FreeType. On Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris 10, and SCO5,
     therefore, X11R6.9 will by default use the version of FreeType2 that is
     installed on the system. If your system doesn't come with an installed
     FreeType2 and you wish to use the version supplied with this distribu-
     tion, please add:

     #define HasFreetype2 NO

     to config/cf/host.def.

   o Updated Mesa and DRI from upstream sources

        o More OpenGL extensions

        o Support for Radeon r3xx/r4xx and PCI-Express chips

        o Support for mixed 32-bit and 64-bit clients on 64-bit machines.

   o Individual extensions may be enabled or disabled on the command line
     using the -extension flag

   o Improved chipset probing for IA64

   o SecureRPC enabled on Linux by default

   o Updated XRX support

   o Fixes to rootless mode for Cygwin and Darwin ports

   o Numerous K&R-to-ANSI C conversions

   o Many Darwin fixes

   o Updated XvMC support, enabling generic loading of hardware-specific

   o Added wsfb video driver for OpenBSD and NetBSD framebuffer consoles

   o Numerous ATI driver updates from the GATOS project, including TV input

   o Improved ProPolice support

   o Improved module loader support for Alpha chips

   o Added mingw port for native Win32 builds

   o Updated PCI scanning

   o Experimental DRI support for Radeon 9500 and above

   o Updated xterm to #207 from Thomas Dickey's xterm project

   o Added evdev input driver for generic input handling on Linux

   o Switched to libdl-based module loader

   o MMX blending routines for the Render extension

   o Initial support for running the Xorg server without root privileges

   o Add DragonFly BSD support

   o SGI Altix support

   o Support for FreeBSD/powerpc

   o Enhanced software Render core

   o Support for more than 12 buttons in the generic mouse driver

   o Better support for DRI on 64-bit platforms

   o Solaris support updates:

        o enhanced mouse driver

        o agpgart support

        o experimental AMD64 support

        o kbd support

        o /dev/audio keyboard bell option

   o Output-only windows

   o Non-rectangular mergedfb desktops

   o Update bundled fontconfig to 2.3.2

   o Added gradient, solid fill, and convolution filter operations to Render

   o Support for XGI chipsets in SiS video driver

   o Xft updated to 2.1.7

   o Include stack backtraces in logfiles when server crashes on glibc and
     Solaris systems

   o Multiseat support

   o xload made compatible with 64-bit kernels on Solaris

   o Bundled Mesa upgraded to 6.4.1

   o CAN-2005-2495 security fixes

   o Shared libraries now built for libXau and libXdmcp

   o GNU/kFreeBSD support

2.1  Updated keyboard mappings

The requirement for XKB data can, in the modular tree, be satisfied either by
the traditional data set (the 'xkbdata' module), or by the dataset from the
xkeyboard-config project (the 'xkbdesc' module).  xkbdesc has numerous
improvements relative to xkbdata: layouts have been cleaned up for consis-
tency and universal multi-layout support, some new layouts have added, and
some layouts have changed names to be more straightforward and ISO compliant.
Some setups will need adjustments in order to use xkbdesc.

2.2  New loader mechanism

The loader now uses the standard libdl-based loader, instead of implementing
its own ELF loading and parsing mechanism.  This extends loadable server sup-
port to many platforms where it was not previously possible, such as MIPS,
Motorola 68000, HP PA/RISC, et al.  The core loader itself has also been sig-
nificantly optimised.

2.3  Video driver enhancements

   o SiS driver updates include

        o Support for EXA acceleration

        o Support for non-rectangular MergedFB, including RandR

        o Support for XGI chipsets

   o New sisusb driver for USB-attached video

   o ATI driver updates

        o Mach64 TV out support

   o Rage 128 driver updates

        o Added dualhead support

   o Radeon driver updates

        o Support for non-rectangular MergedFB

        o Support for EXA acceleration

        o Full 3D support for r3xx/r4xx series, and PCI-Express

        o Support for RN50/ES1000 chips

        o VIVO support merged from the GATOS project

        o Hostdata blit support for Xv videos and RENDER images

        o BIOS hotkey support

        o Tiled framebuffer support

   o MGA driver updates

        o New BIOS parsing

   o i810 driver updates

        o i915GM, i945G and E7221 support

        o Linux power management support (ACPI)

        o BIOS hotkey support

        o ShadowFB support

        o Improved DDC support

   o SunFFB driver updates

        o XAA acceleration

   o Savage driver updates

        o Support for PCI Savages

        o Added dualhead and DRI support

   o Newport driver updates

        o XAA acceleration

   o VIA driver updates

        o Unichrome Pro support

        o DRI support

   o NV driver updates

        o DPMS support for GeForce4 and greater laptops

   o VMWare driver updates

        o RandR support

3.  Drivers

3.1  Video Drivers

X11R6.9/X11R7.0 includes the following video drivers:

|Driver Name   | Description              | Further Information                         |
|apm           | Alliance Pro Motion      | README.apm                                  |
|ark           | Ark Logic                |                                             |
|ati           | ATI                      | README.ati, README.r128, r128(4), radeon(4) |
|chips         | Chips & Technologies     | README.chips, chips(4)                      |
|cirrus        | Cirrus Logic             |                                             |
|cyrix (*)     | Cyrix MediaGX            | README.cyrix                                |
|fbdev         | Linux framebuffer device | fbdev(4)                                    |
|glide         | Glide2x (3Dfx)           | glide(4)                                    |
|glint         | 3Dlabs, TI               | glint(4)                                    |
|i128          | Number Nine              | README.I128, i128(4)                        |
|i740          | Intel i740               | README.i740                                 |
|i810          | Intel i8xx               | README.i810, i810(4)                        |
|imstt         | Integrated Micro Solns   |                                             |
|mga           | Matrox                   | mga(4)                                      |
|neomagic      | NeoMagic                 | neomagic(4)                                 |
|newport (-)   | SGI Newport              | README.newport, newport(4)                  |
|nsc           | National Semiconductor   | nsc(4)                                      |
|nv            | NVIDIA                   | nv(4)                                       |
|rendition     | Rendition                | README.rendition, rendition(4)              |
|s3            | S3 (not ViRGE or Savage) |                                             |
|s3virge       | S3 ViRGE                 | README.s3virge, s3virge(4)                  |
|savage        | S3 Savage                | savage(4)                                   |
|siliconmotion | Silicon Motion           | siliconmotion(4)                            |
|sis           | SiS                      | README.SiS, sis(4)                          |
|sisusb        | SiS USB                  | sisusb(4)                                   |
|sunbw2 (+)    | Sun bw2                  |                                             |
|suncg14 (+)   | Sun cg14                 |                                             |
|suncg3 (+)    | Sun cg3                  |                                             |
|suncg6 (+)    | Sun GX and Turbo GX      |                                             |
|sunffb (+)    | Sun Creator/3D, Elite 3D |                                             |
|sunleo (+)    | Sun Leo (ZX)             |                                             |
|suntcx (+)    | Sun TCX                  |                                             |
|tdfx          | 3Dfx                     | tdfx(4)                                     |
|tga           | DEC TGA                  | README.DECtga                               |
|trident       | Trident                  | trident(4)                                  |
|tseng         | Tseng Labs               |                                             |
|vesa          | VESA                     | vesa(4)                                     |
|vga           | Generic VGA              | vga(4)                                      |
|via           | VIA                      | via(4)                                      |
|vmware        | VMware guest OS          | vmware(4)                                   |

Drivers marked with (*) are present in a preliminary form in this release,
but are not complete and/or stable yet.

Drivers marked with (+) are for Linux/Sparc only.

Drivers marked with (-) are for Linux/mips only.

Darwin/Mac OS X uses IOKit drivers and does not use the module loader drivers
listed above. Further information can be found in README.Darwin.

3.2  Input Drivers

X11R6.9/X11R7.0 includes the following input drivers:

   |Driver Name | Description                      | Further Information |
   |aiptek(*)   | Aiptek USB tablet                | aiptek(4)           |
   |calcomp     | Calcomp                          |                     |
   |citron      | Citron                           | citron(4)           |
   |digitaledge | DigitalEdge                      |                     |
   |dmc         | DMC                              | dmc(4)              |
   |dynapro     | Dynapro                          |                     |
   |elographics | EloGraphics                      |                     |
   |evdev(*)    | EvDev                            |                     |
   |fpit        | Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PCs     | fpit(4)             |
   |hyperpen    | Aiptek HyperPen 6000             |                     |
   |js_x        | JamStudio pentablet              | js_x(4)             |
   |kbd         | generic keyboards (alternate)    | kbd(4)              |
   |keyboard    | generic keyboards                | keyboard(4)         |
   |microtouch  | MicroTouch                       |                     |
   |mouse       | most mouse devices               | mouse(4)            |
   |mutouch     | MicroTouch                       |                     |
   |palmax      | Palmax PD1000/PD1100             | palmax(4)           |
   |penmount    | PenMount                         |                     |
   |spaceorb    | SpaceOrb                         |                     |
   |summa       | SummaGraphics                    |                     |
   |tek4957     | Tektronix 4957 tablet            | tek4957(4)          |
   |ur98(*)     | Union Reality UR-F98 headtracker | ur98(4)             |
   |void        | dummy device                     | void(4)             |
   |wacom(-)    | Wacom tablets                    | wacom(4)            |

Drivers marked with (*) are available for Linux only.

Drivers marked with (-) are available for X11R6.9 only.

4.  Overview of X11R6.9 and X11R7.0

On most platforms, X11R6.9/X11R7.0 has a single X server binary called Xorg.
This binary can either have one or more video and input drivers linked in
statically, or more usually, dynamically, and in that manner load the video
drivers, input drivers, and other modules that are needed.

X11R6.9 has X server support for most UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems
on Intel/x86 platforms, plus support for Linux and some BSD OSs on Alpha,
PowerPC, IA-64, AMD64, Sparc, and Mips platforms, and for Darwin on PowerPC.
X11R7.0 has X server currently has support for Linux and Solaris, and is
expected to have other platform support in X11R7.1.

4.1  Loader and Modules

The X server has a built-in run-time loader, which can load normal object
files and libraries in most of the commonly used formats.  The loader does
not rely on an operating system's native dynamic loader support and it works
on platforms that do not provide this feature.  This  allows  for the modules
to be operating system independent (although not, of course, CPU architecture
independent) which means that a module compiled on Linux/x86 can be loaded by
an X server running on Solaris/x86, or FreeBSD, or even OS/2.

A main benefit of this, is that when modules are updated, they do not need to
be recompiled for every different operating system.  The loader in version
6.9/7.0 has support for Intel (x86), Alpha and PowerPC platforms.  It also
has preliminary support for Sparc platforms.

The X server makes use of modules for video drivers, X server extensions,
font rasterisers, input device drivers, framebuffer layers (like mfb, cfb,
etc), and internal components used by some drivers (like XAA),

The module interfaces (both API and ABI) used in this release are subject to
change without notice.  While we will attempt to provide backward compatibil-
ity for the module interfaces as of the 4.0 release (meaning that 4.0 modules
will work with future core X server binaries), we cannot guarantee this.
Compatibility in the other direction is explicitly not guaranteed because new
modules may rely on interfaces added in new releases.

Note about module security

     The X server runs with root privileges, i.e., the X server loadable
     modules also run with these privileges.  For this reason we recom-
     mend that all users be careful to only use loadable modules from
     reliable sources,  otherwise the introduction of viruses and con-
     taminated code can occur and wreak havoc on your system.  We hope
     to have a mechanism for signing/verifying the modules that we pro-
     vide available in a future release.

4.2  Configuration File

The X server uses a configuration file as the primary mechanism for providing
configuration and run-time parameters.  The configuration file format is
described in detail in the xorg.conf(5) manual page.

This release comes with a graphical configuration tool called "xorgcfg",
which also has a text mode interface and can be used to create an initial
configuration file. It can also be used to customise existing configurations.

Next in the order of configuration preferences is to use the Xorg server's
ability to create a starting configuration file.  Run as root:

     Xorg -configure

 and follow the instructions.

Finally, if all else fails, the trusty old standby text-based tool "xorgcon-
fig" can also be used for generating X server config files.

At least one, and hopefully, all of these configuration options will give you
a reasonable starting point for a suitable configuration file.  With the
automatic mechanism you might even find that you don't need one!

If you do need to customize the configuration file, see the xorg.conf manual
page.  You can also check the driver-specific manual pages and the related
documentation (found at tables below (section , page ) also.

4.3  Command Line Options

Command line options can be used to override some default parameters and
parameters provided in the configuration file.  These command line options
are described in the Xorg(1) manual page.

4.4  XAA

The XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA) was completely rewritten from
scratch for XFree86 4.x and is used in X11R6.9/X11R7.0.  Most drivers imple-
ment acceleration by making use of the XAA module.  The Xorg server will
accept modules built either for XFree86 4.4 servers or its own.

4.5  Multi-head

Some multi-head configurations are supported in X11R6.9/X11R7.0, primarily
with multiple PCI/AGP cards.

One of the main problems is with drivers not sufficiently initialising cards
that were not initialised at boot time.  This has been improved somewhat with
the INT10 support that is used by most drivers (which allows secondary card
to be "soft-booted", but in some cases there are other issues that still need
to be resolved.  Some combinations can be made to work better by changing
which card is the primary card (either by using a different PCI slot, or by
changing the system BIOS's preference for the primary card).

4.6  Xinerama

Xinerama is an X server extension that allows multiple physical screens to
behave as a single screen.  With traditional multi-head in X11, windows can-
not span or cross physical screens.  Xinerama removes this limitation.  Xin-
erama does, however, require that the physical screens all have the same root
depth, so it isn't possible, for example, to use an 8-bit screen together
with a 16-bit screen in Xinerama mode.

Xinerama is not enabled by default, and can be enabled with the +xinerama
command line option for the X server.

Xinerama was included with X11R6.4.  The version included in X11R6.9/X11R7.0
was completely rewritten for improved performance and correctness.

Known problems:

   o Most window managers are not Xinerama-aware, and so some operations like
     window placement and resizing might not behave in an ideal way.  This is
     an issue that needs to be dealt with in the individual window managers,
     and isn't specifically an X server problem.

4.7  DGA version 2

DGA 2.0 is included in 6.9/7.0.  Documentation for the client libraries can
be found in the XDGA(3) man page.  A good degree of backwards compatibility
with version 1.0 is provided.

4.8  DDC

The VESA Display Data Channel (DDC[tm]) standard allows the monitor to tell
the video card (or on some cases the computer directly) about itself; partic-
ularly the supported screen resolutions and refresh rates.

Partial or complete DDC support is available in most of the video drivers.
DDC is enabled by default, but can be disabled with a "Device" section entry:
Option "NoDDC".  We have support for DDC versions 1 and 2; these can be dis-
abled independently with Option "NoDDC1" and Option "NoDDC2".

At startup the server prints out DDC information from the display, and can
use this information to set the default monitor parameters, or to warn about
monitor sync limits if those provided in the configuration file don't match
those that are detected.

4.8.1  Changed behavior caused by DDC.

Several drivers uses DDC information to set the screen size and pitch.  This
can be overridden by explicitly resetting it to the and non-DDC default value
75 with the -dpi 75 command line option for the X server, or by specifying
appropriate screen dimensions with the "DisplaySize" keyword in the "Monitor"
section of the config file.

4.9  GLX and the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)

Direct rendered OpenGL support is provided for several hardware platforms by
the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI).  Further information about DRI can
be found at the DRI Project's web site <URL:>.  The 3D core
rendering component is provided by Mesa <URL:>.

4.10  XVideo Extension (Xv)

The XVideo extension is supported in X11R6.7.x.  An XvQueryPortAttributes
function has been added as well as support for XvImages.  XvImages are XIm-
ages in alternate color spaces such as YUV and can be passed to the server
through shared memory segments.  This allows clients to display YUV data with
high quality hardware scaling and filtering.

4.11  X Rendering Extension (Render)

The X Rendering extension provides a 2D rendering model that more closely
matches application demands and hardware capabilities.  It provides a render-
ing model derived from Plan 9 based on Porter/Duff image composition rather
than binary raster operations.

Using simple compositing operators provided by most hardware, Render can draw
anti-aliased text and geometric objects as well as perform translucent image
overlays and other image operations not possible with the core X rendering

Unlike the core protocol, Render provides no font support for applications,
rather it allows applications to upload glyphs for display on the screen.
This allows the client greater control over text rendering and complete
access to the available font information while still providing hardware
acceleration.  The Xft library provides font access for Render applications.

4.11.1  The Xft Library

On the client side, the Xft library provides access to fonts for applications
using the FreeType library, version 2.  One important thing to note is that
Xft uses the vertical size of the monitor to compute accurate pixel sizes for
provided point sizes; if your monitor doesn't provide accurate information
via DDC, you may want to add that information to xorg.conf.

To allow a graceful transition for applications moving from core text render-
ing to the Render extension, Xft can use either the core rendering requests
or the Render extension for text.  See the section on FreeType support in Xft
for instructions on configuring X11R6.9/X11R7.0 to use an existing FreeType

The Xft library uses configuration files, /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and
/etc/fonts/local.conf, which contains information about which directories
contain font files and also provides a sophisticated font aliasing mechanism.
Documentation for that file is included in the Xft(3) man page.

4.11.2  Application Support For Anti-Aliased Text

Only four applications have been modified in X11R6.9/X11R7.0 to work with the
Render extension and the Xft and FreeType libraries to provide anti-aliased
text: xterm, xditview, x11perf and xclock.  Migration of other applications
may occur in future releases.

By default, xterm uses core fonts through the standard core API.  It has a
command line option and associated resource to direct it to use Xft instead:

   o -fa family / .VT100.faceName: family.  Selects the font family to use.

Xditview will use Xft instead of the core API by default.  X11perf includes
tests to measure the performance of text rendered in three ways, anti-
aliased, anti-aliased with sub-pixel sampling and regular chunky text, but
through the Render extension, a path which is currently somewhat slower than
core text.

Xclock uses the Render extension to draw the analog face and shares the -fa
option and faceName resources with xterm to select a font for the digital

4.12  Other extensions

The XFree86-Misc extension has not been fully ported to the new server archi-
tecture yet.  This should be completed in a future release.

The XFree86-VidModeExtension extension has been updated, and mostly ported to
the new server architecture.  The area of mode validation needs further work,
and the extension should be used with care.  This extension has support for
changing the gamma setting at run-time, for modes where this is possible.
The xgamma utility makes use of this feature.  Compatibility with the 3.3.x
version of the extension is provided.  The missing parts of this extension
and some new features should be completed in a future release.

4.13  xedit

Xedit has several new features, including:

   o An embedded lisp interpreter that allows easier extension of the editor.

   o Several new syntax highlight modes, and indentation rules for C and

   o Flexible search/replace interface that allows regex matches.

   o Please refer to xedit(1) for more details.

   o XPrint support.

4.14  Font support

Details about the font support in X11R6.9.x/X11R7.0.x can be found in the
README.fonts document.

4.15  TrueType support

X11R6.7 came with two TrueType backends.  The functionality from the `X-True-
Type' backend has been integrated into the `FreeType' backend which is
designed to transparently support all of the functionality from the `X-True-
Type' backend with the exception of the font encoding libraries; the
`FreeType' backend uses only the fontenc-based encoding system .

4.16  CID font support

Support for CID-keyed fonts is included in X11R6.9/X11R7.0 The CID-keyed font
format was designed by Adobe Systems <URL:> for fonts
with large character sets.  The CID-keyed font support in X11R6.9/X11R7.0 was
donated by SGI <URL:>.  See the LICENSE document for a copy
of the CID Font Code Public License.

4.17  Internationalisation of the scalable font backends

X11R6.9/X11R7.0 has a ``fontenc'' layer to allow the scalable font backends
to use a common method of font re-encoding.  This re-encoding makes it possi-
ble to uses fonts in encodings other than their their native encoding.  This
layer is used by the Type1 and FreeType backends.

4.18  Large font optimisation

The glyph metrics array, which all the X clients using a particular font have
access to, is placed in shared memory, so as to reduce redundant memory con-
sumption.  For non-local clients, the glyph metrics array is transmitted in a
compressed format.

4.19  Unicode/ISO 10646 support

What is included in X11R6.9/X11R7.0

   o All ``-misc-fixed-*'' BDF fonts are now available in the ISO10646-1
     encoding and cover at least the 614 characters found in ISO
     8859-{1-5,7-10,14,15}, CP1252, and MES-1. The non-bold fonts also cover
     all Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) characters, including those found in all
     8-bit MS-DOS/Windows code pages. The 8-bit variants of the ``-misc-
     fixed-*'' BDF fonts (ISO8859-1, ISO8859-2, KOI8-R, etc.) have all been
     automatically generated from the new ISO10646-1 master fonts.

   o Some ``-misc-fixed-*'' BDF ISO10646-1 fonts now cover a comprehensive
     Unicode repertoire of over 3000 characters including all Latin, Greek,
     Cyrillic, Armenian, Gregorian, Hebrew, IPA, and APL characters, plus
     numerous scientific, typographic, technical, and backwards-compatibility
     symbols. Some of these fonts also cover Arabic, Ethiopian, Thai,
     Han/Kanji, Hangul, full ISO 8859, and more. For the 6x13 font there is
     now a 12x13ja Kanji extension and for the 9x18 font there is a 18x18ja
     Kanji/Han/Hangul extension, which covers all ISO-2022-JP-2 (RFC 1554)
     characters. The 9x18 font can also be used to implement simple combining
     characters by accent overstriking. For more information, read Markus
     Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ <URL:

   o Mark Leisher's ClearlyU proportional font (similar to Computer Modern).

   o ISO 10646/Unicode UTF-8 Level 1 support added to xterm (enabled with the
     -u8 option).

   o The Freetype backend (the "freetype" module) supports Unicode-encoded

4.20  Xlib Compose file support and extensions

A more flexible Compose file processing system was added to Xlib in
X11R6.9/X11R7.0.  The compose file is searched for in the following order:

  1.  If the environment variable $XCOMPOSEFILE is set, its value is used as
      the name of the Compose file.

  2.  If the user's home directory has a file named ".XCompose", it is used
      as the Compose file.

  3.  The old method is used, and the compose file is "<xlocaledir>/<locale-

Compose files can now use an "include" instruction.  This allows local modi-
fications to be made to existing compose files without including all of the
content directly.  For example, the system's iso8859-1 compose file can be
included with a line like this:

     include "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose"

There are two substitutions that can be made in the file name of the include
instruction.  %H expands to the user's home directory (the $HOME environment
variable), and %L expands to the name of the locale specific Compose file
(i.e., "<xlocaledir>/<localename>/Compose").

For example, you can include in your compose file the default Compose file by

     include "%L"

and then rewrite only the few rules that you need to change.  New compose
rules can be added, and previous ones replaced.

Finally, it is no longer necessary to specify in the right part of a rule a
locale encoded string in addition to the keysym name.  If the string is omit-
ted, Xlib figures it out from the keysym according to the current locale.
I.e., if a rule looks like:

     <dead_grave> <A> : "\300" Agrave

the result of the composition is always the letter with the "\300" code.  But
if the rule is:

     <dead_grave> <A> : Agrave

the result depends on how Agrave is mapped in the current locale.

4.21  Bitstream Vera fonts

X11R6.9 includes the Bitstream Vera family of typefaces in TrueType format.
This family includes the ``Bitstream Vera Sans'', ``Bitstream Vera Sans
Mono'' and ``Bitstream Vera Serif'' in Roman and Bold varients as well as the
``Bitstream Vera Sans'' and ``Bitstream Vera Sans Mono'' in Oblique and Bold
Oblique.  These fonts include all of the glyphs needed for ISO  8859 parts 1
9 and 15.

The license terms for the Vera fonts are inclued in the file COPYRIGHT.Vera>.

4.22  Luxi fonts from Bigelow and Holmes

The X distribution includes the ``Luxi'' family of Type 1 fonts and TrueType
fonts.  This family consists of the fonts ``Luxi Serif'', ``Luxi Sans'' and
``Luxi Mono'' in Roman, oblique, bold and bold oblique variants.  The True-
Type version have glyphs covering the basic ASCII Unicode range, the Latin 1
range, as well as the Extended Latin range and some additional punctuation
characters.  In particular, these fonts include all the glyphs needed for
ISO 8859 parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13 and 15, as well as all the glyphs in the
Adobe Standard encoding and the Windows 3.1  character set.

The glyph coverage of the Type 1 versions is somewhat reduced, and only cov-
ers ISO 8859 parts 1, 2 and 15 as well as the Adobe Standard encoding.

The Luxi fonts are original designs by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow from
Bigelow and Holmes Inc., who developed the Luxi typeface designs in Ikarus
digital format.  URW++ Design and Development GmbH converted the Ikarus for-
mat fonts to TrueType and Type 1 font programs and implemented the grid-fit-
ting "hints" and kerning tables in the Luxi fonts.

The license terms for the Luxi fonts are included in the file `COPYRIGHT.BH',
as well as in the License document.  For further information, please contact
<> or <>, or consult the URW++ web
site <URL:>.

5.  Miscellaneous

This section describes other items of note for the X11R6.9/X11R7.0 release.

5.1  Legacy keyboard driver phase-out

The legacy keyboard driver is no longer compiled into the X server by default
on certain platforms (including Linux).  The newer kbd driver replaces the
older built-in driver.  It is suggested that, if the X server says that it
cannot load the keyboard driver, then the xorg.conf file should be updated to
use the new kbd driver, which can be done by changing the Driver line in the
InputDevice section.  For example,

     Section "InputDevice"
             Identifier  "Keyboard0"
             Driver      "kbd"

Note that the driver name is case-sensitive.

5.2  Socket directory ownership and permissions

The socket directories created in /tmp are now required to be owned by root
and have their sticky-bit set.  If the permissions are not set correctly, the
component using this directory will print an error message and fail to start.
Common socket directories that are known to be affected include:


These directories are used by the font server, xfs, applications using the
Inter-Client Exchange protocol (ICE) and the X server, respectively.

There are several solutions to the problem of when to create these directo-
ries.  They could be created at install time by the system's installer if the
/tmp dir is persistent.  They could be created at boot time by the system's
boot scripts (e.g., the init.d scripts).  Or, they could be created by PAM
modules at service startup or user login time.

The solution chosen is platform dependent, and the system administrator
should be able to handle creating those directories on any systems that do
not have the correct ownership or permissions.

5.3  Composite exposes extra visuals

When the Composite extension is enabled via xorg.conf or the command line, a
new visual is created.  This visual is different from the other visuals used
by X applications in that it includes an alpha component.  It is used by the
compositing manager and other Composite aware applications.

Most X applications ignore this visual since it is not useful to them; how-
ever some applications mistakenly try to use it, which will cause them to
fail.  An environment variable, XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS, was added to the X11
library to hide this visual from applications that mistakenly try to use it.
If an application fails only when the Composite is enabled, try setting this
environment variable before starting the application.

Since Composite is not enabled by default, it is not expected that this issue
will be visible to most users.

6.  Deprecated components and removal plans

This section lists current plans for removal of obsolete or deprecated compo-
nents in the X.Org releases.  As our releases are open source, users who con-
tinue to require these can find the source in previous releases and continue
to use these, but the X.Org Foundation and its volunteers have decided the
burden of continued maintenance and distribution in the core X11 releases
outweighs the benefits of doing so.  In some cases, this is simply because no
one has volunteered to do continued maintenance, so if software is listed
here that you need, you can contact <> to volunteer
to take over maintainership, either inside or outside of the Xorg release

      Display Postscript (DPS)
            The DPS software is included and built by default (except as
            noted in README.dps) in the X.Org X11R6.8 release series.  The
            software will be included, but not built unless specifically con-
            figured by the builder, in the X.Org X11R6.9 release series.  At
            this time, X.Org does not plan to include any of the DPS software
            in X11R7.0 or later releases.  For more information, see xc/pro-
            grams/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/README.dps in the X.Org source

7.  Attributions/Acknowledgements/Credits

This section lists the credits for the X11R6.9/X11R7.0 release.  For a more
detailed breakdown, refer to the ChangeLog file in the X.Org source tree, the
ChangeLog's in  or the 'cvs log' information for individual source files."

      These people contributed in some way to X11R6.9/X11R7.0
            Kenneth Aafly, Dave Airlie, Andrew C. Aitchison, Antti Ajanki,
            Stuart Anderson, Eric Anholt, Xavier Bachelot, Joshua Baergen,
            Terry Barnaby, Jesse Barnes, Michael Banck, Olivier Baudron,
            Dominik Behr, J. Scott Berg, Cedric Berger, Donnie Berkholz,
            Thomas Biege, Billy Biggs, Jrg Billeter, Dmitry Bolkhovitanov,
            Andy Bowers, Peter Breitenlohner, Kevin Brosius, Rob Brown, Jan
            Brunner, Andy Burrows, Lennert Buytenhek, Neil Campbell, Pierre
            Chifflier, Juliusz Chroboczek, Andrew Church, David M. Clay,
            James Cloos, Alan Coopersmith, Jay Cotton, Bill Crawford, Grze-
            gorz Dbrowski, Michel Dnzer, Kevin DeKorte, Leif Delgass,
            Vladimir Dergachev, Alex Deucher, Stefaan DeRoeck, Bogdan Dia-
            conescu, Thomas Dickey, Fabio M. Di Nitto, Stefan Dirsch, Dima
            Dorfman, Egbert Eich, Hannes Eriksson, Chris Evans, Mike Fabian,
            Helmut Fahrion, Micha Feigin, Werner Fink, Jordan Frank, Fabian
            Franz, Matthias Frlich, George Fufutos, Bdale Garbee, Jim Get-
            tys, Chris Gilbert, Jerome Glisse, Ortwin Glck, Shelley Gong,
            Michael Gor, Alexander Gottwald, Peter Grehan, Nicolai Haehnle,
            Bruno Haible, Miroslav Halas, Mike A. Harris, Colin Harrison,
            John Harper, Olli Helenius, Bjorn Helgaas, Thomas Hellstrm, Olaf
            Hering, Matthieu Herrb, Benjamin Herrenschmidt, Ivor Hewitt,
            Masakazu HIGAKI, Leon Ho, Jay Hobson, Kristian Hgsberg, Fredrick
            Hglund, Gerte Hoogewerf, Matthias Hopf, Tony Houghton, Alan
            Hourihane, Jeremy Huddleston, Falk Hueffner, Adam Jackson, Kean
            Johnston, Nicolas Joly, Dave Jones, Anders Kaseorg, Egmont
            Koblinger, Greg Kroah-Hartman, Felix Kuehling, Markus Kuhn, Klaus
            Kusche, Vladimir Kushnir, Marc Aurele La France, Julien Lafon,
            Pierre Lalet, Philip Langdale, Sam Lau, Nolan Leake, Germain Le-
            Chapelain, Chris Lee, Allen Leinwand, Vincent Le Ligeour,
            Jonathan Lennox, Dejan Lesjak, Terry Lewis, Sophia Li, Vedran
            Ljubovic, Andreas Luik, Lubos Lunak, Torrey T. Lyons, Stephen
            Kennedy, Mark Kettenis, Mark Kilgard, Min Sik Kim, Lars Knoll,
            Egmont Koblinger, David Krause, Stuart Kreitman, Tomohiro
            KUBOITA, Eric Kunze, Paul Mackerras, Roland Mainz, Stephane
            Marchesin, Kevin E. Martin, David Martnez Moreno, Ferris
            McCormick, Mark McLoughlin, Dan McNichol, Marcus Meissner, Fred-
            erico Mena-Quintero, Robert Millan, David S. Miller, Srgio
            Montero Basto, Thomas J. Moore, Jeff Muizelaar, Shrijeet Mukher-
            jee, ISHIKAWA Mutsumi, Gustavo Noronha Silva, Krzysztof Nowicki,
            Mike Owens, Keith Packard, Drew Parsons, Brian Paul, Diego Pet-
            ten, Sren Sandmann Pedersen, Pieter Peers, Hong Bo Peng, Rune
            Petersen, Daphne Pfister, Andrew Pimlott, Aaron Plattner, Bill
            Randle, Joris van Rantwijk, Anuradha Ratnaweera, Jeremy C. Reed,
            Thomas Reifferscheid, Alex Reisen, Bernhard Reiter, Andreas
            Robinson, Branden Robinson, Felipe Rodriguez, Ian Romanick, Alex
            Romosan, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer, Jeroen Ruigrok, Zack Rusin, Leo
            Savernik, Christophe Saout, Marcus Schaefer, Roland Scheidegger,
            David Schleef, Michael Schroeder, Andreas Schuldei, Andreas
            Schwab, Stanislaw Skowronek, Jon Smirl, Jeff Smith, Jakub Sta-
            chowshi, Sam Stephenson, Tobis Stoeckmann, Daniel Stone, Aivils
            Stoss, James Su, Ienup Sung, Alan Swanson, Aapo Tahkola,
            Hidetoshi Tajima, Owen Taylor, Bob Terek, Samuel Thibault, Sergey
            Tikhonov, Simon Toedt, Yuri Vasilevski, Luc Verhaegen, Mike
            Verona, Ronny V. Vindenes, Mark Vojkovich, Detlef Vollman,
            Stphane VOLTZ, Jochen Voss, Derek Wang, Tim Waugh, Keith
            Whitwell, Nathan J. Williams, Alex Williamson, Thomas Winis-
            chhofer, David Wong, David Woodhouse, Carl Worth, Michael
            Yaroslavtsev, Tim Yamin, Cha Young-Ho, Hui Yu, Austin Yuan, Henry

The X Window System has been a collaborative effort from its inception.  Our
apologies for anyone or organization inadvertently overlooked.  Many individ-
uals (including major contributors) who worked on X are represented by their
employers in this list.

      This product includes software developed by:
            Paul Anderson, Michael Bax, Jehan Bing, Peter Breitenlohner, Alan
            Coopersmith, Egbert Eich, John Dennis, Fabrizio Gennari, Jim Get-
            tys, Alexander Gottwald, Ralf Habacker Mike Harris, Matthieu
            Herrb, Alan Hourihane, Harold L Hunt II, Elliot Lee, Jeremy Katz,
            Kaleb Keithley, Stuart Kreitman, Andreas Luik, Torrey Lyons,
            Roland Mainz, Kevin E. Martin, Takuma Murakami, Kensuke Mat-
            suzaki, Keith Packard, Ivan Pascal, Earle F. Philhower III, Ben-
            jamin Rienfenstahl, Leon Shiman, Toshimitsu Tanaka, Nicholas

            2d3d Inc., 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd., Aaron Plattner, Adam de Boor, Adam
            Jackson, Adobe Systems Inc., After X-TT Project, AGE Logic Inc.,
            Alan Coopersmith, Alan Cox, Alan Hourihane, Alexander Gottwald,
            Alex Deucher, Anders Carlsson, Andreas Luik, Andreas Monitzer,
            Andreas Robinson, Andrew C Aitchison, Andy Ritger, Angus Lees,
            Ani Joshi, Anton Zioviev, Apollo Computer Inc., Apple Computer
            Inc., Ares Software Corp., AT&T Inc., ATI Technologies Inc., BEAM
            Ltd., Ben Skeggs, Benjamin Herrenschmidt, Benjamin Rienfenstahl,
            Bigelow and Holmes, Bill Reynolds, Bitstream Inc., Bogdan Dia-
            conescu, Branden Robinson, Brian Fundakowski Feldman, Brian
            Goines, Brian Paul, Bruno Haible, Bryan Stine, Catharon Produc-
            tions Inc., Charles Murcko, Chen Xiangyang, Chisato Yamauchi,
            Chris Constello, Christian Zietz, Cognition Corp., Compaq Com-
            puter Corporation, Concurrent Computer Corporation, Conectiva
            S.A., Corin Anderson, Craig Struble, Daewoo Electronics Co. Ltd.,
            Dale Schumacher, Damien Miller, Daniel Berrange, Daniel Borca,
            Daniel Stone, Daniver Limited, Daryll Strauss, Data General Cor-
            poration, Dave Airlie, David Bateman, David Dawes, David E. Wex-
            elblat, David Holland, David J. McKay, David McCullough, David
            Mosberger-Tang, David S. Miller, Davor Matic, Deron Johnson,
            Digeo Inc., Digital Equipment Corporation, Dirk Hohndel, Doug
            Anson, Dmitry Golubev, Earle F. Philhower III, Edouard TISSERANT,
            Eduardo Horvath, Egbert Eich, Elliot Lee, Eric Anholt, Eric For-
            tune, Eric Sunshine, Erik Fortune, Erik Nygren, Evans & Suther-
            land Computer Corporation, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto, Fabrizio Gen-
            nari, Felix Kuehling, Finn Thoegersen, Francesco Zappa Nardelli,
            Frank C. Earl, Frederic Lepied, Free Software Foundation Inc.,
            Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu Open Systems Solutions Inc., Fuji Xerox
            Co. Ltd., Geert Uytterhoeven, Gerrit Jan Akkerman, Gerry Toll,
            Glenn G. Lai, GNOME Foundation, Go Watanabe, Greg Kroah-Hartman,
            Greg Parker, Gregory Mokhin, GROUPE BULL, Guy Martin, Hans Oey,
            Harald Koenig, Harm Hanemaayer, Harold L Hunt II, Harry Langen-
            bacher, Henry A. Worth, Hewlett-Packard Company, Hitachi Ltd,
            Holger Veit, Howard Greenwell, Hummingbird Communications Ltd.,
            IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, INTERACTIVE Systems Corpora-
            tion, International Business Machines Corp., Itai Nahshon, Ivan
            Kokshaysky, Ivan Pascal, Jakub Jelinek, James Tsillas, Jason
            Bacon, Jean-loup Gailly, Jeff Hartmann, Jeff Kirk, Jeffrey Hsu,
            Jehan Bing, Jeremy Katz, Jerome Glisse, Jim Gettys, Jim Tsillas,
            John Dennis, John Harper, John Heasley, Jon Block, Jon Smirl, Jon
            Tombs, Jorge Delgado, Jos Fonseca, Joseph Friedman, Joseph V.
            Moss, Juliusz Chroboczek, Jyunji Takagi, Kaleb Keithley, Kazushi
            (Jam) Marukawa, Kazuyuki (ikko-) Okamoto, Kean Johnston, Keith
            Packard, Keith Whitwell, Kensuke Matsuzaki, Kristian Hgsberg,
            Larry Wall, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Leif Delgass, Lennart
            Augustsson, Leon Shiman, Lexmark International Inc., Linus Tor-
            valds, Luc Verhaegen, Machine Vision Holdings Inc., Manfred
            Brands, Marc Aurele La France Mark Adler, Mark J. Kilgard, Mark
            Leisher, Mark Smulders, Mark Vojkovich, Marvin Solomon, Mas-
            sachusetts Institute Of Technology, Matrox Graphics, Matthew
            Grossman, Matthieu Herrb, Metro Link Inc., Michael Bax, Michael
            H. Schimek, Michael P. Marking, Michael Schimek, Michael Smith,
            Michel Daenzer, Mike A. Harris, Ming Yu, MIPS Computer Systems
            Inc., National Semiconductor, NCR Corporation Inc., Netscape Com-
            munications Corporation, Network Computing Devices Inc., Nicholas
            Miell, Nicholas Wourms, Nicolai Haehnle, Noah Levitt, Nolan
            Leake, Novell Inc., Nozomi YTOW, NTT Software Corporation, Number
            Nine Computer Corp., Number Nine Visual Technologies, NVIDIA
            Corp., Oivier Danet, Oki Technosystems Laboratory Inc., OMRON
            Corporation, Open Software Foundation, Orest Zborowski, Owen Tay-
            lor, Pablo Saratxaga, Panacea Inc., Panagiotis Tsirigotis, Paolo
            Severini, Pascal Haible, Patrick Lecoanet, Patrick Lerda, Paul
            Anderson, Paul Elliott, Paul Mackerras, Peter Breitenlohner,
            Peter Kunzmann, Peter Trattler, Philip Homburg, Precision Insight
            Inc., Prentice Hall, Quarterdeck Office Systems, Ralf Habacker
            Randy Hendry, Ranier Keller, Red Hat Inc., Regents of the Univer-
            sity of California, Regis Cridlig, Rene Cougnenc, Richard A.
            Hecker, Richard Burdick, Rich Murphey, Rickard E. Faith, Rik
            Faith, Robert Chesler, Robert Millan, Robert V. Baron, Robin Cut-
            shaw, Roland Mainz, Ronny Vindenes, Russ Blaine, Ryan Breen, Ryan
            Lortie, Ryan Underwood, S3 Graphics Inc., Sam Leffler, SciTech
            Software, Scott Laird, Sebastien Marineau, Shigehiro Nomura, Sho-
            Graphics Inc., Shunsuke Akiyama, Silicon Graphics Computer Sys-
            tems Inc., Silicon Integrated Systems Corp Inc., Silicon Motion
            Inc., Simon P. Cooper, Snitily Graphics Consulting Services, Sony
            Corporation, Sren Sandmann, SRI, Stanislav Brabec, Stefan
            Dirsch, Stephan Lang, Stephane Marchesin, Steven Lang, Stuart
            Kreitman, Sun Microsystems Inc., SunSoft Inc., SuSE Inc, Sven
            Luther, T. A. Phelps, Takis Psarogiannakopoulos, Takuma Murakami,
            Takuya SHIOZAKI, Tektronix Inc., The DOS-EMU-Development-Team,
            The Institute of Software Academia Sinica, The NetBSD Foundation,
            Theo de Raadt, Theodore Ts'o, The Open Group, The Open Software
            Foundation, The Regents of the University of California, The
            Santa Cruz Operation Inc., The Weather Channel Inc., The X Con-
            sortium, The XFree86 Project Inc., Thomas E. Dickey, Thomas G.
            Lane, Thomas Hellstrm, Thomas Mueller, Thomas Roell, Thomas
            Thanner, Thomas Winischhofer, Thomas Wolfram, Thorsten.Ohl, Tiago
            Gons, Todd C. Miller, Tomohiro KUBOTA, Torrey Lyons, Torrey T.
            Lyons, TOSHIBA Corp., Toshimitsu Tanaka, Travis Tilley, Trolltech
            AS, Tungsten Graphics Inc., Tuomas J. Lukka, Ty Sarna, UCHIYAMA
            Yasushi, Unicode Inc., UniSoft Group Limited, University of Utah,
            University of Wisconsin, UNIX System Laboratories Inc., URW++
            GmbH, VA Linux Systems, VIA Technologies Inc., Video Electronics
            Standard, VMware Inc., Vrije Universiteit, Wittawat Yamwong, Wyse
            Technology Inc., X Consortium, Xi Graphics Inc., X-Oz Technolo-
            gies, X-TrueType Server Project and their contributors, Yu Shao.

            This product includes software developed by The XFree86 Project,
            Inc ( and its contributors.

            This produce includes software that is based in part of the work
            of the FreeType Team (

            This product includes software developed by the University of
            California, Berkeley and its contributors.

            This product includes software developed by Christopher G.

            This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Founda-
            tion, Inc. and its contributors.

            This product includes software developed by the X-Oz Technologies
            and its contributors.

$XdotOrg: xc/RELNOTES,v 1.10 2005/12/21 05:39:04 kem Exp $