012_nxcomp_makefile-uninstall+autoconf.full+lite.patch 2.44 KB
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Description: Add install and uninstall stanzas to nxcomp/Makefile, honor ac dirs
 Provide install and uninstall functionality in nxcomp/Makefile.
 Honor autoconf's libdir (and includedir, while at it). This is a
 must-have for multiarch platforms like x86_64 et al where multiple
 forms of libraries can be installed at the same time.
Forwarded: pending...
Author: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
Author: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@medozas.de>
Last-Update: 2012-02-14
--- a/nxcomp/Makefile.in
+++ b/nxcomp/Makefile.in
@@ -64,10 +64,15 @@
 bindir      = @bindir@
 man1dir     = @mandir@/man1
 VPATH       = @srcdir@
+libdir      = @libdir@
+includedir  = @includedir@
 INSTALL         = @INSTALL@
+INSTALL_LINK    = cp -av
+DESTDIR         =
+RM_FILE         = rm -f
 # This should be autodetected.
@@ -264,12 +269,44 @@
 		touch depend.status
-install:	install.bin install.man
+install:	install.bin install.lib install.man
+install.lib: all
+	./mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx
+	./mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBFULL)              $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
+	$(INSTALL_LINK) libXcomp.so.3           $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx
+	$(INSTALL_LINK) libXcomp.so             $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) libXcomp.a              $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) NX*.h                   $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) MD5.h                   $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx
+	echo "Running ldconfig tool, this may take a while..." && ldconfig || true
+uninstall:	uninstall.bin uninstall.lib uninstall.man
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx/$(LIBFULL)
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx/libXcomp.so.3
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx/libXcomp.so
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${libdir}/nx/libXcomp.a
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXalert.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NX.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXmitshm.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXpack.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXproto.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXrender.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/NXvars.h
+	$(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/nx/MD5.h
+	echo "Running ldconfig tool, this may take a while..." && ldconfig || true
 		-rm -f *~ *.o *.bak *.orig *.rej st?????? core core.* *.out.* \