This directory (xc/extras) contains packages that are maintained outsideof XFree86, but which are included with the base XFree86 distribution.Each such package should be imported on its own vendor branch (seethe README.XFree86 file in each subdirectory for specific 'cvs import'details). 'XFree86' RCS ident lines should only be added to files thathave XFree86-specific changes. Binary files should not normally beimported.Packages included here must be redistributable under conditions compatiblewith the XFree86 redistribution conditions (seexc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/COPYRIGHT for examples of compatiblelicences).$XFree86: xc/extras/README,v 1.1 1998/08/29 08:01:42 dawes Exp $