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XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/,v 3.15 2003/12/19 02:05:37 dawes Exp $
XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/,v 1.9 2005/12/20 22:30:48 alanc Exp $

 * This is for SCO Open Server 5.0.6A or later. You must have the
 * Execution Environment update (OSS646) installed on 5.0.6 (it
 * ships standard in 5.0.7 and later), as well as the Graphics,
 * Web and X11 (gwxlibs) package OSS631 installed, which also ships
 * standard with 5.0.7 and later.
 * It is suggested that you use the GNU Development Tools for compiling
 * XFree86. Almost no testing has been done with the native development
 * system.

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			UNIX System V/386 Open Server Release 5
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor		SCO-Group
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		5
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		0
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		7

 * Note: We define FD_SETSIZE here (as opposed to in ConnectionFlags) to
 * guarantee that the same FD_SETSIZE is used. Havoc abounds if we do not
 * do this, as some files which include sys/socket.h and sys/types.h will
 * have different values for FD_SETSIZE.
 * Note 2: We also define _SVID3, as this seems to enable more Streams
 * based options which are closer to the "desired" state for X11. A by-
 * product of this is that we get better signals too.

#ifndef HasGcc2
# define HasGcc2		YES
#ifndef HasGcc3
# define HasGcc3		NO
#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# define HasGcc2ForCplusplus	YES

#ifndef HasGcc
# if HasGcc2 || HasGcc3
#  define HasGcc		YES
# endif

 * Although OpenServer does not currently have threads, there are plans
 * for it in the near future, and libc/libsocket are already thread
 * safe, so use -D_REENTRANT when compiling libraries so that if an
 * app that has either the new forthcoming threads, or one that uses
 * GNU PTH or FSU pthreads is linked against X, that the libraries are
 * safe at least with regards to things like errno and various _r functions.
#ifndef LibraryCCOptions
# define LibraryCCOptions	-D_REENTRANT -DFD_SETSIZE=11000 -D_NO_STATIC -DMAXPATHLEN=1024

#ifndef UseExportLists
# define UseExportLists		NO

#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV -Di386 -DSCO325 -D__SCO__
#if HasGcc
# define DefaultCCOptions	GccWarningOptions
# ifndef CcCmd
#  define CcCmd			gcc
# endif
# ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
#  define DefaultCDebugFlags	-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i586 -mcpu=i586
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i586 -mcpu=i586
# endif
# ifndef CcCmd
#  define CcCmd			cc -belf
# endif
# define DefaultCCOptions	-dy
# ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
#  define DefaultCDebugFlags	-O2
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2
# endif

#define BuildLibPathVar		LD_LIBRARY_PATH

#ifndef HasNCurses
# define HasNCurses		YES
#ifndef NCursesLibName
# define NCursesLibName		-lcurses
#ifndef TermcapLibrary
# define TermcapLibrary		-lcurses

#ifndef BuildXterm
# define BuildXterm		BuildClients

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver	NO

#ifndef LogDirectory
# define LogDirectory		/var/adm

#ifndef DoLoadableServer
# define DoLoadableServer	YES

#if DoLoadableServer
# if HasGcc
#  define SCODynamicFlags	-rdynamic
# else
#  define SCODynamicFlags	-Wl,-Bexport
# endif
# define SCODynamicFlags	/**/

#ifndef BuildFreetypeDlModule
# define BuildFreetypeDlModule	NO

#ifndef AsmDefines
# define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__ -D__PIC__

#ifndef XawI18nDefines

#ifndef ServerExtraSysLibs
# define ServerExtraSysLibs	$(CBRT) -lm SCODynamicFlags

#ifndef ExtraLibraries
# define ExtraLibraries		-lsocket

#ifndef NeedWidePrototypes
# define NeedWidePrototypes	YES

#define SCOBuildFlags		-DFD_SETSIZE=11000 -DMAXPATHLEN=1024 -DPATH_MAX=1024

#define ServerExtraDefines	-D_REENTRANT SCOBuildFlags -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerDefines

#ifndef ThreadedX
# define ThreadedX		NO

#ifndef HasThreadSafeAPI
# define HasThreadSafeAPI	NO

#define HasNdbm			YES
#define HasVFork		YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasSnprintf		NO
#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
#define HasSetenv		NO
#define HasMkstemp		YES
#define ExecableScripts		YES
#define HasShadowPasswd         YES

#define HasSymLinks		YES
#define HasDlopen		YES
#define HasShm			YES
#define HasStrcasecmp		YES
#define HasLdRunPath		YES
#define HasPoll			YES

#ifndef HasGnuMake
# define HasGnuMake		YES

# define HasExpat		YES
# define HasFreetype2		YES
# define HasLibpng		YES
# define HasZlib		YES
# define HasFontconfig		YES

#define InstallHardcopyDocs	NO

#define HasPerl			YES
#define HasPerl5		YES

#ifndef ManSourcePath
# define ManSourcePath		$(MANPATH)/man

#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES
#define RemoveDSDENroffMacros	NO

#ifndef CompressManPages
# define CompressManPages	NO
#ifndef HasLibCrypt
# define HasLibCrypt		YES
# define SpecialLibCrypt	-lcrypt

#ifndef PosixLibraries
# define PosixLibraries          /**/

#ifndef ForceNormalLib
# define ForceNormalLib		NO 

#define SharedLibXmu		YES
#define SystemV			YES
#define LdCombineFlags		-r 

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#define PatheticCpp		YES

#define MesaUseX86Asm		NO

#define MakeNamedTargetSubdir(dir,flags,subname)\
	$(MAKE) -C dir $(MFLAGS) $(PARALLELMFLAGS) flags subname

#define ArCmdBase		ar

#ifndef AsCmd
# define AsCmd			CcCmd

#ifndef CppCmd
# define CppCmd			/lib/cpp

#ifndef PreProcessCmd
# define PreProcessCmd		CppCmd

#ifndef RawCppCmd
# define RawCppCmd		CppCmd

#ifndef LdCmd
# define LdCmd			CcCmd

#ifdef HasGcc2
# ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
#  define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
# endif
# undef LdCombineFlags
# define LdCombineFlags		-nostdlib -r

#ifndef LexCmd
# define LexCmd			/usr/gnu/bin/flex

#ifndef MakeCmd
# define MakeCmd                /usr/gnu/bin/gmake

#ifndef YaccCmd
# define YaccCmd		/usr/gnu/bin/bison -y

#ifndef InstallCmd
# define InstallCmd		/usr/gnu/bin/ginstall

#ifndef UseSeparateConfDir
# define UseSeparateConfDir	NO

#ifndef BuildHtmlManPages
# define BuildHtmlManPages	NO

#ifndef DefaultUserPath
# define DefaultUserPath	/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/bin/X11:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin:/etc

#ifndef DefaultSystemPath
# define DefaultSystemPath	/etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/bin/X11

#define ConnectionFlags		-DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN 

#define ExportListGenSource	elistgen.usl
#define ShlibExportListOpt(filename)	Concat(-Bexport:,filename)

 * These settings control the interdependence of the shared libraries.
 * Mostly borrowed from darwinLib.tmpl.
#ifndef FixupLibReferences
#define FixupLibReferences()						@@\
Mike Gabriel's avatar
Mike Gabriel committed
XMULIBONLY = -lXmu							@@\
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380

#ifndef XawClientLibs

#define SharedXlibi18nReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIBONLY)

#define SharedXfontReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(FONTSTUBLIB) GzipLibrary $(FREETYPE2LIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedFontencReqs	$(LDPRELIB) GzipLibrary
#define SharedGLReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedGLUReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
#define SharedOSMesaReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
#define SharedSMReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(ICELIB)
#define SharedX11Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) -lsocket
#define SharedXaw7Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXaw6Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXcursorReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXextReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXiReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmuReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmuuReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXpReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXpmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXrandrReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXrenderReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXtReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB)
#define SharedXtstReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXvReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedDPSReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedOldXReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedpsresReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXResReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXfontcacheReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXineramaReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXssReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXvMCReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXxf86miscReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXxf86vmReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedxkbfileReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedxkbuiReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XKBFILELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXReqs		$(XTOOLLIB) $(XPLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) SharedXReqs
#define SharedMrmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
#define SharedUilReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs

#define ObjectFromAsmSource(src,flags)					@@\
src.o: src.S								@@\
	RemoveFile(src.o)						@@\
	$(CC) -c AsmDefines $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) flags src.S

#include <scoLib.rules>		/* minor changes to sv4Lib.rules */
#include <sv4Lib.rules>

#include <>