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XCOMM $Xorg:,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $

XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/,v 3.15 2002/08/19 03:16:31 tsi Exp $

#ifndef HasGcc
#define HasGcc      YES
#ifndef HasGcc2
#define HasGcc2     YES
#ifndef HasGcc3
#define HasGcc3     NO
#ifndef GccUsesGas
#define GccUsesGas  NO
#ifndef UseGas
#define UseGas      NO
#ifndef GnuCpp
#define GnuCpp      NO

#ifndef Gcc2MOption
# if HasGcc2
#  define Gcc2MOption /* */
# else
#  define Gcc2MOption /* */
# endif

#ifndef HasShadowPasswd
# define HasShadowPasswd	YES

#ifndef HasLibCrypt
# define HasLibCrypt		NO

#ifndef HasSVR3mmapDrv
# define HasSVR3mmapDrv		NO

#if HasSVR3mmapDrv
# define SVR3mmapFlags		-DHAS_SVR3_MMAPDRV
# define SVR3mmapFlags 		/**/

#ifndef HasSockets
# define HasSockets		YES

#ifndef XmanSearchPath
#define XmanSearchPath		/usr/man

 *	Most SVR3 do not have symbolic links, only some of the newer ones
#ifndef HasSymLinks
# define HasSymLinks NO

#ifndef MotifBC
# define MotifBC	       	YES

#ifndef CompressAllFonts
# define CompressAllFonts	YES

 * A default OS name
#ifndef OSName
#ifdef i386Architecture
#define	OSName	UNIX System V/386 Release 3
#define	OSName	UNIX System V Release 3
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor /**/

 * The default version will be 3.0.0 which should be
 * the least common denominator of all SVR3

#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define	OSMajorVersion	3
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define	OSMinorVersion	0
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define	OSTeenyVersion	0
#ifndef BootstrapCFlags
#ifdef SYSV386
#define BootstrapCFlags         -DSYSV -DSYSV386
#define BootstrapCFlags         -DSYSV

/* Some stuff that all SYSV's should have */

#define SystemV	YES

#ifndef NeedBerklib
#define NeedBerklib	YES
#ifndef HasPoll
#define HasPoll		YES
#ifndef SVR3Architecture
#define SVR3Architecture
#ifndef PatheticCpp
#define PatheticCpp	YES

#ifndef StandardDefines
#ifdef i386Architecture
#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV OSDefines -Di386
#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV OSDefines

#ifndef ServerOSDefines
# ifdef i386Architecture
#  define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerOSDefines
# else
#  define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# endif

#ifndef XawI18nDefines
# define XawI18nDefines          -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING

#ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
# if HasGcc2
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#   define DefaultCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
#  else
#   define DefaultCDebugFlags -O2
#  endif
# else
#  define DefaultCDebugFlags -O
# endif

#ifndef LdCombineFlags
#define LdCombineFlags	-r

#if HasGcc
# if HasGcc2
#  define DefaultCCOptions Gcc2MOption -DNO_ASM -fpcc-struct-return \
#  define LibraryCCOptions Gcc2MOption -DNO_ASM -fpcc-struct-return
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#   define OptimizedCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt
#  else
#   define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
#  endif
# else
#  define DefaultCCOptions -DNO_ASM -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings
#  define LibraryCCOptions -DNO_ASM -fpcc-struct-return
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O -fstrength-reduce
# endif
# define ShlibDefines -D__GNUC__ $(XDMAUTHDEFS)
# define ShlibDefines $(XDMAUTHDEFS)

#ifndef Malloc0ReturnsNull
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES

#ifndef SocketLibraries
# define SocketLibraries /**/
#ifndef LocalLibraries
# define LocalLibraries /**/
#ifndef ExtraLibraries
# if HasSockets
#  define ExtraLibraries SocketLibraries LocalLibraries
# else
#  define ExtraLibraries LocalLibraries
# endif

#if RemoveDSDENroffMacros
# define RemoveDSDENroffMacrosCmd sed -e '/^\.D[S|E]$$/d' 
# define RemoveDSDENroffMacrosCmd cat

#ifndef ConnectionFlags
# define ConnectionFlags	-DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN

#ifndef FormattedManPages
# define FormattedManPages	YES

#ifndef ManSuffix
# define ManSuffix               1x
# define ManDir			$(MANSOURCEPATH)1
#ifndef LibManSuffix
# define LibManSuffix            3x
# define LibmanDir		$(MANSOURCEPATH)3
#ifndef FileManSuffix
# define FileManSuffix           4

 * Compress manual pages, default on ISC and SCO
#ifndef CompressManPages
# define CompressManPages        YES

 * The .DS and .DE macros used in some manual pages are obsolete
 * in the often used ISC's Textprocessing Workbench 2.1.0 and break it,
 * so it's better to remove these previously
#ifndef RemoveDSDENroffMacros
# define RemoveDSDENroffMacros   NO

#if RemoveDSDENroffMacros
# define RemoveDSDENroffMacrosCmd sed -e '/^\.D[S|E]$$/d' 
# define RemoveDSDENroffMacrosCmd cat

#ifndef CompressManCmd
# define CompressManCmd @true

     RMDSDEMACCMD = RemoveDSDENroffMacrosCmd
   COMPRESSMANCMD = CompressManCmd

#if FormattedManPages

#ifndef InstallManPageLong
#define InstallManPageLong(file,destdir,dest)                           @@\
BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,$(MANSUFFIX))				@@\
									@@\                                                  @@\
        MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir)                                      @@\
        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX)*                      @@\
        $(RMDSDEMACCMD) | neqn | nroff -man >/tmp/     @@\
        $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/ $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX) @@\
        -$(COMPRESSMANCMD) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.$(MANSUFFIX)          @@\
        $(RM) /tmp/

#ifndef InstallGenManPageLong
#define InstallGenManPageLong(file,destdir,dest,suffix)                 @@\
BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,suffix)				@@\
									@@\                                                  @@\
        MakeDir($(DESTDIR)destdir)                                      @@\
        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.suffix*                            @@\
        $(RMDSDEMACCMD) | neqn | nroff -man >/tmp/     @@\
        $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/ $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.suffix @@\
        -$(COMPRESSMANCMD) $(DESTDIR)destdir/dest.suffix                @@\
        $(RM) /tmp/

#ifndef InstallMultipleMan
#define InstallMultipleMan(list,dest)                                   @@\ list                                                      @@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)						@@\
        @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \                    @@\
        for i in list; do \                                             @@\
                (MNAME=`echo $$i | cut -f1 -d.`; \			@@\
		set -x; \						@@\
                $(RM) $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}*; \                      @@\
                $(RMDSDEMACCMD) $$i | neqn | nroff -man >/tmp/$$i; \    @@\
                $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) /tmp/$$i $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}.$(MANSUFFIX); \      @@\
                $(COMPRESSMANCMD) $(DESTDIR)dest/$${MNAME}.$(MANSUFFIX); \  @@\
                $(RM) /tmp/$$i); \                                      @@\

 * InstallManPageAliases - generate rules to install manual page aliases.
 * (Make hard links on SVR3.)
#ifndef InstallManPageAliasesBase
#define InstallManPageAliasesBase(file,destdir,aliases)			@@\                                                           @@\
        @(SUFFIX=`echo $(DESTDIR)destdir/file.* | cut -f2,3 -d.`; \     @@\
        for i in aliases; do (set -x; \                                 @@\
        $(RM) $(DESTDIR)destdir/$$i.*; \                                @@\
        (cd $(DESTDIR)destdir; $(LN) file.$${SUFFIX} \                  @@\
        $$i.$${SUFFIX})); \                                             @@\

#ifndef InstallManPageAliases
#define InstallManPageAliases(file,destdir,aliases)			@@\
InstallHtmlManPageAliases(file,aliases,$(MANSUFFIX))			@@\

#ifndef InstallGenManPageAliases
#define InstallGenManPageAliases(file,destdir,suffix,aliases)		@@\
InstallHtmlManPageAliases(file,aliases,suffix)				@@\

#endif /* FormattedManPages */

/* If you have trouble with make bombing out in Xlib, try uncommenting this. */
/* You will not get dependencies as a result, but better than nothing. */
#ifndef MakeHashTableBug
#define MakeHashTableBug        NO

#if MakeHashTableBug
#define DependTarget3(srcs1,srcs2,srcs3)

#include <sv3Lib.rules>

#ifdef i386Architecture
#include <>